(Registered under the Trade Unions Act 1926, Registration No: 727/MDS)

State Bank Buildings, St. Mark’s Road, Bangalore – 560 001

CIRCULAR NO.55 DATE: 25.04.2016





We are happy to inform all our members that the Circle Association at Hyderabad has established a well-furnished Guest House “Visakha Bhavan” at Vishakapatnam for the benefit of members across the country. The Guest House is situated in the heart of the city and nearby the Railway Station as well as the Airport. The Guest House is fully furnished with four floors each consisting of 5 rooms which are air conditioned and built with all modern facilities. The Guest House also has a spacious parking place so that the officers who visit the city by their own vehicle can have the facility of parking as well.

2. The Guest House was inaugurated on 17th April 2016 in elegantly organized function by the Circle Association. Sri.Ashwin Mehta, General Manager, NW – II, Hyderabad Circle representing the Circle Management and Com.Y.Sudarshan, the General Secretary of AISBOF and President of AIBOC, graced the occasion and participated in the inauguration of the Guest House along with Com.B.Sukkaiah, President and Com.G.Subramaniam, General Secretary, SBIOA, Hyderabad Circle along with large number of office-bearers as well as the members from Hyderabad Circle were present on this happy occasion.

3. Com.Y.Sudarshan, speaking on the occasion appreciated the various welfare activities that are being taken up by the Circle Association under the able guidance of the present leaders and he complimented them for the excellent Guest House that they have established in an important center at Vishakapatnam and was confident that their effort would help many of the officers not only working in Hyderabad Circle but also elsewhere in the country to utilize the services of the Guest House whenever they visit the city of Vishakapatnam. The City Vishakapatnam, is the coastal area and fast developing as one of the major industrial center in the State of Andhra Pradesh and is one of the tourist spot which attracts tourist from all parts of the country. He wished the Circle Association all the best and complimented them for the excellent facility that they have provided to their members in the Circle.

4. Shri.Ashwin Mehta, the General Manager, NW-II, SBI Hyderabad Circle, complimented the Circle Association for taking several welfare activities and appreciated their efforts in establishing a well-furnished and a high standard guest house for the benefit of their members, who wish to visit the center would be able to enjoy the facilities provided by the Guest House.

5. Com.G.Subramaniyam, General Secretary conveyed his gratitude to the membership of Hyderabad Circle for extending total support for taking up various welfare activities and assured that the Circle Association will look after the interest of the members in all respects.

6. Com.B.Sukkaiah, the President of the Circle association who presided over the function thanked all the dignitaries for their valuable presence and hoped that the Federation as well as Management would continue to extend all co-operation and support to the activities of the Circle Association.

7. Comrades, the entire leadership of the Circle Association were present on this happy occasion and they were happy that they could add yet another feather in the cap of the Circle Association by providing the facility of the Guest House at Visakhapatnam for the benefit of the members.

8. The details of the facilities are furnished below:-



D.No.49-54-6/3, Shirdi Sai Anugraha Pitham Road

Opp.Minerva Public School, Balayya Sastry Layout

Seethammadhara North Extn., Visakhapatnam

9. Tariff :-

·  1 room with double occupancy at Rs.500/- per day.

·  Suite at Rs. 750/- per day per Suite

·  For officers of other Circles Rs.100/- extra per room/suite.

10. Office-Bearers to be contacted in case of reservation of the Guest House:

Guest House In-charge: Com.Venkateswara Das,

Regional Secretary – 99892 65111

11. Comrades, the Guest House established by the Hyderabad Circle Association would benefit large number of officers who intend to visit the City of Vishakapatnam. We take this opportunity to congratulate the Circle Association for their efforts in establishing the Guest House Vishakapatnam which will be another addition to the already existing Guest Houses of the Circle Association in different centers of the Circle.

With warm greetings,