Unit 13: Vegetables

Lesson 1: Exploring Vegetables – Teacher’s Guide

Estimated Time for Completion - 60 minutes

Student Learning Objectives:

  • As a result of this lesson the students will…
  • Explore various marketing strategies for vegetable crops.
  • Formulate a working definition of vegetables.
  • Utilize the FOODMARKETMAKER.COM application in order to identify new ways to market vegetable crops.

Purpose:When you walk into the produce section of your favorite grocery store, you likely see many different vegetables, fresh and ready for your table. It is amazing that no matter the time of year, you can still find most vegetables due certain climates being able to remain in production for a very long time. In the United States, California, Florida, and Arizona account for well over 50% of the national fresh vegetable production. Each vegetable meets a unique need in the market. What kinds of vegetables are grown near you, and what are those vegetables known for?

Directions:Access the commodities and products tab on the AgMRC website ( and find the link to Vegetables. Utilize information located here to answer the questions below:

  1. According to the AgMRC website how are vegetables defined?
  • First, select the Commodities and Products link.
  • Second, select the vegetables link.
  • Third, use the information on the page to answer the question.
  1. Chose a vegetable crop and discuss some of the health benefits from eating or using that vegetable. How could you use these benefits to market the vegetable? Who might you market it towards?
  • First, select the Commodities and Products link.
  • Second, select the vegetables link.
  • Third, chose a vegetable crop from those listed and use the information provided to answer the question.
  1. Using the Market Maker link on the AgMRC site, find a location where you could potentially sell your chosen vegetable crop and explain why you choose these locations.
  • First, select the FOODMARKETMAKER.COM tab.
  • Second, select a state.
  • Third, using the Find a Business area select one of the following: Buyer, eating and drinking place, Farmer’s Market, Food Retailer, Processor or Wholesaler.
  • Fourth, use the information and links to find a customer for the vegetable crop.
  1. Who are some local producers of vegetables in your area? Use the FOODMARKETMAKER.COM link for research.
  • First, select the FOODMARKETMAKER.COM tab
  • Second, select a state.
  • Third, using the Find a Business area select “Find a Farmer/Rancher”.
  • Fourth, select vegetables.
  • Fifth, select “Vegetable Product Type”
  • Sixth, select a category
  • Seventh, use the information provided to answer the question.
  1. What are some of the current market trends in the vegetable industry? Is the United States a net exporter or importer of vegetables?
  • First, select the Commodities and Products link.
  • Second, select the vegetables link.
  • Third, use the information on the page to answer the question.

Reinforcement activity:Where do baby carrots come from?

For this activity, you will need to do some research on a specific vegetable. Once your vegetable has been chosen/assigned, you are to find out where the vegetable is commonly produced and where it comes from. Does your chosen vegetable come from the same location all year, or does it the location it is transported from change depending on the season?


Location it is primarily grown for delivery to your area:

Depending on the season, this vegetable is transported from: