Village of Lyons Falls Regular Board of Trustees Meeting

March 27, 2017

Held at the Village Offices, 4059 Cherry Street, Lyons Falls, NY

Attendance: Mayor Anne Huntress

Trustees: Donna Dolhof, Michael Skorupa, Jeff Hoskins, Ron Dorrity

DPW Superintendent, Todd Ossont

Clerk, Tasha Arthur

Excused: Treasurer, Denielle Bailey

Guest: None

6:31pm Mayor opened the meeting with the pledge allegiance to our flag.

·  Minutes of the regular meeting Feb. 27, 2017 were reviewed, motion by Trustee Dolhof, seconded by Trustee Hoskins to accept the minutes as written. Approved. Carried.

·  Minutes of the budget meeting March 13, 2017 were reviewed, motion by Trustee Dorrity, seconded by Trustee Skorupa to accept the minutes as written. Approved, carried. (Trustee Dolhof abstains)

·  Minutes of the budget meeting March 20, 2017 were reviewed, motion by Trustee Dorrity, seconded by Trustee Skorupa to accept the minutes as written. Approved, carried.

·  The board reviewed the Feb. financial report. Motion made by Trustee Dolhof, second by Trustee Hoskins to accept the Feb. financial report, Approved, carried.

·  Trustee Dolhof reported that the review of the Feb. reconciliation/financial was satisfactory.

·  Trustee Dolhof made a motion and Trustee Skorupa seconded to pay the monthly DANC mill site invoice after we receive the check from LCDC. Approved, carried.

·  Bills and abstracts were reviewed.

1. Motion by Trustee Hoskins and second by Trustee Dorrity, Trustee Dolhof abstains, to pay the Dolhof Hardware bill, motion carried.

2. Motion by Trustee Dolhof and second by Trustee Skorupa to pay the rest of the bills, motion carried.

·  General Fund Vouchers G170301 to G170307 in the amount of $6,585.87

·  Water Fund Vouchers W170301 to W170305 in the amount of $8,801.44

·  Sewer Fund Vouchers S170301 to S170303 in the amount of $2,127.99

·  Old Business:

1.  DPW Report:

a.  Dock Street pump station yearly maintance is complete, pumps are in good operating order (They Showed DPW how to complete this)

2.  Mayor Huntress reported on the following:

a.  Zoning update.

1.  They will be meeting the first and third Wednesday in April

b.  DPW Feasibility update

a.  Mayor will talk to USDA and get information from them

c.  Contracts with Bowling Alley and Kelly Dance Academy

Kelly contract is completed and waiting for the Bowling alley to return

d.  Drug Addiction update

a.  The talk at the Boondocks was well attended

b.  Looking for more ideas

e.  Dog Control Update

a.  Discussion on contract (The Board said to offer $20- $30 a call and pay mileage at 54 cents a mile.)

f.  Executive session: Discussion of medical, financial, credit, or employment history of a particular person. (They entered at 7:50pm) (They ended at 8:30pm)

g.  Trustee Dolhof (Library structure update) Jen from Tug Hill is looking into park grants, Library office is also looking into grants too)

h.  Insurance for Fireman (They choose ESIP)

i.  Award Garbage bids Trustee Dolhof made a motion to award the Garbage bid to Shue brothers for the term from June 01, 2017 to May 31, 2018 in the amount of $54,600.00, seconded by Trustee Hoskins. Approved carried. Resolution 9-2017

·  New Business:

1.  Clerk Arthur:

a.  Building permits: 1 Snowbelt

b.  Property changes & sales: 3 Fulton St., Gorham St., and Cherry St.

2.  DPW Report:

a.  Road closed – between Worzack’s and Dump Rd closed due to muddy conditions. Will not interfere with UCP traffic

3.  Mayor Huntress:

1.  IDA paperwork/NBRC submission

a.  We have requested the first reimbursement

b.  Payment for DANC- change order request

2.  USDA survey

a.  Collected surveys and completed the compliance review

b.  Phone number on door for handicap accessibility convenience.

3.  Discussion of Reserves (tabled till April meeting)

4.  Shared services- garbage pick up

a.  Mayor talked to Frank at the County and he told Mayor to formulate an email to the Gov. efficiency group

·  Trustee Skorupa: Gave a list of the people running for the Fire Department (See attached). A motion was made by Trustee Dolhof to approve this list, seconded by Trustee Dorrity. Approved, carried.

·  Trustee Hoskins: Asked on Gorham St. to South St. who has the right away? Our DPW is going to put up a yield sign on Gorham St.

·  Other items:

I.  DPW Spring pick up dates in June are 5,6, and 7 (will put up flyers and website. Todd is also going to look more into the cost of the Cherry St. pump station

II.  Mayor

a.  Mayor would like to attend the NYCOM leadership conference in May 7th and 8th. Trustee Dolhof made a motion for the mayor to attend this seconded by Trustee Hoskins. Approved, carried

b.  A Motion by Trustee Dolhof to pass Local law 1-2017 to override the tax cap, seconded by Trustee Hoskins. Approved, carried. Clerk Arthur will complete the filing of the law.

·  Next regular board meeting is scheduled for April 24th, 2017 and a Budget Hearing is set for April 10th at 6:00pm

·  Motion to adjournment by Trustee Hoskins and seconded by Trustee Dolhof, carried at 8:31 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Tasha Arthur, Clerk