First Parish in Cambridge May 20, 2018

Rituals of Transition – Rev. Danielle DiBona

Welcome to First Parish!

First Parish in Cambridge is a multi-faith, spirit-filled congregation devoted to love and justice. We are moving joyfully into a multiracial, multicultural, justice-making future. We embrace all ages, races, classes, abilities, sexual orientations, gender presentations, and ethnic and religious backgrounds. Honoring all the faith traditions of the world, we support each person’s path to wisdom and spiritual growth. Whoever you are, wherever you are on the journey of life, we welcome you into our hearts.

If you’re here for the first time, we invite you to fill out a visitor card located in the pew and leave it in the collection plate. We’ll sign you up for our weekly e-mail announcements and monthly newsletter. All are welcome to join us in HelversonParlorfollowing the service for refreshments.

For those attending with children, you are welcome to worship as a family or children ages 4 and under are welcome in our Nursery and children 4 and older are welcome in our Religious Education Program. An usher can direct you to RE staff. Registration is required.

Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us for a Story for All Ages, then RE programs.

Nursery Children under 4 Nursery, 2nd Floor
Spirit Play PreK-1st Grade Baldwin Rm, Mezzanine
Love Will Guide Us Grades 2-3 Parlor, 1st Floor

Bibleodeon Grades 4-5 Fuller Rm, Mezzanine

Building BridgesGrades 6-7 Meet at 10:00 am for

Field trip

OWL 8-9th Grade Arlington Street Church

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Shared Offering

The Greater Boston Interfaith Organization Task Force, in partnership with the Beyond Borders/Sin Fronteras, is pleased that half of the non-designated donations in May be given to the Cambridge Legal Defense Fund for Immigrants (tax deductible through the Cambridge Community Foundation).

According to the Cambridge Community Foundation:"With more than 210,000 undocumented residents in Massachusetts, of which over 180,000 are in Cambridge, Boston and surrounding communities, there is urgent need for legal support. Currently, only 37% of all immigrants and 14% of detained immigrants go to court accompanied with a lawyer. Data shows that those with legal representation have a five times higher chance of achieving a favorable outcome.

Funds raised will enable legal-aid nonprofits to:

  • Support young adults previously protected by DACA who are now at risk of deportation;
  • Prioritize cases involving asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors/juveniles, and other highly vulnerable persons including victims of trafficking, sexual, and/or domestic violence;
  • Provide family legal services to ensure protection for children left behind.

Get Your Commitment of Financial Support In

Thanks to all who have made a commitment to support First Parish financially for the next church year beginning July 1.Through donations of time and treasure you make First Parish the force for positive impact in the world that it is. You have moved us substantially toward our goal.

But we need more commitments to enable that impactful future that we all want. If you have not let the office know what you plan to donate next year, please do so now. You can:

  • Fill out a printed form and drop it in the offering basket
  • Fill out an online form at

Why not consider making a continuing commitment so that you won’t have to pledge each year? Just let the office know an amount that you feel comfortable donating and say that First Parish can count on that amount each year until you change it. You will receive a confirming letter each spring and YOU WILL NEVER HAVE TO PLEDGE AGAIN! Contact Carol Lewis at for more information.

Today’s Events

SundaySocial Justice Ice Cream Sundae Social

Enjoy ice cream sundaes in the Barn Room at 12:15pmwith members of the social justice task forces and interest groups.We will vote at the annual meeting on reauthorizing the task forces.Be an informed voter!Give your opinion on ongoing projects and priorities.What should we tackle in the year ahead?Are ice cream and fellowship the best ways to sweeten the work of social justice?Adam will facilitate, each group will describe one accomplishment, one goal for the year ahead, and one way the congregation can engage, and we’ll all have a chance to talk.

Spirit Play (Pre-K to 1st grade in fall 2018) Families
Please join ustodayfor lunch atnoon- in the Chapel for parents and guardians, and in the Baldwin Room for childcare.Every year, Spirit Play congregations get input from the adults in the community about the spiritual stories that have deep meaning to them. Help us explore, and choose, through the lens of our 7 Principles (https:/ the important lessons you want your children to hear. Your RE Council has been thinking about the pressing needs of our world and how young children can hear about them in age-appropriate ways. What are the stories they can learn to live out the important values of Love, Self-Worth, Respect, Empowerment, Safety and Calm next year?

