Summarize the proposed project.

The 6th Annual Salisbury Art Stroll is a community-wide celebration of both the arts and nature. This past year we featured 18 local artists and artisans who assembled their easels, displays and tables along the 1.4-mile Old Eastern Marsh Rail Trail. The Old Eastern Marsh Rail Trail possesses beautiful vistas of the Great Marsh, which at that time of the year is animated with wildlife. We intend to increase the number of artists this year by establishing partnerships with art galleries and institutions along the seacoast and by expanding our social media presence. Simply put, this event shall provide a venue for local artists to connect and interact with their community and shall attract youth so as to inspire younger generations to engage in art activities by which fosters creativity, promotes the broadening of perspectives, and supports the advancement of the community’s culture.

Who is the target audience for this project?

Our primary target audience for this event is families with children from all socioeconomic backgrounds.

What is the cost of participation for attendees (if any)?

There is no cost to the public to attend this event.

How does the proposed project provide public benefit and contribute to the cultural vitality of the community as a whole?

It is anticipated that our plan to expand the entertainment venue, add more food vendors and expand our promotional campaign to communicate to the public that this is a free, kid-friendly event, shall attract more people of all ages this year. In turn, the more people we are able to attract to this year's event, the larger the possibility of increasing the number of artists for subsequent events. As the Art Stroll grows in popularity, it will expose a larger portion of the population to the area's artistic scene, thereby creating an opportunity for the public to become more involved with the art community and ultimately further enrich the area's cultural environment.

Please describe the qualification of key artists, humanists, interpretive scientists or organizations involved with leading the cultural component of this project.

We plan on reaching out to local artists and crafters who create art using a variety of mediums. A significant component of our plan is to extend out to those who have not yet participated in the Art Stroll so as to create a more artistically vibrant, diverse and enriching atmosphere. Our main cultural components will revolve around musical venues, interactive workshops, and artist demonstrations. We plan on hiring local professionals to lead adult and children art classes, perform musical events and demonstrations and create balloon animals with the aim to create a fun, family environment.

If there are any other individuals or organizations that will be involved in the project as planners, partners, or collaborators, please list them below. If applicable, please distinguish between those who have made a firm commitment to the project and those with tentative or potential involvement.

We have received a firm commitment from Coastal Trails Coalition, Parks and Recreation Committee, and Salisbury Coastal Trails at this event.

How are you planning to promote the project to the community and your target audience?

We shall advertise on television stations in Salisbury, Amesbury, Newburyport, and Newbury as well as in Newburyport Daily News, the Lawrence Eagle Tribune, Facebook and local art associations.

How will you adjust the project if the council cannot fund the entire amount you are requesting? (For example, how will you raise additional funds or scale the programming back?)

In the event that the council cannot fund the entire project, the Town will need to adjust the amount of time the entertainment shall perform in order to reduce the event's expenditures.

If you have applied to other Local Cultural Councils

Amesbury, Newburyport, Newbury, Salisbury, West Newbury