Alternative Assignment for Child Development Human Reproduction Unit

·  Due to the fact the student will not be involved in class activities relating to the unit on Human Reproduction the student will complete this alternative assignment.

·  The student will complete a report from the topics listed below with approval of their parents/guardian. These topics have been taken straight from the State Standards and Objectives for Child Development from the State of Utah. These objectives can be found on the Utah State Office of Education Website under Family & Consumer Science Education.

·  The student and their parents/guardian will be held responsible to learn and study this information for State Test taken at the end of this course.

·  The guidelines for this paper are as follows:

o  The report must be 6 pages or more, typed using 12 inch font and double spaced.

o  A work cited page with at least 4 credible resources must be listed.

o  A rough draft (this can be hand written) must be handed in to their teacher two weeks after the start of the Human Reproduction Unit. This will then be handed back to the student with any correction made and listed.

o  The final draft is due at the end of the Human Reproduction Unit.

o  Failure to meet the above guidelines will result in a loss of all points for the Human Reproduction Unit.

o  A grading scale that will be used has been attached to this paper.


20.0102-03 Students will identify characteristics of prenatal development and childbirth.


20.0102-0301 Explain correct facts concerning conception.

National Standard 15.4.1

• Review reproductive organs and the functions of each

• Describe the reproductive process

• Discuss appropriate ways to teach young children about sexuality

20.0102-0302 Chart heredity and environmental factors influencing birth defects.

National Standard 15.4.1

• Analyze the influence and effects of genetics and heredity

• Define recessive and dominant genes

• Identify types and causes of birth defects and their characteristics

• Identify risks for genetic birth defects and the benefits of genetic counseling

• Specify lifestyle factors that minimize environmental birth defects (drugs, alcohol, tobacco)

• Identify the role of folic acid in the prevention of neural tube defects

• Identify the role of appropriate nutrition and weight gain on prenatal development

• Explain the role of prenatal testing in the detection of birth defects. (ultrasound and amniocentesis)

• Identify causes and implications of birth defects (Down’s syndrome, PKU, muscular dystrophy, fetal alcohol syndrome, neural tube defects, cleft palate/cleft lip, club hand/foot)

• Discuss the importance of early prenatal and on-going prenatal care

20.0102-0303 Explain the characteristics of pregnancy.

• National Standard 15.4.1

• Discuss the health risk of teen pregnancy

• Identify the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy

• Identify common discomforts occurring during pregnancy

• Identify potential pregnancy complications (RH factor, toxemia/pre-eclampsia, miscarriage, stillbirth, premature, low birth weight)

20.0102-0304 Explain the processes occurring during prenatal development.

National Standard 15.4.1

• Outline the stages occurring during prenatal development (zygote, embryo, fetus)

• Define and discuss prenatal terminology (umbilical cord, placenta, amniotic fluid, amniotic sac, uterus, etc.)

• Identify the prenatal development occurring during each trimester

• Discuss multiple births

20.0102-0305 List the sequential events in the childbirth process.

National Standard 15.4.1

• Define childbirth terms (show, crowning, episiotomy, etc.)

• Describe the three stages of labor

• Discuss delivery options

• Describe possible complications that may occur during childbirth

Name ___ Date __Period

Alternative Assignment for Child Development Human Reproduction Rubric

(40 pts) / Great Work!
(30 pts.) / Needs Help!
(20 pts.) / What Happened?
(10 pts.) / Self / Teacher
Purpose / Completely identifies and defines the purpose. Key Points and related issues have insight and clarity. / Identifies and defines the purpose for the most part. There are some key points the related listed with little clarity. / Identifies only parts of the purpose. Key points and related issues are missing. / Fails to identify the purpose.
(Research) / Effectively locates and selects information from 4 creatable sources. Discuss all sides of the issue using multiple perspectives. / Locates and selects information from 3 or 2 credible sources. A limited number of perspectives are discussed. / Insufficient information is gathered and only 1 credible source is listed. All sides of the issue are not represented. / Information on the issue is not gathered.
Analysis / Insightfully organizes and analyzes information. Organization of paper is very clear and concise. / Analyzes information with little insight. Organization of paper is confusion. / Minimal attempt to analyze information is made. Multiple views are not explored or evaluated. / No analysis is evident since no real information was gathered.
Outcome / Makes thorough insightful judgments with strong supporting evidence. Paper 6 pages or more, typed using 12 inch font, and double spaced. / Makes sufficient and reasonable judgments with some supporting evidence. Paper is 4 pages, typed using12 inch font, double spaced. / Makes inadequate judgment with incomplete use of supporting evidence. Paper 3 or less pages, typed using a font greater than 12 inch, and double or single spaced. / Judgment is mere opinion using no real evidence for support. Paper is hand written.

***Please make sure to grade yourself before handing in. This sheet should be stapled on top of paper.***