Date 10/1/06
Goal One: Pursue core funding commensurate with the current size, mission, and character of Western so that the benefits of our comparative efficiencies can continue to be provided to students without compromising quality.Objective
Action Item / Person(s) Responsible / Date Due / % Complete
A. Work with the Legislature and the Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE) to clarify the mission and character of Western. / President
Liaison – VP for FPA
Action Item(s):
- Gather data that reflects the current character and mission
- Develop communication materials
- Develop procedures for measuring the effectiveness
B. Work with the Legislature and the CBHE to achieve core-funding equity for Western. / President
Liaison – VP for FPA
Action Item(s):
- Gather data to support equity funding
- Develop communication materials about equity
Goal Two: Continue to focus on education value per dollar.
Action Item / Person(s) Responsible / Date Due / Progress Level
(% Complete)
A. Maintain the high percentage of student and state funds that go to instruction, academic support, student services and scholarships. / President’s Cabinet
Action Item(s):
- Monitor % of funds for these uses
- Communicate the commitment to students through expenditure proportions
- Evaluate the distribution of new funds
B. Ensure that new programs add significant and lasting value to the students and Western. / President’s Cabinet
Action Item(s):
- Develop processes to assess long-term program value for:
Academic Programs & Administrative Programs / Liaison – VP for ASA and VP for FPA /
C. Expand and package financial assistance for students in ways that contribute to their education and lifelong successes. / President’s CabinetAction Item(s):
- Establish a Student Financial Assistance Committee with participation from Admissions, Financial Aid, Foundations, Accounting Services, Business Office, Student employment, etc.
and VP for ASA / January
1, 2003 / 100%
- Link types of student financial assistance
- Develop inter-source communications links
2003 / 100%
- Developed methodology to measure effectiveness
June 1, 2007
/ 75%- Review Student Employment and Work Study
Student Employ Committee
/April 1, 2007
/ 75%Goal Three: Develop capital revenue sources that will allow continued investment in educational technology, structures, grounds, and equipment and that will protect existing assets through maintenance and modernization.
Action Item / Person(s) Responsible / Date Due / Progress Level
(% Complete)
A. Develop medium and long-term capital asset acquisition plans and resources. / Cabinet
Action Item(s):
- Annually review capital plans
July 1 / 100%
- Develop additional capital funding sources
B. Ensure that capital asset acquisition and initial use plans include consideration of adequate funding for maintenance and modernization. / Cabinet
Action Item(s):
- Develop modernization/replacement schedule for capital assets
Director of Physical Plant / Jan 1
2007 / 50%
- Add maintenance, operating, and replacement expense segments to the capital planning process
- Ensure that the risk manager is included in the capital planning process
Goal Four: Coordinate institutional goals and activities to extend and expand our success within the Western family.
Action Item / Person(s) Responsible / Date Due / Progress Level
(% Complete)
A. Develop an Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs that can provide professional growth opportunities for faculty, staff, and students as well as funding assistance to the institution / V P for ASA
Action Item(s):
- Identify the organizational structure and leadership for the Office
- Identify start-up funding for the Office
- Develop an indirect cost allocation policy
- Develop a proposal submission process
- Insure effective communication between the OGSP, Western Research Institute, and Foundation
B. Develop the Western Institute’s Centers for Applied Research to offer sponsored research and policy development assistance to the region. / V P for ASA
Action Item(s):
- Identify the organizational structure and leadership for the Office
- Insure effective communication between the OGSP, Western Research Institute and Foundation
- Develop an indirect cost allocation policy
C. Work in partnership with Western’s Foundation to support the plans and goals of Western. / President’s Cabinet
Action Item(s):
- Establish a campus Development Council for the purpose of formalizing communication and collaboration between the Foundation, Office of Institutional Advancement, OGSP, and the Western Institute.
- Develop a process for identifying and prioritizing fundraising needs in accordance with the college’s strategic plan.
Development Council / April 2005 and annually / 100%
- Create a process to encourage the involvement of faculty, staff and administration in the identification and cultivation of key constituent prospects.
Development Council / April 2005 and Ongoing / 100%
D. Work in partnership with the Alumni Services to support the plans and goals of Western. / President’s Cabinet
Action Item(s):
- Develop a plan to initiate on-campus programs and events that promote a fraternal spirit and pride among alumni and create a desire for them to support and promote Western.
Ongoing / 100%
- Insure effective communication between the Alumni Services, the Foundation and Missouri Western.
- Develop a plan to increase the affinity of current students to encourage their continued support and involvement post graduation.
E. Enhance the Western Institute’s Continuing Education unit as a source of services to the regional community and as a vehicle for pursuing our Western priorities. / Dean of Western Institute
Liaison – VP ASA
Action Item(s):
- Review the external roles of Continuing Education
- Identify focus areas for CE efforts
- Ensure adequate funding for CE efforts