Lane Events Center, Meeting Room #2

May 14, 2013


Kelley / Voorhees / Harris / Schwartz / Cosio
Present / Present / Present / Absent / Present

Others in Attendance:

Howard Schussler – Public Works Assistant Director

Corey Buller – Interim Fair Director, Interim Manager Lane Events Center

Rachel Bivens – Sales & Marketing Director Lane Events Center

Laura Niles - Consultant
Elizabeth Henry – Events Coordinator Lane Events Center (note taker)



2.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES – April 9, 2013

Corey to distribute and to be approved next meeting



Laura Niles has interviewed the Fair Board members and Fair managers from Washington, Deschutes, Clackamas, and Umatilla County Fairs. Laura Niles reported similar themes to the conversations including: Downturn in 2007, governance, revenue generation, decline in agriculture, attendance, preserving Fairs and an interest in potential governance ideas. Laura Niles reported that the relationship between staff, Fair Board and Commissioners seemed to be the key and that all receive some room tax funds and there are conversations at all about how it is allocated. State requires a Fair Board with rules and policies which need to be adheared to however there is no advocacy for Fair Boards at the legislature level.

In addition Laura Niles has contact 4 stakeholders to setup meetings (Eugene Generals, Berg Productions, Emerald City Roller Girls and Big Green Events). They were all very positive about their relationship with Lane Events Center.

Laura Niles spoke with Leah Perkins the Oregon Fairs Association president and discussed Oregon State Bill 7 which would change the management of the Oregon State Fair as a public corporation. Leah Perkins offered to come speak with the Fair Board if so desired. Laura Perkins may be able to provide information on other Fairs budgets and business plans. Jack Harris would like her to come to a meeting or workshop and the other Fair Board members are interested also. Laura Niles is to contact Leah Perkins and work with staff to find out her availability to attend a regular Fair Board meeting or work session. Sascha Cosio asked if it would be appropriate for her to speak with Alex Cuyler for clarification on the bill. Corey Buller will request that Sara Chinske provide perspective and research on the bill to develop a bullet point issue summary of the bill to distribute to the board.

In discussion of Laura Niles report, Cliff Kelley asked her to touch on Fair vs. footprint this in her report

Discussion of Oregon Fairs Association conventions. The next one is State Fair which will include a Fair report presentation. Cliff Kelley asked staff to keep Fair Board advised of these meetings.

Discussion of Transient Room Tax including review of breakdown for new Fair Board members, tracking of room nights, and synopsis of what room tax is used for. Transient Room Tax allocation is likely to come before the Board of County Commissioners when the Florence Event Center portion becomes available again.

Cliff Kelley noted that the Fair Board needs to do something about Fair Board members that don’t attend meetings as there is currently nothing in the bylaws that addresses attendance. Fair Board can work with staff on changes to Lane Manual and asked staff to research bylaws for other committees for samples. Fair Board consensus that this item needs to be addressed.



2012/2013 Business plan distributed at the April 9, 2013 meeting. Corey Buller suggested reworking the Business Plan following the 2013 Lane County Fair. The business plan is created as an Oregon Fairs Association and Fair Board MOU requirement. Generally a 3 year plan is created but the Fair Board has the option to review it more often. Consensus to discuss the business plan following the 2013 Lane County Fair and the Governance report from Laura Niles.


Youth Fair numbers distributed

4-H email distributed

Clarification of Horse offerings. “Youth Fair” is geared towards Market Animals any youth interested in other Livestock entries would enter through the Open Class Departments. This includes a Horse Department which offers both breeding and halter classes. Staff needs to review what we are naming things to ensure clarity of youth opportunities.

Distribution of Premium information. Fair Board asked Laura Niles to look at how our Premiums compare to other Fairs Premiums as part of her research.

Entertainment booking is done and all are in the contracting process and almost complete.

Full Fair Page Ad distributed (free color and 50% discount)

Discussion of mobile website and Social Media including live tweets from Fair and #lcf2013 and success of Facebook contests.

Survey kiosks will be here again this year with some updated signage. Fair Board would like to see the survey results. Laura Niles would also like to see a copy of the 2012 results.

Cliff Kelley will provide an FFA contact to Elizabeth Henry.

Ticketing. New company EventBrite will model their site after the Lane County Fair website and when a customer purchases tickets they post to Facebook in a sponsored post. EventBrite results in a reduction of almost $6 per ticket to the purchaser and a reduction of $0.50 per ticket to the Fair.

Corey Buller distributed the language change to the Lane Manuel regarding packaging rates that will go before the Board of County Commissioners. Will go on the Board of County Commissioners calendar is June either on the consent calendar or for discussion. Corey Buller will let the Fair Board know the progress.

MOTION: Sid Voorhees / COMMENTS: Sid Voorhees motions to support the language change as presented. Cliff Kelley called for discussion regarding the board’s scope of responsibility. Advisory capacity of the board allows them to support or recommend.
SECOND: Sascha Cosio
Name / Vote
Cliff Kelley / YES
Sid Voorhees / YES
Sascha Cosio / YES
Jack Harris / YES
Mike Schwartz / ABSENT



Comments Fair Board have heard about current management have all been positive.

Jack Harris requested packets for the meetings in advance to allow more time for document review prior to the meeting. There was discussion of the reasons why packets have not been distributed in the past and request for more communication between staff and Fair Board between meetings. Moving forward documents will be sent to Fair Board members in advance for review and discussion at the next meeting.

Sid Voorhees motions to adjourn

Cliff Kelley seconds the motion

Non-debatable motion - Meeting adjourns