Software Installation Plan


for the

Client Server Version

of the

Standard Labor Data Collection


Distribution Application


SLDCADA-ClSrv-SIP-21.0 Version 21.0

Supported by:

Naval Sea Logistics Center Detachment Atlantic

Corporate Systems Support Division

Record of Revisions and/or Changes
Document Revision No. / Revision Date / Detailed Description of Change
[page no., paragraph no., & subparagraph no., (if necessary) + detailed description]
21.0.0 / 1 Aug 2000 / Baseline document


SLDCADA-ClSrv-SIP-21.0 1 Aug 2000

Rev. 21.0.0 1 Aug 2000

Table of Contents

Title Page

Record of Revisions and/or Changes i

Table of Contents iii

List of Figures vi

List of Appendices viii

List of Tables ix

1. Scope. 1

1.1 Identification. 1

1.2 System overview. 1

1.3 Document overview. 1

1.4 Relationship to other plans. 2

2. Referenced documents. 2

3. Installation overview. 3

3.1 Description. 3

3.1.1 Responsibilities. 3

3.1.2 Computer system hardware. 4

3.2 Contact point. 5

3.3 Support materials. 5

3.4 Training. 5

3.5 Tasks. 5

3.5.1 Installation site. 5

3.5.2 CSSD. 6

3.6 Personnel. 6

3.6.1 Installation site. 6

3.6.2 CSSD. 6

3.7 Security and privacy. 6

3.7.1 IS accreditation. 6

3.7.2 Computer system accreditation. 7

3.7.3 Data handling and storage. 7

4. Site-specific information for software center operations staff. 7

4.1 Schedule. 8

4.2 Software inventory. 8

4.3 Facilities. 8

4.4 Installation team. 8

4.5 Installation procedures. 9

4.5.1 Preparation actions. 9 Required materials. 9 Pre-installation instructions. 9

4.5.2 Software setup. 13 Software installation sequence. 13 Software installation participation. 14

4.5.3 System setup. 15 Required materials/items. 15 Partition disk. 16 Assign disk permissions and ownership. 16 Manual entry procedures. 17

4.5.4 Oracle servers initialization. 17 Required materials. 17 Verify data. 17

4.5.5 Netscape server installation. 18 Required materials. 18 Disk Space Requirements. 18 Pre-installation procedures. 19 Setup SLDCADA Web application. 33 Installation procedures. 42

