All children are to bring a backpack (no wheels please, regular size) to carry papers back and forth, and a set of complete set of clothes (socks and underwear too) in a zip lock bag (with their name on it) either in their backpack or to have stored in the classroom. If you have manipulative toys that your child would like to pass on, we are always receptive to sharing with our classrooms!

The following are only suggestions, not required!

Mrs. Martha Shoemaker Mrs. Samantha Czaplewski

Ms. Jessica Miller Wallace West Horizon 146

Beaver Creek 113 2 rolls of select-a-size paper towels ECSC 3’s and 4’

Markers OR crayons (washable please) Glue sticks Glue Sticks - 4

1 large pkg glue sticks CHOOSE ONE: Kleenex - 3

Play dough (pm only) Stickers Washable markers

1 box tissues Washable markers Dry Erase markers

Spiral Notebook (for journals)* sand. size zip bags Diapers

Alphabet stickers OR glitter glue pen gal size zip bags Baby Wipes

Baby wipes OR Clorox wipes Colored chalk

1 plastic pocket folder (for take home notes)* Bubbles

1 pkg clear protector sheets for binders (am only) Small variety play dough

1 – 1.5” or 2” ring binder, with clear pocket in front to hold cover*

*label all with child’s name please!

Mrs. Kate Gee/Mrs. Jill Herrera

Lawson 107

Ms. Gretchen Stevenson Ms. Hannah Maertens Clorox wipes

Beaver Creek 161 Horizon 151 1 box of tissues

Glue sticks – large package 2 dry erase markers Elmer’s glue sticks lots!

Box of Crayola crayons 1 box of Tissue 1 inch 3 ring binder

Box of markers 1 box of 24 crayons Markers or crayons

Fun pack of stickers Pocket folder Spiral notebook

Kleenex – one box 1 box of 8 or 10 washable markers Play dough

Scissors (one pair) 10 glue sticks Child scissors

One - pocket folder Spiral notebook (used as a journal)

CHOOSE ONE: 1.5” binder with a clear plastic sleeve on the front

Clorox wipes Last names beginning with A-M sandwich size zip bags

Quart size zip bags Last names beginning with N-Z gallon size zip bags

*please label notebook, pocket folder, binder, and backpack with a permanent marker with your child’s name!

Mrs. Angie Butler

Beaver Creek 133

1 Box of tissue

1 - 1.5 inch binder

1 box large washable markers