Chapter 4 Enrichment Project

Name: ______Date:______Hour:____ Teacher:______


1.)  Students will log on to the Online Book.

2.)  They will need to go to Chapter 4 on the Drop Down menu.

3.)  After they Select Chapter 4, hit go.

4.)  When the opening page for Chapter 4 is up, Students will select the tab the says “e-activities”

5.)  Students will then explore the online resources.

6.)  As students go through the tours and maps, they will need to take notes over the important dates listed on the Excel Spreadsheet.

7.)  Students will make a timeline of these events with one important detail, one fact, and one illustration. These can be hand drawn or pictures from the Internet.

8.)  Students will complete the timeline using the “Timeliner Software.”


Point Break Down:

1)  Each Date is worth four points apiece.

1Pt. For who is involved

1Pt. For a fact

1Pt. For a detail

1Pt. For an illustration/ Clip Art

2)  In addition another 20 points will come from the Rubric for an over all appearance and understanding. It will be graded using the rubric.

Ch. 4 “Revolutionary War”

Timeline Grading Rubric

CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Time Use / Classroom time was used to work on the project. Conversations were not disruptive and focused on the work. / Classroom time was used to work on the project the majority of the time. Conversations were not disruptive and focused on the work. / Classr Classroom time was
used to work on the project the majority of the time, but conversations often were disruptive or did not focus on the work. / Student did not use classroom time to work on the project and/or was highly disruptive.
Learning of Content / The student can accurately describe 75% (or more) of the events on the timeline without referring to it and can quickly determine which of two events occurred first. / The student can accurately describe 50% of the events on the timeline without referring to it and can quickly determine which of two events occurred first. / The student can describe any event on the timeline if allowed to refer to it and can determine which of two events occurred first. / The student cannot use the timeline effectively to describe events nor to compare events.
Dates / An accurate, complete date has been included for each event. / An accurate, complete date has been included for almost every event. / An accurate date has been included for almost every event. / Dates are inaccurate and/or missing for several events.
Content/Facts / Facts were accurate for all events reported on the timeline. / Facts were accurate for almost all events reported on the timeline. / Facts were accurate for most (~75%) of the events reported on the timeline. / Facts were often inaccurate for events reported on the timeline.
Spelling and Capitalization / Spelling and capitalization were checked by another student and are correct throughout. / Spelling and capitalization were checked by another student and were mostly correct. / Spelling and capitalization were mostly correct, but were not checked by another student. / There were many spelling and capitalization errors.