4.5.6 Database backup area creation. 43

4.5.7 Application software load. 43

4.5.8 User/set-up directories. 44 Load System default files. 45

4.5.9 Configure lp printers. 47

4.5.10 Verify devices. 48

4.5.11 SLDCADA server configuration. 48

4.5.12 SLDCADA data setup. 50

4.5.13 SLDCADA SQL Loader dataload. 65

4.5.14 SLDCADA File Load/Processing. 66

4.5.15 On-line data installation. 69

4.6 Data update procedures. 70

4.6.1 DCPS Data Load. 70

4.6.2 Setting constraints and keys. 73

4.6.3 Client installation. 75 Installation Procedures. 75 Oracle Open Client configuration. 76

4.6.4 Additional data installation. 77

4.6.5 Automated crontab setup. 78

4.6.6 SLDCADA backup. 79

5. Site-specific information for software users. 79

6. Notes. 79

6.1 Acronyms. 79

Document Improvement Proposal

List of Figures

Title Page

Figure 1, Netscape Welcome Screen 20

Figure 2, Netscape Consent Screen 21

Figure 3, Netscape Installation Type Screen 21

Figure 4, Netscape Extract Screen 22

Figure 5, Netscape Server Family Components Screen 22

Figure 6, Netscape Enterprise Server Components Screen 23

Figure 7, Netscape Domain Name Screen 23

Figure 8, Netscape System User and Group Screen 24

Figure9, Netscape Enterprise Administration Server Screen 25

Figure 10, Netscape Enterprise Admin Server User Name Screen 26

Figure 11, Netscape Admin Server Port Screen 27

Figure 12, Netscape Server Port Screen 28

Figure 13, Netscape LDAP Directory Server Screen 28

Figure14, Netscape Enterprise Server Content Root Screen 29

Figure 15, Netscape Java Development Kit (JDK) Screen 30

Figure 16, Netscape JDK Directory Screen 31

Figure 17, Netscape Completion Screen 32

Figure 18, Netscape Cleanup Screen 32

Figure 19, Netscape Administration Login Screen 33

Figure 20, Server Selection Screen 34

Figure 21, Server Manager Screen 35

Figure 22, Server Manager Servlet Tab 35

Figure 23, Configure JRE/JDK Paths Screen 36

Figure 24, Servlet Directory Screen 36

Figure 25, Save Screen 37

Figure26, Configure Global Servlet Attributes Screen 37

Figure 27, Save Screen 38

Figure 28, Configure JVM Attributes Screen 39

Figure 29, Save Screen 40

Figure 30, com.Oracle.install.Install 41

Figure 31, SLDPB Directory Structure 44

Figure 32, File def.cshrc Contents 46

Figure 33, File def.login Contents 46

Figure 34, File def.profile Contents 47

Figure 35, RUN_SLDCADANF Script 49

Figure 36, Oracle Open Client Configuration for Windows 3.1 76

Figure 37, Oracle Open Client Configuration for Windows 95 or NT 77

List of Appendices

Title Page

Installation Data Worksheets A-1

Data Load Error Messages B-1

List of Tables

Title Page

Table1, Document Typeface Conventions 2

Table2, Areas of Installation Responsibility 4

Table3, Computer System Hardware – Server 4

Table4, Computer System Hardware – Client 4

Table5, Points of Contact 5

Table6, Required Software – Server 8

Table7, Required Software – Client 8

Table8, SLDCADA User Disk Partition 11

Table9, Oracle Server Setup Disk Requirements 12

Table10, SLDCADA Unformatted Disk Requirement 13

Table 11, SLDCADA Web Disk Requirements 19

Table12, System Files 45

Table13, Directory /etc/skel Files With Contents 45

Table14, Server-related Files 48

Table15, DCPS Files Used for Startup 70

Table16, Data Modification 78

Table17, SLDCADA Backup Transaction Results 79

Table18, Port Number Assignments A-1

Table19, Software Initialization Required Data Items A-1

Table20, Server Raw Device Names A-1

Table21, Host Information A-1

Table22, Database Sizing Information A-2

Table23, Database Raw Device Names A-2

Table24, Server Information A-3

Table25, Shops for Cross-Reference A-4

Table26, Geographic Location Codes A-5

Table 27, Punch Calculation A-5


SLDCADA-ClSrv-SIP-21.0 1 Aug 2000

Rev. 21.0.0 1 Aug 2000

1.  Scope.

1.1  Identification.

This Software Installation Plan (SIP) applies to the locations using Sun platforms for processing the Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA).

1.2  System overview.

The Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA) is a Naval Sea System Command (NAVSEA) developed Time and Attendance System that has recently been chosen as the Department of Navy standard.

The SLDCADA is a timekeeping system that allows for centralized or distributed input, provides the capability to track civilian, military, as well as contractor labor hours against job order numbers for financial purposes, and hours against type hour codes for pay purposes.

Other notable features include a leave availability check, prior pay adjustments, exception reporting, ability to query Defense Civilian Payroll System (DCPS) files (MER & BiMER), for easy access to employee information by authorized users.

The SLDCADA provides a single Time & Attendance screen for input, correction, certification, prior pays, and review, which ultimately reduces the training effort and makes user input easy. All reports are on-line, resulting in a reduction of hard-copy reports.

Interfaces are in place with the DCPS, the Department of Defense standard financial systems (DIFMS, STARS-FL, STARS-HQ) as well as other various local financial systems.

The SLDCADA is parameter driven so it can be tailored to meet individual site requirements. By being able to customize the SLDCADA application, the site is provided with maximum flexibility thus making it possible to satisfy a site’s particular needs.

All of these attributes are what makes the SLDCADA a robust, flexible and quality system.

The Corporate Systems Support Division (CSSD), Naval Sea Logistics Center Detachment Atlantic, Yorktown, Virginia, holds responsibility for the functionality and software maintenance.

1.3  Document overview.

This plan specifies responsibilities, identifies necessary resources, and details the procedures to install and configure the SLDCADA processing and supporting software on Sun Microsystems computer hardware. Paragraphs 3, Installation overview., and 3.1, Description. , state the major milestones of the installation process and designate the respective Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR). Paragraphs 3.5, Tasks. , and Error! Reference source not found., Error! Reference source not found., progressively break down each area of responsibility into tasks and the steps to accomplish each task. Every step is presented with operating instructions.

The instructions in this document use specialized typeface conventions to convey specific meanings. The typeface used, its function, and the actions to take are shown in Table1, Document Typeface Conventions.

Typeface & Purpose / Directions
text / This font/typeface is the text standard for this document.
information screen displays / This is the typeface/font displayed on the system screen.
This is also the typeface to distinguish important data information within paragraphs.
variables/variables / Substitute the required information for the variable name/reference in bold typeface.

Table1, Document Typeface Conventions

1.4  Relationship to other plans.

There is no relationship to other plans.

2.  Referenced documents.

Documents available from a government source have the government agency listed as the author to be contacted for copies. Unless otherwise noted, commercial publications listed below are delivered with the Sun Microsystems hardware and software.

