Port CommissionMeeting at

Ernie’s Café at the Airport

Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at 4pm


  1. Citizen comments/requests: For items not on the agenda citizens can make a brief presentation and ask the Commission to schedule a topic for discussion at a future meeting.
  1. Staff Reports: Written staff reports will be distributed at the meeting.

3. Consent agenda:

A. Approve minutes of June 22, 2011(Note: Minutes are kept at the Port Office and on the Port’s website:

B. Approve vouchers and payroll

  1. Commission Action Items:
  1. Approve RESOLUTION #11-015 acceptance of FAA grant #27
  2. Award bid for Gate/Vault/Generator project
  3. Approve construction administration contract for Gate/Vault/Generator project
  4. Approve design contract for Taxiway A and Electrical work
  5. Approve construction access easement for Peace Island project
  6. Approve RESOLUTION #11-016 transfer of lease Naknek Charters to Mike Close (San Juan Island Marine Center)

Commission signatures

5. Commission Discussion Items:

A.Customs & Border Patrol – airport request

B.2012 Boat Show

C.Redistricting of Port Commission districts

D.Second Quarter Finance Report

E.Review 2011 Budget

F.Attendance at Peace Island groundbreaking

6. Port Director reports:

7. Port Commissioner Issues and Committee reports:

8. Executive Session: None


The Prime Directive of the Port of Friday Harbor: "The Port of Friday Harbor will strive to maintain a healthy economy with family wage jobs, and to improve the social, economic and natural environments of the island.”

The Port of Friday Harbor is:

  • a public corporation organized under the Revised Code of Washington (RCW)

by the citizens of San Juan Island,

  • operated in the manner of a private business,
  • directed by a three-member board elected by district voters,

capitalized by returns from operating revenue, revenue bonds, grants, and local property taxes, and managed for the economic benefit of the citizens of the Friday Harbor Port District.


  1. Approve RESOLUTION #11-015 acceptance of FAA Grant3-53-0152-27

The Port has applied for a grant from the FAA to fund the following airport improvement projects:

  • Design: Generator/Vault/Gates/RM
  • Construction: Generator/Vault/Gates
  • Obstruction Survey
  • Design: Taxiway A, drainage, lights & signs/RM

The budget for these projects is $1,460,813, with $1,387,772 in FAA-AIP funds. Port staff has applied for a grant from Washington Aeronautics in the amount of $33,000 to help with matching funds.

The Grant Offer must be signed by the Port Director and the Port Attorney and returned to the FAA by the close of business on July 20th. The Attorney will attend the meeting.

Recommended action: Motion to approve RESOLUTION #11-015

  1. Award bid for Airport Generator/ Vault/ Gates project

Bids were opened July 6 for this project which will replace and upgrade airport gates, construct a new electric vault in the vicinity of the passenger terminal, and will include a new emergency generator and other electric upgrades. Each bidder had irregularities in their documents, which are being evaluated by an attorney familiar with public bid law. The attorney’s recommendation will be reviewed at the meeting.

Recommended action: Motion to award bid for Airport Generator/ Vault/ Gates Construction project as recommended by staff.

  1. Approve construction administration contract for Airport Project Construction Management

Reid Middleton, the airport engineering company, has proposed a contract to manage the Generator/Vault/Gates project. The proposal is for $70,460, and will be based on actual time and expenses incurred. We expect to use airport staff to support this project and may recognize some savings from this contract amount. The project will be paid for with FAA grant funds, and we have applied to Washington Aeronautics for help with the matching funds.

Recommended action: Motion to approve Port Director signature on contract with Reid Middleton for $70,460for construction management

  1. Approve design contract for Taxiway ‘A’ design and Electrical work

Reid Middleton has offered a contract to the Port to design the reconstruction of Taxiway A, including replacement of taxiway signs and lights, and some runway signs. The project will include upgrades to the airport’s storm drain system required by the project. The proposal has been reviewed in the independent estimate process. This project is planned for construction in 2012. The design costs are included in an FAA grant this year. Matching funds for the design contract have been applied for from Washington Aeronautics. The proposed fee is approximately $338,000. The proposal has been reviewed in the independent estimate process. The independent estimate was $315,600, which is within 10% of the proposal. The FAA will review the proposed fee.

