“We sat down near a fire. I had to move a lot because the smoke was blowing in my face. We watched bush craft Dave talk.” – Alfie

“We went to make sausages. We put herbs in them and tried Tesco ones, Richmond and Peat Rigg sausages. The sausages were made by a sausage maker.” – Amelia

“We all went to eat sugar cubes and ran around the field to burn the sugar cubes. This was to show what exercise you need to do to burn off the sugar.” - Beth

‘Road to Rio’ dance workshop

The ‘Road to Rio’ dance workshop was an enjoyable experience for all of the Y3/4 children. They learned a Brazilian dance very enthusiastically finishing with a loud ‘Samba’!

Class One learned a Greek dance to link with their topic of the Olympics. As we have been looking at the origins of the Olympics our dance was Greek themed.


Pupils from Years 5 and 6 took part in Bikeability Training organised by North Yorkshire Road Safety Team. This replaced the old Cycling Proficiency training. All children thoroughly enjoyed this and received a report and badge for their efforts.


This half term Y6 pupils have successfully completed their KS2 SATs. They all worked extremely hard and should be proud of themselves.


The following children received a certificate for 100% attendance for this half term; Jack, Carla, Isobel, Grace, Ella, Daniel, Jay-Jay, Robert, Adam, Chloe, Ewan, Alfie, Noah, Hannah, Ellie, George, Ethan and Josh. Congratulations to them all.

House Points

At the end of the first Summer half term the winning house was the Barn Owls with 2176 points, Kingfishers – 2100, Lapwings – 1983, Kestrels – 1941 and Swallows – 1925 Congratulations to their team members; Carla, Jack, Beth, Ellie, Robert and Harry.

Shopping Vouchers

Many thanks to all those who have contributed Sainsburys shopping vouchers, we are very grateful. We have not had a final count of the last few as yet but we know we are over 2000. These are no longer being issued. An order has to be placed by the end of June so if you have any more we would be very grateful before this date.

Friends of St. Hedda’s

We have been asked again to provide refreshments for the forthcoming Gooseberry Show on Tuesday 2nd August.

We would be very grateful for contributions of refreshments (cakes, scones, buns). Please can you bring them on the day to school between 12 and 1pm.


Return: Mon 6th June

Break up: Fri 22nd July

IMPORTANT DATES for the future

Sports Day – Tuesday 21st June

End of Year Assembly – Wednesday 20th July

May ‘16 / St. Hedda’s R.C. Primary School
SummerTerm Newsletter - 55


Children in Class One have turned very green fingered these last few weeks! Strawberries and peas have been planted on our school field and are being looked after by the children as well as each having their very own sunflower to take care of. We have also planted beans as part of our science investigation to find out where is best to plant beans to make them grow big and strong?

Ancient Greek Gods and myths and legends have been explored, in particular the story of Persephone and the Pomegranate Seeds. Did you know that this myth is what the Ancient Greeks believed brought the seasons?

In our history lessons Class 1 have been learning how the Olympics started. It was as early as 776 BC that the Games began in Olympia, south west Greece. There were no gold medals in those days but the winner (only the winner) received a wreath of olive leaves. We made our own wreaths and we declare; we are all winners!

Class 2 have had a great term so far learning about Greek myths as part of our Olympics topic. Unfortunately, somebody opened Pandora’s box in our classroom though, causing complete chaos! Still the children wrote excellent police reports to help find out who did it.

In our art, we’ve been designing and making our very own 3D mythical beasts using different sculpting techniques. On the 19th May, the whole class spent the day at Hartlepool Power Station to find out how electricity is generated

We had a brilliant time learning about the full process and, after getting ‘kitted out’ in our safety equipment and going through security checks, we went to see the power station in action. We were even able to go into a turbine hall—it was very loud!


Our term's studies began with learning about Jesus' return to be with his Father in Heaven. This is called the Ascension and we celebrated it in an Ascension Mass. We then made studies in Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit whose coming had been promised by Jesus. We thought of the gifts and fruits of the Spirit.
Our highlight, at this time of year, is the day of our Pentecostal picnic when we invite Egton School, to come and join us in our Pentecostal Celebration. We came to school in our Pentecostal colours of red and yellow and welcomed St. Hilda's at lunchtime.

It was rather cold so we all packed into our dinner hall where there was lots of friendly chat.
Afterwards we played on the field until it was time for Mass. We shared the readings and prayers with children from St. Hilda's.Then we gathered in the playground where we released white doves, the dove is a symbol of Pentecost. Everyone clapped as there was a fluttering of wings and the doves flew into the skies and away!


Swimming:This half term we returned to Loftus Leisure Centre for our weekly swimming sessions.

Quadkids:This was a new event to the sporting calendar this year. It consisted of each child taking part in four events; sprint, run, standing long jump and mini vortex howler throw and the points gained scored as a team of 4. All the children took part at different times throughout this half term;

Class 1 finished 1st with 1081 points; Ellie gained 1st girl and Noah 3rd boy overall.

Year 3/4 finished 1st also with 957 points; Amelia 2nd girl and Isobel 3rd girl overall.

Year 5/6 finished 4th with 985 points; Hannah gained 2nd girl overall.

Well done to everyone on these excellent results.

Class 1 and Year 3/4 now head to the next round at Lady Lumleys on Friday 10th June.

Y3/4 tennis:Year 3 and 4 took part in an inter-school tennis competition at Caedmon, making full use of the specialist coaching and playing lots of games. By the end of the afternoon, they had considerably improved their tennis skills and really enjoyed themselves in the process.

Peat Rigg Residential Trip

Year 3/4 had a fantastic time at Peat Rigg even though the weather wasn’t as good as we’d hoped! Our children worked in groups with children from four other Esk Valley schools; Danby, Egton, Castleton and Glaisdale for the activities.

We were busy all day; regardless of snow, hail and high winds, experiencing healthy eating in many different forms; sausage making (and eating on the last day) was extremely popular. We were lucky enough to sleep in the newest rooms which all had en-suite showers, bunk beds, underfloor heating and plenty of space to store all our layers! Many thanks to the Friends of St. Hedda’s who along with parents and school funded this residential.

Here are some of our thoughts;

”I really liked the pig keeping because the pigs were stinky” – Ethan

“The most interesting things was bee keeping because we talked about the smoker which puts the bees to sleep” – Sophie

“It was fun!” – Charlie

“Our final activity was bee keeping, I was so scared. When beekeeping was over sadly it was time to go!” – Amy

“I liked the pigs best because I like farming.” – Josh

“Although Peat Rigg was tiring it was also real fun!” – Poppy

“My favourite bit was bee keeping because I loved the honey.” – Rhys

“The best bit was the hot chocolate on the night because it was the best ever!” - Isobel