Software Requirements Specification


Sahana Hospitals Management Module

Team Members

Turner Hayes

Bach Vu Dao

Last edited: November 1, 2006

Copyright (c) 2005, Gregory W. Hislop. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

Table of Contents




1.3Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations



The remainder of the document contains an overall description of the module requirements as well as the detailed requirements for the main functionality of the module. 2 Overall Description

2Overall Description...... 2.1 Product Perspective

2.12Product Perspective...... Functions

2.2Product Functions...... 2.3 User Characteristics

2.3User Characteristics...... 2.4 Constraints

2.4Constraints...... 2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

2.5Assumptions and Dependencies...... 2.6 Apportioning of Requirements

2.6Apportioning of3...... Specific Requirements

3Specific Requirements...... 3.1 External Interfaces

3.1External Interfaces...... 3.2 Functions

3.2Functions...... 3.3 Performance Requirements

3.3Performance4...... Logical Database Requirements

3.4Logical Database Requirements...... 3.5 Design Constraints

3.5Design Constraints...... 3.6 Standards Compliance

3.6Standards Compliance...... 3.7 Software System Attributes

3.7Software System Attributes


The Sahana Hospital Management Module is a system that keeps track of available medical facilities in the area of the disaster. It will enable users to manage hospitals status and help locating hospitals in the areainventory.


This document serves as a high-level description and detailed requirement for the Sahana Hospital Management Module.


The Sahana Hospital Management Module is intended to support the management of hospitals in the disaster area including location, staffing, supply management and statusinventory tracking.

1.3Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

SHM: SahanaHospital Management Module

Sahana - <Define this.>

NGO : Non-government organization.

Site manager: Person in charge of a project. .


<Reference main Sahana documentation.>


The remainder of the document contains an overall description of the module requirements as well as the detailed requirements for the main functionality of the module.



2Overall Description

2.1Product Perspective

The Sahana Hospital Management Module is a module in the larger Sahana project. Users will access the module via the main Sahana interface as an independent module. The module will incorporate some features similar to those inof theCampRegistry and,Inventory Management and Volunteer Management (for staffing) modules.

2.2Product Functions

The main purpose of SHM is to keep track of hospitals status, staffing and inventory condition. The main part of the module will be:

  • To provide location information
  • To provide status information on medical facilities including rooms, medicine and staff.

2.3User Characteristics

There are 24 types of users for this module:

  • Administrators: this is the group of users that has the highest level of permission. They can perform:
  • View/Add/Delete/Edit Hospitals information including status, name and location.
  • View/Add/Delete/Edit Hospitals staffing
  • View/Add/Delete/Edit Hospitals inventory
  • Hospital Managers: these are the managers of 1 hospital each. They can:
  • View all hospitals’ information including status, name and location.
  • Edit the status of the hospital that they are in charge of.
  • View/Add/Delete/Edit the staffing information of the hospital they are in charge of.
  • View/Add/Delete/Edit the inventory information of the hospital they are in charge of.
  • Hospital Staff: this is the group of people working in the same hospital. They can:
  • View all hospitals’ information including status, name and location.
  • View the staffing information of the hospital they are working in.
  • View/Add/Delete/Edit the inventory information of the hospital they are in charge of.
  • Normal Users: They can perform:
  • View all hospitals information including status, name and location.


The Sahana HospitalsVolunteer Management Module must operate as a part of the larger Sahana project. It must adhere to all Sahana standards and constraints.

2.5Assumptions and Dependencies

The module does not depend on any external services.

2.6Apportioning of Requirements

The requirements described in section 3 contain all requirements to be implemented for the demonstration on Dec 11th, 2006.

3Specific Requirements

3.1External Interfaces

SHM is an independent module and it will have a navigation menu on the top left like others module. On this menu we will have the following items:

  • Home: this displays the default homepage of the module, which include the newest and the 5 most available hospitals.
  • View: this will show a list of all hospitals in the database and from which a user can choose which one they want to see details for specific hospitals.
  • Add Hospital: only available to administrators group. They can add information about a hospital including name, location, and status, staffing and inventory.