Recommended action:Motion to approve design contract with Reid Middleton for Taxiway ‘A’ design and electrical work after FAA approval.

  1. Approve Peace Health construction access easement

The Port Commission approved an agreement with Peace Health in 2010 that lays the groundwork for a series of easements granted between the parties, including those for utilities, road access and avigation easements. Peace Health is preparing to begin construction on the medical center to the west of the airport.

An immediate need is the requirement to access Port property to construct a driveway for use during the groundbreaking ceremony on July 23. This permission has been given in an access agreement created by the Port Director and Attorney. The term is through August 5.

A second agreement will be writtento allow access through the property during construction, and will describe how and where utility connections will be made. The Port Commissioners should direct staff to negotiate this agreement based on their concerns about the project. The document should be in place before the first agreement expires.

Issues to consider are:

  • Access to Peace Health site for worker parking, possibly Weber Way
  • Access to Peace Health site for construction for loading dock , mechanical and electrical equipment
  • Access to airport for sanitary sewer connection near Ernie’s Café, including inside fence
  • Access to airport for construction of water line along Franklin Drive
  • Access to airport for electric, telephone and fiber optic connections

The routes for connection to Town sanitary sewer and water connections have been reviewed and approved by the airport engineer and Port staff. Our concerns will include special training for workers within the airport fence.

Finally, an ongoing agreement for access through Port property for vehicles, pedestrians and utility connections will be created. We have adequate time to complete this during the construction period.

Recommended action: Motion to approve signature on Construction Access Easement with Peace Health

  1. Approve RESOLUTION #11-016 transfer of lease Naknek Charters to Mike Close (San Juan Island Marine Center)

Kurt and Peggy Long are in the process of selling their business, Naknek Dive Charters. Mike Close of San Juan Island Marine Center is purchasing part of the business including the dive air service housed in the Spring Street Landing office. This space is immediately adjacent to SJI Marine Center. The current lease term expires 12/31/11 with the option to negotiate for a subsequent term. The use is for office and compressor for commercial diving charter operation and associated sales[de1][de2][de3]. What about noncommercial diving compressor use?

Recommended action: motion to approve signatures on Assignment of Lease from Kurt and Peggy Long to Mike Close.


  1. US. Customs & Border Patrol – airport request

The Port has received a request for airport inspection space from the Seattle office of CBP. This refers to the back room at Ernie’s Café, which was considered as a possible location for a counter and waiting area. Currently CBP officers conduct clearances xxxon the ramp from their van. In cases where luggage must be inspected, this activity is performed on the pavement. In the past, between 400 and 500 aircraft cleared each year at Friday Harbor. Recently the activity has declined to about 200 per year. If the Commissioners wish to offer this space, it will be free “inspection space” and upgrades will be performed by the Port. The Commission may want to take into consideration the restaurant tenant’s desire to maintain some storage in that area.


  1. 2012 Boat Show

The 2012 Boat Show is in the planning stages and the Commission should discuss the pros and cons of participation this year. The Auditor and Harbormaster will review the 2011 expenditures and benefits of participation.


  1. Redistricting of Port Commission districts

Results of the 2010 census mustbe used to re-balance the Port Commissioner Districts. The Commission can delegate this project to staff, or can appoint a committee or can conduct the work themselves. Staff recommends that the analysis be done in-house, with the goal of keeping the districts as close to the existing configuration as possible.


  1. Second Quarter Finance Report


  1. Review 2011 Construction Budget

There have been changes to the scope of several projects in the 2011 Construction Budget, most notably to airport projects funded by FAA grants. Due to concerns about operating revenue projections, staff recommends that some projects be scaled back or postponed.


  1. Attendance at Peace Island groundbreaking

The Port Commissioners have been invited to attend the 7/23 Peace Island event. There will probably be no opportunity to speak, but Commissioners will be recognized from the podium.



