KS 1 Curriculum Overview 2014-2015

Autumn Term

Subject / Year 1 Autumn / Year 2
Literacy / Non Fiction
Labels, Lists and captions 1 week – Link to ‘Ourselves’ transition topic
Instructions- 1 week- linked to transition topic
Stories with familiar settings – 4 weeks –Book to work from: ‘Not now Bernard’
Instructions – 1week –D&T link
Using the senses – 2 weeks – Science Link (fireworks)
Narrative 4 weeks
Stories linked to Christmas production / Narrative - Unit 2
Traditional Stories – 4 weeks – Little Red riding hood, Three little pigs, Goldilocks and three bears, Jack and the Beanstalk.
Narrative - Unit 1
Stories with Familiar Settings – 3 weeks – Dogger, Tatty Ratty
Non Fiction - Unit 2
Explanations – 4 weeks
Connect to Electricity Science Topic.
Plus Wolves and Rabbits by Emily Gravett
Poetry - Unit 1
Patterns on the page - 2 weeks
Use Christmas Poems
Numeracy / Abacus and achieving for all medium term plan / Abacus Evolve units in order
Science / Ourselves
Light and Dark / Electricity
Changing Materials
ICT / Introduction to modelling – 1A
Using a word bank – 1B / Drawing, Beebots and touch typing
Link to Great Fire of London
RE / CAS people to remember
Celebrations: Why is Christmas important to people / CAS Harvest and Thanksgiving
People in Christianity: Who was Jesus? A great leader and teacher?
History / Guy Fawkes- LCP Unit
Toys in the past – LCP Unit / The Great Fire of London – LCP Unit
Geography / Around our school LCP / An Island Home – LCP
Art and Design / Self portraits -LCP / CAS – Painting
CAS – Drawing
DT / Biscuits and milkshake-Link to Not Now Bernard / DT week - Puppets
Christmas Cards
Making Jelly – Link to Science – Changing Materials
PE / Games: kicking and striking
(CAS) rolling and receiving
Gym: travelling and stop (CAS)
Dance- linked to fireworks (CAS) / Dance CAS
Foot Control CAS – dribble, kick and receive
Gym – Body shape CAS
Striking and Fielding Activities – Rolling and Throwing QCA
PSHE / Myself and my relationships –
·  Beginning and belonging (4)
·  Me and my Emotions (5) / Myself and my relationships –
·  Getting on and falling out
·  New Beginnings
Music / Music express Year 1 book / Music express Year 2 book
Phonics / Dependent on child and Phase they are working on. Please speak to class teacher for more information. / Dependent on child and Phase they are working on. Please speak to class teacher for more information.

Spring Term

Subject / Year 1 / Year 2
Literacy / Non Fiction
Information texts – 4 weeks – History Houses link
Poems on a theme – 2 weeks
Traditional and fairy stories – 4 weeks –Walt Disney Cinderella/ Jack and the beanstalk / Narrative - Unit 3
Different Stories by the same author – 4 weeks – Roald Dahl
Non Fiction Unit 1
Instructions – 3 weeks
1 week linked to science (growing seeds)
Non Fiction – Unit 4
Non Chronological Reports
3 weeks – linked to science (plants and animals)
Numeracy / Abacus and achieving for all medium term plan / Abacus Evolve units in order
Science / Sound and hearing, QCA
Sorting and using materials / Variation
Plants and Animals
ICT / Information around us – 1C
Understanding instructions and making things happen – 1F / Drawing, Beebots and touch typing
RE / 3) CAS light and dark
4)The family in Christianity: What difference does belonging to a faith make to a family? / CAS – Special Books
CAS – Endings and Beginnings
History / Homes in the Past - LCP / Florence Nightingale – LCP
Geography / How can we make our local area safer? LCP / None this term
Art and Design / Investigating materials LCP / CAS – Drawing/\Painting (Observation and Imagination)
CAS – Print Making
DT / Texture boards
House building / Easter Cards
Mother’s day cards
Felt Balls
PE / Games- travelling with an object (CAS)
Gym-Jump and land (CAS)
Dance- from other cultures
May day preparation / Dance CAS
Net Game Activities – throw, catch and strike CAS
Gym – rocking and rolling CAS
May Day Preparation
PSHE / Citizenship – 3 working together
Citizenship – 4 diversity and communities
Healthy and safer lifestyles
Managing risk (4) / Healthy and safer lifestyles – 6, 9 and 10
Music / Music express Year 1 book / Music express Year 2 book
Phonics / Dependent on child and Phase they are working on. Please speak to class teacher for more information. / Dependent on child and Phase they are working on. Please speak to class teacher for more information.

Summer Term

Subject / Year 1 / Year 2
Literacy / Stories from a range of cultures/predictable patterned language – 4 weeks – Handa’s surprise
Pattern and Rhyme –1 week –
Non Fiction
Recounts, dictionary – 2 weeks Link to trip
Stories about fantasy worlds – 4 weeks – Shark tale/Finding Nemo/Rainbow Fish/Fish that Could Wish (Link to trip) / Narrative - Unit 4
Extended Stories/Significant Authors – 4 weeks
Non Fiction - Unit 3
Information Texts - 4 weeks
Link to Seaside and Science topics
Poetry – Unit 2
Really Looking – 2 weeks
Link to Seaside topic
Unit 3
Silly Stuff – 2 weeks
Limericks and performing poetry
Numeracy / Abacus and achieving for all medium term plan / Abacus Evolve units in order
Science / Pushes and pulls
Growing plants / Forces and Movement
Health and Growth
ICT / Representing information graphically 1E
Labelling and Classifying 1D
QCA / Drawing, Beebots and touch typing
RE / 5)places in Christianity: What makes a church special for Christian people?
6) CAS weddings / Stories and Symbols: Sikhism
Self and Community: Sikhism
History / At the Seaside LCP
Punch and Judy
Geography / Where in the World is Barnaby Bear ?LCP
Passport to the world LCP / Locality Comparison
At the Seaside – LCP
Art and Design / sculpture
LCP / CAS – Sculpture
CAS - Textiles
DT / Book marks / Cooking – Jacket Potatoes
Sheet materials – furniture for a bear
PE / Games- throwing and catching
Sports Day preparation
Swimming / Sports Day preparation
PSHE / Healthy and safer lifestyles
Safety contexts (5)
Sex and relationship education (6)
Healthy lifestyles (7) / Myself and My Relationships 7 and 8
Economic Wellbeing 1
Music / Music express Year 1 book / Music express Year 2 book
Phonics / Dependent on child and Phase they are working on. Please speak to class teacher for more information. / Dependent on child and Phase they are working on. Please speak to class teacher for more information.