Cypress Class Curriculum

Spring term – January 2017

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and lovely New Year. This letter outlines the curriculum and activities that we have planned for the spring term, but if you would like additional information please do not hesitate to come and see us. Come to the door at the end of the day to speak to us, phone the office for a private appointment or email directly with any questions you may have.

Our novel this term will be ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’.

ISBN number: 978-0-141-32271-1 ISBN number:0-582-45618-5

(or any puffin edition) This version is fantastic for children

not yet ready for a full novel.

Much of our work during the spring term will be focused around this story. We will be reading from the following versions above. It would be great for your child to explore these at home. Your child is welcome to have a copy with them at school as we will be doing class reading of the book. Can we ask that any books that come to school are named – thank you. HINT: Amazon do some great deals with second hand copies

Any chocolate boxes and/or wrappers would be gratefully received to support some of our activities. Please send these in ASAP as we will use for our DT sessions next week!! We may also from time to time provide tiny tasting samples – if you would prefer your child NOT to be involved or have any queries please see Mrs Cotton or Mrs Leach.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Dress up day 1st February 2017 – The children will be entering a world of pure imagination on this day! Children may dress up as any character from the novel. Please keep this a surprise for now.

Trip to Cadbury World TBC – We are planning a trip to a real chocolate factory a letter with further details will follow.

Important to remember

Children must have their book bags with them every day ready to read!! They may also bring in a named water bottle every day. These will be available at break times and PE sessions.


Where appropriate our lessons will be around Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Please refer to the curriculum jigsaw on the class page of the website for more detail.

The Values this term will be Respect and Forgiveness.

P.E and Games – PE slots are Mondays and Thursdays. Please make sure your child has a full, named PE kit in school at all times. Mrs Peck has requested the children have trainers available rather than daps and a water bottle with them on these days.

Forest School- We will be beginning our weekly visits to forest school on Tuesday 10th January 2017. Please ensure children have their wellies and waterproofs in school for this date. Parents all welcome to join us on Tuesday afternoons. Just let us know if you are able to help – thank you in advance.


Reading – It is expected that, as a minimum, the children read for about fifteen minutes at least 3 times a week at home. All children that read 3 times a week will receive a bookworm and this token will be put into the school box with an opportunity to win a book in the final assembly at the end of each term. Please remember to ask questions as you listen to your child read as this will develop their comprehension – this is a crucial part of reading in the new curriculum. Let your child see you reading for pleasure and please take time to share books together.

Spellings – Spellings for this term will come home in the form of a termly booklet. Each list is clearly identified with the test date indicated.

Homework books – This term the children will be given a homework bank. This bank will give a wide choice of writing activities. The expectation is that at least 1 activity is to be chosen and completed (they can obviously do more if they would like!!). The children should alternate each week between a writing task and their family maths scrapbook. On maths weeks children will still have 1 or 2 Mathletics activities to complete.

Show and Tell dates – Friday 27th January, Friday 24th February and Friday 31st March

Parent Helpers

Any offers of help to support work in the classroom or on class trips would be much valued. You are most welcome into our learning environment. All regular helpers, as part of safeguarding, will be asked to have a DBS check. We would love to have some more mystery readers in Cypress class!!!!

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and please feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

Best wishes,

Mrs Cotton, Mrs Leach, Mrs Gray and Miss Gibbons