TIGA II / Project Officer-Local Development (PO-LD): Result 1 and 4

Line Manager’s and Supervisor’s Position: Project Manager
Location of the position: one position in Kampong Cham Province and one in Battambang Province

I. General Mission

The Project Officer-Local Development (PO-LD) is part of HI Cambodia site team and of the project team “Capacity Development for Inclusive Development Interventions – Increase access to vocational training and income for persons with disabilities in rural communities in Cambodia". Under the supervision of the Project Manager, the PO-LD is responsible for implementing activities of Result 1 and 4 in relation with:
-  Capacity building for local stakeholders to identify the main barriers for persons with disabilities and mobilize resource to answer these needs in relation with CDPO and local DPOs.
-  Promotion of disability mainstreaming into decentralization process and commune development initiative.

II.  Main Interfaces

Main internal interfaces:
Project Manager,
The project team (PO-M&E, and PO-D)
The Operation Coordinator,
The Technical Coordinator
Technical Advisor (TA)
Main external interfaces:
CDPO, DPO, local authorities, and related local stakeholders

III.  Responsibilities in Results 1 and 4

EssentialTechnical Responsibilities:
1.  With the technical support from the PM, Operation Coordinator, Technical Coordinator and Technical Advisor, provide support and capacity building for local DPOs/CDPO/SHGs (training, consultation.…)
2.  Establish and maintain network with local authorities and local development stakeholders into the province of intervention.
3.  Assist and work in close relation with partner, local stakeholders and local authorities to ensure disability inclusion into local development process.
Responsibilities in Project Management:
4.  Contribute to the design of the barriers assessment methodology and organize the test of the methodology in one district per province in relation with CDPO.
5.  Participate to the definition of an handbook describing the methodology and train CDPO, DPOs and local stakeholders
6.  In relation with the PO-disability and CDPO, map the different local service providers delivering socio-economic and livelihood services and develop a directory for both provinces
7.  Contribute to the choice of districts and communes for implementation and to the identification of interested local service providers
8.  Monitor the barrier assessment and needs identification in all target district/communes/service providers in relation with CDPO and DPO and support them for the completion of the activity.
9.  In relation with CDPO, support DPOs for the preparation of actions plans based on barriers assessment and needs identification results
10.  Organize and facilitate training of project and partners teams on decentralization and CDP/CIP process
11.  In relation with CDPO, organize one launching provincial workshop with local stakeholders on mainstreaming disability into CIP/CDP process
12.  Support CDPO and local DPOs in setting up a Communal Disability Advisory Group (CDAG) in targeted communes
13.  Participate into the development of a guideline on including PWDs into CIP preparation and presentation and support CDPO for the training of involved local stakeholders
14.  In relation with CDPO and DPOs monitoring of the mainstreamed CIP process
15.  Organize any relevant workshops/sessions in order to assess the project approach and to promote information and knowledge sharing among all partners and local stakeholders.
16.  Support the organization of disability and inclusion awareness raising events
17.  In Kampong Cham, upon request of the PO Disability, participate to the selection of grantees for improving PWDs inclusion into existing vocational training and livelihood services
18.  Produce monthly work-plan and report in timely basis to the Project Officer Monitoring and Evaluation and to the Project Manager.
19.  Provide all information for the definition of the monthly treasury forecast
20.  Participate to regular team meeting to discuss problems faced in the field and seek appropriate solutions.
21.  Participate in case study design and in project documentation as well as sharing knowledge and experiences among the project team
Other Duties:
1.  Assist the PM in facilitation and organization of meetings, workshops / seminars and trainings at the local and/or national level.
2.  Assist the national and expatriate staff in translating and preparing non official documents in foreign language or Khmer in his/her field of expertise.
3.  Interpret for the national and expatriate staff during meetings, workshop, training, visiting...when requested.
4.  Perform any other duties / activities as requested by Project Manager, TA and/or Operation Coordinator and/or Technical Coordinator.

IV.  Job Characteristics

The position is based in Kampong Cham and Battambang and requires frequent travel to the districts and spends night in the project target district if any. Occasional travel to other site office and Phnom Penh head office could take place..
Participation in meetings:
The PO-LD attends project meeting and participates in external meetings, seminars with other relevant stakeholders as required.
Specific working time:
The working time of PO-LD is subject to flexibility and will be adapted to the project requirement.

V.  Skills and Qualifications required:

1.  Graduate in development, political sciences, social sciences or related field.
2.  Knowledge: Development in local development in rural area, familiarity with poverty reduction and CDP/CIP in Cambodia, good understanding of rights based development approach; experience in designing and implementing advocacy and lobbying initiatives
3.  Experiences: Proven experience in working with multi-cultural and/or pluri-disciplinary team, and in running development project. At least 2 years experiences in provision of technical support, follow up and training for local/community based organization. Proven experience working with vulnerable population and in partnership with other organizations.
4.  Competent in Microsoft Office application
5.  Good in English and Khmer (speaking and writing)
6.  Desirable: Working experiences in disability and /or in human rights related field in Cambodia; familiarity with gender concept.
7.  Excellence organization and management skills and work on own initiative.
8.  Good interpersonal and communication skills
Key words: Team spirit, pro-active, engagement, initiative, reporting skills, systematic thinking and working, quality achievements

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