35841-01-1102-01 Configuring Oracle SQL Server for Sun Solaris 2.x (SPARC), Oracle, Inc., Emeryville, CA, September 27, 1996

802-1930-10 SunOS Reference Manual Section 1. User Commands (A-M), SunSoft, Inc., Mountain View, CA, November 1995

802-1930-10  SunOS Reference Manual Section 1. User Commands (N-Z), SunSoft, Inc., Mountain View, CA, November 1995

802-1930-10 SunOS Reference Manual Section 1M. System Administration Commands, SunSoft, Inc., Mountain View, CA, November 1995

802-2002-10  System Administration Guide Volume 1, Mountain View, CA, November 1995

DCPS-IS-01 Defense Civilian Pay System (DCPS) Interface Specification, Release 00-2, 21 May 2000, Revision11, Change 3

SECNAVINST 5239.2 Subj: Department of the Navy Automated Information Systems (AIS) Security Program

SLDCADA-ClSrv-SVD-21.0 Software Version Description (SVD) for the Client Server Version of the Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA)

3.  Installation overview.

The activity purchases the Sun Microsystems hardware, associated support software (Solaris and Oracle), and installation services from the appropriate vendor. Responsibility for the installation and testing of software is divided among the CSSD, data-processing personnel at each site, and the appropriate vendor.

3.1  Description.

The division of responsibilities is summarized in Table2, Areas of Installation Responsibility. The computer system hardware provided is listed in Table3, Computer System Hardware – Server, and Table4, Computer System Hardware – Client. The addresses and names of people to contact for information are provided in Table5, Points of Contact. The associated support software is listed in Table1, Document Typeface Conventions.

3.1.1  Responsibilities.

The appropriate vendor is responsible for the installation of all commercial software purchased with the Sun Microsystems hardware. On-site data-processing personnel are responsible for installing all commercial software procured separately from the Sun platform purchase. On-site data-processing personnel must also accomplish system set-up actions required to run the procured and applications software. Additional site responsibilities are contained in paragraph 3.5, Tasks. , CSSD personnel are responsible for system set-up actions unique to the information system, as well as the data preparation, installation, and testing of information systems software.

Identity / Responsibilities /
Appropriate Vendor / - hardware items
- all software procured with Sun platform
Sites / - computer facility preparation
- system setup
- all commercial software procured separately from Sun platform purchase
CSSD / - Oracle system setup
- data initialization
- application software load
- application business software checkout

Table2, Areas of Installation Responsibility

3.1.2  Computer system hardware.

Type / Model /
CPU / Sun platform
CD-ROM / 644 Mb
Disk / 1.9 – 9 GB
Magnetic tape units / 8mm required

Table3, Computer System Hardware – Server

Type / Model /
CPU / 486/33
Memory / 16 Mb
Video display / SVGA 800 x 600 resolution
Disk storage / 30 Mb free space
Data link / Ethernet (802.3 compatible)

Table4, Computer System Hardware – Client

3.2  Contact point.

Information About / OPR & Point Of Contact / Location /
SIP, SLDCADA / Corporate Systems Support Division
Ms. Frauke Tuthill
DSN 953-4730
Commercial (757) 887-4730 / Naval Sea Logistics Center Detachment Atlantic, Yorktown, Virginia
Technical items contained within this document / Commercial vendor / Reference Paragraph 2, Referenced documents.

Table5, Points of Contact

3.3  Support materials.

The majority of appendices for this SIP contain detailed support information. CSSD personnel either hand carry 8mm magnetic tapes and/or CDs containing the SLDCADA code and supporting UNIX scripts to each installation site, or the files are transferred prior to CSSD personnel arrival. Installation sites are to provide adequate work space around the computer system to include table or desk tops for holding written materials, chairs for all involved personnel, a telephone with DSN access, and basic office supplies such as pencils, pens, and notepads.

3.4  Training.

Each installation site should have a system administrator (SA) who has completed a Sun Microsystems System Administrator course or has the equivalent work experience. Any changes to or additional tasking required for the system-administrative support for the SLDCADA are taught to the site SA as CSSD personnel accomplish the items.

3.5  Tasks.

Installation tasks are delegated according to responsible agency.

3.5.1  Installation site.

Verify receipt of new hardware and contact vendor for installation. Provide system-specific information to vendor. Obtain system-specific information from vendor.

Perform hardware acceptance testing.

Inventory and retain all hardware and software documentation received with the computer system shipment(s).

Provide CSSD with a point of contact for the site deployment coordinator team. Confirm the arrival date; arrange billeting and facility/software access.

Install commercial software not contractually installed.

Accomplish system setup.

Assist in the installation and testing of the SLDCADA.

Coordinate applications’ checkout dates/times with customers.

Coordinate any system down time due to data and processing transfer with using activities.

3.5.2  CSSD.

Coordinate installation dates at earliest possible time.

Provide all software media containing the SLDCADA code.

Provide documentation required for application setup and installation not vendor supplied.

Perform configuration/system administration actions necessary for processing.

Accomplish the SLDCADA installation, data conversion, and transfer.

Conduct acceptance testing and troubleshoot any errors encountered.

3.6  Personnel.

Personnel required to ready the client/server are detailed in paragraphs 3.6.1, Installation site., and 3.6.2, CSSD.

3.6.1  Installation site.

Each installation site provides one SA, an advance point of contact to coordinate installation dates, and an individual to coordinate system transition with the user community.