
Layered Curriculum Review: Living Systems

B Level Assignments (Knowledge and Comprehension)

Students must complete 85 points worth in this section

Assignment / Possible / Earned
1. Define the following in your OWN words and draw a symbol for each – biology, cells, organism, homeostasis, organ systems, tissue, organ, respiration, digestion, circulation / 20
2. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
·  What are the different methods of locomotion by protists? Explain how they work.
·  How do cells function?
·  Explain how cells can form something as complex as the human body.
·  How does our body maintain homeostasis? / 20
3. Draw and Label a diagram of two different body systems. Explain how these two systems work together in a complete paragraph. / 20
4. Define health and give 5 ways you can maintain a healthy body. / 5
5. Explain how these terms are related in 3 complete sentences: circulatory system, respiration, and immunity / 5
6. Draw a table showing the four stages a human body goes through as it grows and develops. Explain what significant changes happens at each stage. / 20
7. Answer the following questions in complete sentences: What is the main difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? How are plant and animal cells different? What if the main function of the cardiac muscle? How does our immune system work? How is the human body organized (from the simplest cell to the whole structure? / 20

A Level Assignments (Application and Analysis)

Students must complete 15 points worth in this section

Assignment / Possible / Earned
1. Create a story or a poem as a an oxygen molecule traveling in to the body. Explain your movement through the different organs in the body(using vocabulary words from the unit) / 5
2. Imagine you are a biologist. If a persons kidneys are not working correct-what problems could they face? What body system does this affect most / 5
3. What type of heat transfer do you think has the most effect on our bodies homeostasis: radiation, conduction, or convection? Explain why in at least 5 sentences. / 5
4. Create a 10 question quiz (with your own answer key that you create) on Living Systems. / 5
Total Points Earned / Letter Grade