Worksheet for Audience Strategies

Net Care and Repair Campaign

Based on the Net Care and Repair Campaign Matrix, prepare a presentation of your Audience, Messages, and Media Strategy. Use the Word table that will be given to you for your presentation. It should include:

Day 1

Audience: Describe your audience. Include: married/single? Male/female?Urban/rural?Average educational attainment?Other characteristics that define this audience.

Desired Behaviour/Practice: What is it that we want this audience to do?

Current Behaviour/Practice: What is this audience doing currently in this regard?

Priority Behaviours/Practices to Promote with this Campaign: Of the desired behaviours practices you have discussed, which are the key ones that this communication campaign should emphasize? (May be those with biggest problem, or those most likely to change, or those that already have begun changing)

Key Constraint: What is the main reason why this audience is not adopting the desired behavior(s)? First brainstorm what the main constraints are. Then agree on the one constraint that is the biggest problem. It should be a constraint that communication can affect in some way. This is the Key Constraint.

Key Influencers: What people or circumstances have great bearing on the audience’s decisions and behaviours? These may be people, beliefs, or social expectations.

Day 2

Key Benefit Statement:How will this audience benefit from adopting the desired behavior(s)? This should be a benefit that this audience really wants. You need to imagine you are this audience. What does this audience really want? It may not be a benefit that has to do with health. Sometimes the most compelling benefit is a by-product of the behavior, but it is something that the audience really wants.

Key Messages: What key information/facts need to be shared with this audience in order for them to change?

What evidence or arguments can be used to substantiate the key benefit statement?

Communication channels and activities: How will we reach this audience with this message?

  • Look at the Campaign Matrix and review/revise the channels listed; add detail as required.
  • What channels of communication and activities does your organization already use that could be adopted nationally by others?
  • Look at the sample materials and identify those that can be adapted/adopted for use with this audience.

Sample Creative Material: Based on this analysis, design a communication material for your primary audience. You may design a poster, leaflet, short drama, or radio spot, slogan, or song for presentation in plenary. This may be presented on flipchart paper, Powerpoint, or live in person.