Agenda 9/7/17 Meeting #1 Minutes

Introduction of 2017-18 Board

President-Robin Lack

Vice President- KristinFarnam

Treasure- Branden Culp (not present)

Secretary- Annie Brothers

Executive Board Member- Jen Hladun (not present)

General Public Introductions

3:05- call to order


  • Robin Lack, Kristin Farnam, Annie Brothers, Scott Beatty, Elizabeth Cheairs, Jaime Couzens, Karianne Swift, Alicia Andes, Jenna Hardwood, and Jessica Lackey
  1. 2017-2018 Projected Budget
  2. Income and Expenses
  3. Money is to be used for curriculum, events, activities, etc
  4. Grade levels got $1,000 each
  5. Can be used for field trips, projects, etc.
  6. Each teacher got $250
  7. Teachers only get a one-time $500 lottery money that is from the district
  8. Fundraisers are to help teacher and parent elevate costs
  9. APEX- each kiddo gets a shirt, there are daily lessons, and the incentives that are given out are paid for by APEX
  10. Motion to approve: Scott Beatty motioned to approve and Elizabeth Cheairs second
  11. Playground Night Friday Sept 8 from 6-8pm with 5th grade bake sale, Watch Dogs Obstacle Course and Parking spot raffle tickets 1 for $5 or 5 for $20.
  12. 5th grade sells baked goods, soda, and water for Fort Bragg trip
  13. Parking spot tickets are $5 for 1 and $20 for 5
  14. Watch Dogs will have an obstacle course out on the field
  15. Box Top Week from Sept 24-30
  16. Parents send in box tops
  17. Fill in sheet that will be given out with box tops and the student will get a smencil
  18. Lazer Craze Wednesday Sept. 20 from 5-9pm 33% proceeds to PTC.
  19. In Rocklin
  20. Unlimited bounce for $10
  21. Teachers playing lazer tag at certain times
  22. Up to 33% of proceed from lazer tag will be given to LCE
  23. Flyers will go out and posters will go up
  1. Fall Carnival Update- Krystal Ricci
  2. There will be a photo booth, face painter, carnival games, possibly a bounce house, cake walk, raffles (ex. Extreme gym)
  3. It is on October 21st, from 6-8pm
  4. Food will be sold
  5. No ticket prices yet
  6. Contact and meet with volunteers
  7. Holiday Store
  8. Been around since LCES opened 11 years ago
  9. PTC lost money last year
  10. Illegal to sell items without resale license, not paying taxes, and not charging tax
  11. Losing a week of academics in library
  12. Vendors will be notified
  13. Book fair put in its place and will be open during winter performances in Dec.
  14. Sometimes there is stall out when doing the same thing over and over
  15. Going to do spring fundraiser
  16. Last year the fall fundraiser brought in $18,000
  17. APEX raised $21,000 last year

Open Forum and Questions

  • Need help executing these events
  • Mrs. Hladun is an executive of the PTC board
  • We need and love to help
  • Calendar is set for a year
  • Great time to get involved on board
  • Can co-chair
  • Elizabeth Cheairs of Art Docent Program
  • Art docent training on Sept. 15th at 8:15
  • Traveling art program in classrooms
  • This training is for new volunteers or for a refresher
  • They have a private Facebook page
  • Don’t have to know how to do art to be an art docent
  • Monica Stanley would like to do a clay project for the whole school
  • Separate project
  • Need a budget?
  • Sasha Carter would like to head up a rock garden
  • All students paint a rock and then they make a rock garden
  • Parents come in about every 6 weeks to do an art class with students
  • Scott Beatty (teacher)
  • Wanted to know about doing more decorative tiles
  • We are 1 year behind on the tiles. They haven’t been fired or hung
  • Jena Harwood (parent)
  • She wants to know why we didn’t have greeters at Panda
  • Corporate did not want us too
  • She also wanted to know if we were going out to Rocklin for donations
  • Yes
  • Question about playground night and why we aren’t serving dinner
  • Last year there were drinks, hot dogs, chips and they didn’t sell well
  • Old Town Pizza- more well received
  • Taking money away from 5th grade
  • Bring back food next year?
  • Question about time for PTC meeting and why we can’t have it at 4:30 pm
  • Am was well attended
  • 6:30 pm not well attended
  • Teachers can come at the 3:00 pm time
  • Question about 5th grade opening up bake sale to whole school
  • PTC will look into this
  • Daddy/Daughter Dance changed to March 3rd
  • Old Town Pizza
  • 15% all day, but no coupon
  • Do we need a flyer??

3:43pm- Call meeting closed