English II – CP 2nd Block

W1: Jan 12-15 / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Objectives / Goals: / Syllabus and Pacing Guide Preview, Introductions / Grammar Review Parts of Speech / Read and analyze Fiction works / Review Grammar Skills Sentences and Parts of Sentences
Activities: / Syllabus and Pacing Guide
Notes on Fiction
Vocabulary Pre-Test
Quick Grammar Overview / Distribute WWW List 1 worksheet
Notes on parts of speech
Determine Level of Understanding already held by students
Subjects and Predicates
- Simple, Compound, Complex
Practice identifying sentence parts and types / Review vocab hw
Monkey’s Paw (pg 14)
Notes on tone & suspense
Vocabulary in context / HW Check / Review
Share Introduction Projects
Begin Reading The Moment Before the Gun Went off pg 50
Assessments: / Grammar Discussion / Reading Participation / Classwork / Introduction Project
Homework: / Get Papers signed and
Introduction Project / Introduction Project
WWW 1 WS / Monkey’s Paw Notes / HW Questions
Introduction Project / Finish reading story if not finished in class

English II – Honors – 3rd Block

Week 1: Jan 12-15 / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Objectives / Goals: / Syllabus and Pacing Guide Preview, Introductions, Vocabulary Pre Assessment / Career Ready 101 Introduction / Begin Greek Mythology Unit / Review Grammar Skills Sentences and Parts of Sentences
Activities: / Syllabus and Pacing Guide
Greek / Latin Root Word Pre-Assessment
Explanation of Writing Portfolio
Literary Term Intro / Notes / Distribute WWW List 1 worksheet
Review words that have different roots
Reading Diagnostic Pre-Test
Share Introductions / Review Vocab HW
Daily Edit (proofreading)
Notes on Jane Austen
-Distribute AoW #1
-Explain how to annotate AoWs / Daily Edit (proofreading)
Review Vocab HW
-Subjects and Predicates
- Simple, Compound, Complex
Practice identifying sentence parts and types
Discuss AoW annotations
Assessments: / Greek Latin Root Pre-Assessment / Reading Diagnostic Pretest / AoW, notes / Classwork
Homework: / Get Papers signed
Create Introduction
WP1 Due Friday / WP1 Due Friday
WWW Quiz 1 Tuesday / Vocab WB: Unit 1 Syn & Antonym / Write out response to AoW
Vocab WB: Unit 1 Complete the sentence due Friday

SAT/ACT PREP Verbal and Math 4th Block

Week 1: Jan 12-15 / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Objectives / Goals: / Syllabus Review
Course Introduction / Determine Students Reading Rates / SAT Math Pretest / Understand the process for analyzing the Article of the Week
Grammar Review
Activities: / Syllabus Review
Student Introductions
Course Introduction
Explain process for accessing website / Reading Test Pre- Assessment
Math Test Pre-Assessment
Assess present levels
Set goals for improvement in class / Quizlet Review
Create G-mail Technology Assignment – Reading Rate and Signup for SAT Prep e-mails
Career Ready 101 Pretest then work on specific skill levels / Binder Set Up
Math QOD
ACT Pre-Algebra Skill Builder (p. 52-70 from ACT Mathematics) Practice that Skill
Practice SAT Questions related to that skill
Assessments: / Career Ready Pretest / Career Ready Pretest / AoW discussion and annotation
Homework: / Papers signed
Introduction Document due 1/22 / Bring Notebook Supplies
Introduction Document due 1/22 / Finish SAT Practice
Introduction Document due 1/22 / Introduction Document due 1/22