EditHospital: only available to administrators,depending on the users role this will allow editing for a specificmay have several submenus:

oEdit Hospitals Info: including name, location, and status.

  • Edit Staffing Info: including hospitals staff, hospital: manager.

oEdit Inventory Info: including medicines, surgical supply.

  • Delete Hospitals: only available to administrators group. They can delete a hospital and all staffingand inventory information will also be deleted.


Hospitals 1.0 Display Hospitals
Input / Selection of the link to the Hospital Management Module from the Sahana main page.
Action / All users are transferred to Hospital Management Console Page.
Output / Hospital Management console will display information on the most recent and most available hospitals including name, location, status and staff count.
Notes / Project information should be drawn from a WeSahana-created database.
Priority / High
Hospitals 1.1 Display All Hospitals
Input / Selection of the View link from the Hopital Management navigation menu item.
Action / All users are transferred to the Hospital Details Page.
Output / Hospital Details Page displays information on all hospitals including name, location, status.
Notes / Project information should be drawn from a WeSahana-created database.
Priority / High
Hospitals 1.2 DisplayIndividualHospital
Input / Selection of Hospital name from Hospital Details Page or Hospital Management Console page.
Action / All users are transferred to Individual Hospital Details Page.
Output /
  • Individual Hospital Details Page displays Hospital information including:
  • Name of hospital
  • Location
  • Number of available rooms/beds
  • Hospital manager

Notes / N/A
Priority / High
Add Hospital 1.0 Display form
Input / Selecting the link to AddHospital on the SHM navigation menu.
Action / Administrator is transferred to the Add Hospital Page
Output / The page will consist of a form allowing input of:
  • Name of hospital
  • Location
  • Number of available rooms/beds
  • Hospital manager

Notes / N/A
Priority / High
Add Hospital 1.1 Submit form
Input / Selection of Submit button on the Add Hospital Page.
Action / Information is added to the database, administrator is transferred to a confirmation page.
Output / A confirmation page informing the user of the success of the form submission.
Notes / Administrator needs to at least enter name and location and number of beds.
Priority / High.
DeleteHospital 1.0 Delete a Hospital
Input / Selection of DeleteHospital from the SHM navigation menu.
Action / Administrator is transferred to a Delete Hospital Page where administrator must select the hospital they want to delete.
Output / DeleteHospital page is displayed, containing a list of all hospitals in the database and the option to delete any one of them.
Notes / N/A
Priority / High
DeleteHospital 1.1 Submit Deletion
Input / Selection of Delete button on the Delete Hospital Page
Action / Administrator is transferred to a confirmation page.
Output / A confirmation page informing the user of the success of the deletion request.
Notes / N/A
Priority / High
Edit Hospital 1.0 Edit hospitals Information
Input / Selection of Edit Hospitals Information button on the SHM navigation menu.
Action / Administrator is transferred to a Edit Hospital Page
Output / The Edit Hospital Page will display a list of all hospitals in the database
Notes / N/A
Priority / High.
EditHospital 1.1 Edit an individual hospital information
Input / Selection of a hospital from the Edit Hospital Page.
Action / Administrator is transferred to Edit Individual Hospital Page.
Output / The page will consist of a form filled with information of the chosen hospital from the database and it allows input of:
  • Name of hospital
  • Location
  • Number of available rooms/beds

Notes / N/A
Priority / High
EditHospital 1.2 Submit individual hospital information edit
Input / Selection of Submit button in the Edit Individual Hospital Page.
Action / Administrator is transferred to a Confirmation page.
Output / A confirmation page informing the user of the success of the edit request.
Notes / N/A
Priority / High

3.3Performance Requirements

None identified.

3.4Logical Database Requirements

Data tables to be developed by WeSahana include:

Hospitals: table to contain information about hospitals: name, location, number of available beds, managers, staff and inventory

Staff: table to contain information about hospitals staff: name, specialty

Inventory: table to contain information about hospital inventory: type, quantity needed and quantity existed.

3.5Design Constraints

List any design constraint requirements identified (may be none).

3.6Standards Compliance

All design must adhere to existing Sahana conventions and standards.

3.7Software System Attributes

None identified.