Aslacton Primary School
Friday 15thSeptember 2017
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Environment Day

Last week Eagle class had an Environment Day. They researched and designed bug hotels and collected resources from around the school grounds. They then created a bug hotel in the wildlife area made from recycled items and natural resources. They showed some excellent teamwork to create a safe haven for insects and small animals.

Long Stratton Produce Show

On Saturday 16thSeptember it is the Long Stratton Produce Event at Long Stratton Village Hall. We are delighted to tell you that each class will be submitting some entries. The categories that we have entered are: Children’s photography and flag designs. The event will be running from 2pm to 4pm and refreshments will be available. We wish all of our entrant’s good luck!

Harvest Festival

This year for our Harvest Collective Worship we will once again be supporting the work of the Norwich Foodbank. The foodbank supports those who fall on tough times, and who need food parcels to see them through a short period of time in our local area. If you would like to, you are welcome to bring your donation to school in a decorated shoe box or something similar with a written message to those who will receive the food. The food bank will accept any dried food, packets and tins (in date please) but they are in desperate need of long-life fruit juice, long-life milk, long-life sponge puddings, tinned fruit and tinned tomatoes. We will be celebrating our Harvest Festival on Thursday 5th October, and we will be walking to St Michael’s church for a Harvest service at 9:15am. Parents are welcome to join us for the service. Please bring any contributions to school on 5th October.

After School Clubs

After school clubs begin next week, with the exception of Art which commences on Friday 3rd November 2017. Your child has brought a slip home if they have successfully gained a place in the club of their choice. Please let us know if your child no longerwishes to take up their place so that we may offer it to another child. Thank you. Due to staff training, there will be no Film Club or Football club on Tuesday 31st October and Tuesday 7th November


The school VLE will soon be up and running for the new term. In keeping with our school online safety policy, the children will be re-issued with new passwords. Please encourage your child not to share that password with anyone, not even their brothers and sisters. Your child will be bringing home our new VLE code of conduct next week, and we would be grateful if you could sign both copies and return one to school as soon as possible. To give you more information about online safety and an introduction to our VLE Mrs Anderson, our Computing subject leader, will be holding a meeting for parents Tuesday on Tuesday 26th September at 2:30pm in the school hall; not at 2:45pm as stated in the previous newsletter

Children & Young Peoples Heath Services

Every year in England, children in Reception and Year 6 have their height and weight measured as part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP). Reception will also have vision and hearing tests too. A letter from NHS Children & Young Peoples Health Services has gone out to the relevant year groups. If you are happy for your child to be measured you do not need to do anything, but should you wish to opt out then details are included in the letter.

Horstead Residential

Children who are going on our residential trip have brought home letters including a kit list, consent forms and detail about when the final payment is due. Please return these to the school office as soon as possible. Thank you

Community Afternoon

On Wednesday 4th October at 3:15pm we would like to invite parents, carers and members of the local community in to visit the school.

Ukulele Lessons

Ukulele lessons will begin next Friday 22nd September.

Parent Reading Sessions

Reading at home is one of the most valuable ways to support your child’s learning. We would like to remind you that these sessions are taking place all this half term. You can attend as many sessions as you wish: please come to the school office to sign in before attending. The sessions will take place between 8.50am and 9.10am on the following days:

Tuesdays: Owl Class

Wednesdays:Kestrel Class

Thursdays:Eagle Class

Sickness in School

We would like to remind you that if your child has sickness or diahorrea they should not come to school for 48 hours after the last episode, for the health and safety of all children and staff. Thank you very much.

Cake Friday

Congratulations to this week’s winner of the Cake Friday raffle Alicia Dummer

Parent Curriculum Meetings

We will be holding the following parent curriculum support meetings this term to help you best support your child’s learning at home. All meetings will be held in the hall at 2.45pm.

Tuesday 26th September: DB Primary: Our school VLE

Friday 29th September: An introduction to phonics for parents, aimed at Reception parents but open to all.

Thursday 19th October: Maths Curriculum support.


Dates for your Diaries

Thursday 14th SeptemberFriends AGM

Wednesday 4th October Community Afternoon

Thursday 5th October Harvest Festival