1st CliftonBeavers

Induction Pack

Welcome to 1st Clifton


AllBeaver Leaders here at 1st Clifton are volunteers, who undergo a check via the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) before they are allowed to take up a position within the Scout Movement.

Warranted Leaders undergo a standard training programme that is regularly renewed and updated.

Contact Details

Beaver ColonyLeaderRachel Penman Tel:07989 772214Email:

Group Scout Leader: Darren Clayton Tel: 07876 445919 Email:


The weeklyBeaver Colony meets from 17.45hrs to 18:45hrs each Tuesday evening. The Village Hall will be opened around 5 minutes before the meeting starts in order that all Beavers can be in the hall and ready to start on time.


New members will be invested into the Colony once they have attended a few meetings (usually around four) and have decided that they want to stay. In this time, the Leaders will talk to the new member about Beavers and what we do and what they would like to do. The new member will take full part in the activities during this time.

Parents/Guardians, brothers and sisters are invited to attend the investiture. This will usually be performed at the start of a normal meeting night and only takes a few minutes.


To be invested, the new member will need to acquire a uniform. These can be bought from Uniform and Leisure in Kirkham, Top Marque Uniforms in St Annes online from

The Beaver Jumperand polo shirt are the only required items of the official uniform. Scout trousers are optional, the only stipulation is that trousers worn as part of the uniform should be navy blue or grey/black (school trousers are fine) and smart. The necker, woggle, and badges will all be supplied by the Group. Should a replacement necker be required, it can be purchased through the Troop at cost price.

Full uniform is worn to all Beaver meetings and activities (including travelling to camps etc) unless otherwise stated.


Subs are currently set at £30 per term and collected three times per year at the beginning of each new term. New members starting part way through a term will be asked to make a contribution of half a terms subs £15.00.


Two forms that have been included with this pack see pages 4 and 5. Please complete the forms as fully as possible and return them to Cubs in order that we have contact details etc for all our members.


Over the course of the year, we hold a numberof additionalactivities to the weekly meetings. Costs for these activities are kept as low as possible and everyone is encouraged to attend as many of the activities as possible.

Useful Web Addresses

– official Scouting site, includes badge details

– West Lancashire Scouts


Please feel free to come down to Beavers on any meeting night and talk to any of the leaders or contact us out of normal meeting times using the details included in this pack.

Data Protection

Membership Records

The Scout Association in the United Kingdom is a membership organisation. To enable it to operate – and to communicate with its Members – it is necessary to maintain records about them.

This will include details of name; address; date of birth; contact telephone numbers. We will also be keeping details of your son’s or daughter’s progress through Beavers (e.g. badges gained). Information held in our Scout Group may be shared from time to time within Scouting including the national Headquarters of the Scout Association.

New legislation came into force in March 2000 that covers the protection and processing of personal data. Adults and young people have the same rights under the Data Protection Act 1998. The Act covers paper-based (as well as computer-based) information.

Certain information is classed by the law as ‘Sensitive Personal Data’. In a Scouting context this may include information about your son’s or daughter’s:

Health (to ensure that we are prepared for medical emergencies it is important that we hold relevant information)

Disabilities (to ensure a safe integration of your son’s or daughter’s participation in activities, details of disability need to be known).

Religious of similar beliefs (this will help us ensure that we make appropriate arrangements when necessary).

Racial or ethnic origin (again this will help us ensure that we are sensitive to cultural needs of our Members).

To hold this ‘Sensitive Personal Data’ we will need your explicit consent. This can be given by completing the enclosed form.

All of the information will be used only in connection with your son’s or daughter’s membership of the Scout Movement in the United Kingdom. This will include membership management and communications.

None of the information provided will be passed to any third parties outside the Scout Movement. You can give your consent by completing the question on the form.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Personal Record Form

The attached Personal Record form is sent to all members of the Group to complete (Beavers, Leaders and Helpers). We ask that the form is completed on joining the Group and again at regular intervals to ensure that we have up to date records.

Please could you complete the form and return it as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to call in to Beavers or contact us.

If any of the details change, please let us know, so that we can update the records.

Data Protection

The information supplied on the forms will be treated in confidence.

I accept that 1st Clifton Scout Group will be keeping information about my son/daughter/ward’s Membership of the Scout Movement. I understand that it will only be used for Scouting purposes.

I give/do not give (delete as applicable) explicit consent to the holding of information of my son/daughter/ward’s health, disabilities, religion or faith and race or ethnic origin for Scouting purposes.

I give/do not give (delete as applicable) consent to the disclosure of any information held to third parties associated with the Scout Association in order to offer products and services which may be of interest.

I give/do not give (delete as applicable) consent for photographs of my son/daughter/ward taking part in Scouting activities to be published in the press or other publications, on the internet on a Scout or other web site or on a closed group Facebook page on the understanding that no personal information, including names and any other identifying information, will be published and all such use will be explicitly approved by a warranted leader of the Group on an individual basis.

Name of Member:

Name of Parent or Guardian:



  • The group are about to go live with a Group website, Secure Facebook page and Secure Twitter account to help us communicate with parents and children more easily and let us share a little of the activities with you that the children get up to. Please bear this in mind when completing the above.

Member’s Details

Name: / Male / Female / Membership: / Cub / Leader / Helper
Address: / Date of Birth:
N.H.S. Number: / Religion/Faith:
Date Last Tetanus Jab: / Ethnic Origin:
Disabilities / Vaccinations / Special Dietary Requirements / Other Notes:

Next of Kin Details

Name: / Relationship:
Address: / Telephone:
Work Phone:

Doctor’s Details

Name: / Surgery:
Address: / Telephone:

Name of Parent or Guardian (if under 18):

Signature (Parent or Guardian if under 18): Date:

1st CliftonBeavers Induction Pack – Version 2.0

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