Mrs Alison Salmen, Hall Croft, HOPE, Hope Valley, S33 6RZ

Tel: 01433 620503 E-mail:

Your are invited to attend a Meeting of High Peak Access to be held at 6 pm – 8 pm on Monday 10th October 2011 in the New Mills Volunteer Centre, 33 -35 Union Road, NEW MILLS, High Peak, SK22 3EL. Telephone: 01663 744196.

Parking is available.

Representative: Liz Fletcher – High Peak C.V.S

Representative: Amy King – Derbyshire Link



1) Apologies for Absence

2) Declaration of Members’ Interest

Meeting Minutes

1) Acceptance and Signing of Previous Minutes and Matters Arising

2) Matters arising from previous Minutes

  • Website Launch –Thursday 19th April 2012, United ReformChurch, Whaley Bridge. Alison has booked P.A System, etc. through C.V.S. E-mail/information circulated.
  • Buxton Swimming Pool – Alison has contacted both Jonathan Moss and Anthony Wheatley twice via e-mail with regard to Elaine’s Access Audit. Awaiting Response
  • Derbyshire Link – Alison has been in contact with Amy King with regard to a Joint Working Document. Alison consulted with both Liz and Dave to ensure that High Peak Access’ autonomy remained. Document has been accepted by Derbyshire Link.
  • Alison has also submitted a request for expenses, such as, Room Hire, Refreshments, Transport Costs and Administration Costs. Awaiting Response
  • Stett Valley Trail – Dave, Alan, Bill and Elaine
  • Website – Peter
  • Website – Time and date to be arranged with Peter and Dave with regard a Photograph Shoot – Wednesday is the most appropriate day for Dave to hire the Bus.
  • Website – P.P.N.P.A’s inaccessible new Website – Alison has contacted both David Higley and Jeff Winston (two e-mails) with regard to the inaccessibility – Still waiting for a positive response. On Holiday until 12th October.
  • Obstructions: Trade Bins at ‘Moon and Sixpence’ and Greggs the Bakers, Glossop –Moon and Sixpence – obstacle removed.
  • Stampiton, WhaleyBridge –Alison has contacted Tony Worthington via e-mail with regard to an Access Audit/Guidance, etc. E-mail circulated.
  • Welcome Pack –Alison – Ongoing.


Secretary’s Report

Finance Report

HighPeak Access Accounts: Balance £2,096 (1st September 2011)

  • High Peak Access has received a donation of £1,000 from DDAN – Received with Thanks. Dave has sent a thank you e-mail to Karen Duke, and Alison has sent an official letter of thanks on behalf of High Peak Access.

Fundraising Report

Funding: General Business

Community Action Grant – a funding pot for later this year – a grant that funds ‘Promoting a Community Website’ – this fund could be linked to the DDAN application. Deferred until late autumn.

Matters Arising

  • New Mills Post Office - Leigh-Ann Williamson has found the door to the premises too heavy – E-mail circulated. Alan has visited - Alan
  • Community Reference Group – E-mailed Circulated–Gordon
  • Footpath –Navigation Inn Buxworth to the Chinley/Whitehough to Chapel Road.E-mail circulated.
  • Equality and Diversity Policy –John Cowings (Chief Executive) asked Alison to make comments with regard to D.C.C’s Draft Equality and Diversity Policy. Alison has sent comments via e-mail.

Reports from Group’s Representatives on Outside Bodies/Attendance at External Meetings/Relationships with Local Authorities and other Bodies.

  • P.P.N.P.A Steering Group – Elaine and Dave


1) Report(s) from sub-groups



New Mills


Covered in Matters Arising/ Previous Minutes

Any Other Business

Special Events and News

Date and time of next meeting – Monday 28th November 2011? Half Term?