·  A REMINDER: All permission slips and money for the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade field trips are due today. Permission slips are to be returned even if you are not going on trip. 6th grade permission slips can be turned in to Mr. Lichter or Mr. Orlando, 7th grade to your homeroom teacher and 8th grade to Mr. Oakley.

·  The FINAL PAYMENT of $20 for the 8th Grade Dinner Dance is due tomorrow. Final payment must be turned in by the end of the day tomorrow or you will not be able to attend the dinner dance.

·  There will be a formal wear Swap Shop open to all 8th graders looking for dinner dance clothing on Friday morning at 7:40 a.m. All 8th grade students are welcome to attend.

·  Peer tutoring sessions will be held today in the cafeteria. Please don’t be late.

·  Bears Club will be holding its April fundraiser: Hats On To Help Out. Our school is participating in Foster and Adoptive Family services Foundation’s “Quarters for Kids” fundraiser to raise 40 miles worth of quarters in support of NJ children in foster care. The 40 miles commemorates Foster and Adoptive Family Services 40th anniversary of nonprofit service. Funds will support FAFS’s services and its direct programs to foster children, which include camp and academic scholarships, wishes for entertainment, self-esteem building items, holiday celebrations and more. On Friday, April 11th, wear RED and/or a HAT to school. Donate at least a dollar in your homeroom to wear the hat and support a good cause.

·  Drama Club meets today after school in the auditorium.

·  There will be a meeting of the National Junior Honor Society today after school in the auditorium. Your marking period 3 service hours are due at that time.

·  Attention all 8th graders – Let’s get moving , you have about 2 weeks left to place your yearbook orders online. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!!! Any questions, see Ms. Wallner.

·  A Reminder: The Breakfast Program is open every day at 7:30 am in the cafeteria. Please come in to enjoy a delicious breakfast and hot chocolate bar every morning. Each visit will entitle students to a raffle ticket which can be entered to win a color Nook each month.

·  Homework Clinic will be open each morning Monday-Friday at 7:30 am and every afternoon from 3-4 after school in the Cybrary! Please stop by to: do your homework, finish an assignment, or take an Accelerated Reader test. See you there!