GSNETX Thin MintAward

Nomination Form

Thin Mint Award – Recognizes Girl Scout Troop Cookie Managers (TCMs) who have demonstrated ongoing dedication to the girls through their service to the troopduring multiple GSNETX Cookie Program seasons.

Thin Mint Award Criteria–This is the third progression of TCM awards. Contact to verify award criteria.

  1. Nominee must have previously earned the Tagalong Award
  2. Nominee must have served in the Troop Cookie Manager role for at least 3 Girl Scout membership years(including the current membership year.)
  3. Nominee must have completed appropriate training for the troop cookie manager role.
    (TCM Knowledge Check)
  4. One nomination is required from an adult who is not a family member of the nominee.

Thin Mint Award Instructions: We strongly encourage all nominators to use the online portal to nominate a volunteer which can be found at

  • Additional letters/nominations from others, especially girls of all levels, are encouraged.
  • This award is presented at local recognition events. Check with your service unit on event details.
  • Contact your service unit for nomination approvals, denials or additional information needed to award your nominee. If you’re not sure who in your service unit to contact, please reach out to .
  • Please note, the nominee could receive a copy of the nomination at their recognition event.

Name of Person Receiving Award: / Phone:
Email: / Service Unit #: / GS Troop #:
Submitted By: / Phone:
Email: / Service Unit #: / GS Troop # (if applicable):
Is the nominee fulfilling the Troop Cookie Manager role this membership year?
 Yes  No

Please brag about how awesome your cookie manager is. We want to know details about how wonderful they are. Use the space below to describe in detail your reasons for this nomination.

The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led program in the world. Be as detailed as possible in telling us about how this Troop Cookie Manager helped engage their troop, girls, and parents in the Cookie Program this year.

Through the Girl Scout Cookie Program, girls learn to set and achieve goals. Be as detailed as possible in telling us about how this Troop Cookie Manager guided the girls as they learned to make cookie business plans to reach their cookie goals this year.

When Girl Scouts participate in the cookie program, they’re alreadycompleting a number of badge-earning steps. From goal setting to perfecting customer service, to giving back to their communities. Girl Scouts start the badge processwithout even realizing it!Be detailed as possible in describing a specific Cookie Business or financial literacy badge the troop cookie manager has helped the troop earn this year.

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