Science Safety Poster Project

Following safety rules will help prevent accidents and injury.

Directions: You will create a science safety poster using an 8 ½ x 11 piece of

white paper.

  • Create a poster advertising ONE of the safety rules we have discussed in class.
  • Focus on ONE picture to go with your words.
  • Use Plenty of color…bold and bright colors will stand out.
  • Use very few words (you may paraphrase if you need to).
  • Poster wording is short and to the point.
  • Make your words (font size)LARGE so that it is easily read from afar.
  • Posters should be NEAT.
  • Posters are HAND drawn.


  • Brainstorm for ideas and CREATE a rough draft.
  • SELECT only ONE science rule for the poster.
  • Outline drawings and words with a marker.
  • Erase pencil marks.
  • Use Plenty of COLOR.
  • Try using color pencils. Crayons will leave a waxy film and smudge.
  • Use one LARGE picture on the poster to help convey the rule.
  • Start early and plan ahead. This will help you complete and turn in your work

that you will be proud of.

Science Safety Poster is DUE Monday, August 28, 2017.

The poster will be worth 20 points.

NO LATE WORK will be accepted, so plan ahead and finish the assignment.

I have read the Science Safety Poster project guideline with my teacher and understand the criteria for grading. I have seen examples of exemplary work and received helpful hints to earn high marks on my project. I know the due date for this project and will complete the assignment by Monday, August 28, 2017.


Student Name (print)DateClass Period

I have read the Science Safety Poster project guideline and understand the criteria for grading.

I will assist my child in completing this assignment by the DUE date, Monday, August 28, 2017.


Parent SignatureDate