Parenting Workshop –1:00 pm
Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey of parenting,we welcome you!
Thisgroup is a discussion forum for friends and members of First Parish who are raising children. We convene oneSundayper month throughout the school year to talk, laugh, think, commiserate, celebrate, and be togetherinfellowship onthisjourney of parenting.Thisis not a membership-based group. Please dropinany time!
Logistics: Lunch will be available for those parents and children attending the Spirit Play meeting at noon. The group starts at1:00so parents & guardians can attend the Spirit Play meeting. Childcare is providedinthe Baldwin room (the Spirit Play classroom downstairs).
Please f you have any questions.

Hold the Dates

June 3—First Parish Annual Meeting

August 11—Ordination Service for Seanan Fong (contingent on a positive vote of the congregation).

Watch this space for more information.

Massachusetts Poor People’s Campaign

A National Call for Moral Revival – Join us! Step up, show up.

Monday, May 21, 2:00 pm, Massachusetts State House in Boston.

This week’s theme is Linking Systemic Racism and Poverty: Voting Rights, Immigration, Xenophobia, Islamophobia, and the Mistreatment of Indigenous Communities.

For more information:

Upcoming Events

Final Justice Partner event of the year!
Please join us for the final Justice Partner event of the year! Families are invited to deliver sandwiches and cookies to street-involved people on a walk throughout Cambridge onSunday, June 3 at 2:30pm. We will join the Street Outreach of The Outdoor Church to make the deliveries. “Several times throughout the weekour ministry team hits the streets of Cambridge to meet homeless folks and offer them spiritual and materialsupport.On Saturdays and Sundays, we carryvarious combinations of sandwiches, juice boxes, snacks, socks and toiletry kits to offer to people.” Find out more at:

The Middle East Education Group is co-sponsoring the annual fundraiser for the Palestinian House of Friendship and Smiling Faces Summer Campon Tuesday June 5 at 6:30 pm at the Center for Arabic Culture in Somerville. The Center is located at The Somerville Armory, 191Highland Avenue. All are welcome. Donations are appreciated.

Director Mohammed Sawalha will join via Skype. Refreshments will be served and there will be musical entertainment by Layth Sidiq, a violinist, vocalist, and composer. He currently directs the Arab Music Ensemble at Tufts University.

Parking is available in the back of the building. Public transportation: Bus #88 from Davis Square or Lechmere or #90 from Davis Square or Wellington.

Getting Involved

Support Our Sanctuary Guest and Her Two Children

As a member of the Cambridge Interfaith Sanctuary Coalition, First Parish is providing volunteers in support of providing sanctuary for a woman and her 2 children. Volunteer opportunities are available seven days/week. Volunteering is easy and rewarding and we’ll pair you with an experienced volunteer so you won’t be on your own. Please email Rebecca Balder at o learn more.

TuesdayMeals Program is More than Just a Meal!
TheTuesdayMeals Program is an important link in a vital chain of
resources the Cambridge community provides to anyone
experiencing housing and food insecurity. It’s more than a meal; it’s a
community! TMP exemplifies First Parish in Cambridge’s mission and commitmentto growing a Culture of Engagement and Encounter by creating newopportunities for sharing experience, knowledge and energy. Our educationalprogramming and volunteer opportunities are ideal for First Parishfamilies, work groups and wider social communities. Check us out onFacebook at we’ll be sharing
not only our experiences as a community, but news about how communitiesacross the world are coming up with innovative approaches to ensuring thatno one goes hungry or homeless. For more information contact our HomelessnessMinistry Coordinator, Mike Mennonno at

Pastoral Care

Sometimes life can become stressful and hard. You may be facing a job loss, the end of a relationship, a serious illness, a family transition or a difficult conversation that you’re worried about. Pastoral Care is available for you. If you would like a pastoral care phone call or visit please let us know. Our ministers are available to support you. Please contact them directly by phone at 617-528-9838 or email at


Our GBLTQ-I covenant group is open. This vibrant group meets on the firstWednesdayof every month. If you are interested in this group, please contact Facilitator Peggy Kraft r Rev. Danielle at .

Our Elders Group is open and meets on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 2:30 pm in the Chapel. If you are interested, please contact Rev. Danielle at .

Spanish Conversation Group
¿Hablas español? First Parish's Spanish Conversation Group meets on first and third Tuesdays of every month at6:00 the Baldwin Room. Come join us for informal conversation in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. All levels are welcome and no commitment is required! For more information, .¡Nos vemos pronto!

Resisting White Supremacy Reading / Discussion Groups are being organized right now. If you attended the recent 6 week course by Ken Wagner on Resisting White Supremacy, or even if you were not able to attend, you are invited to participate in a Reading/ Discussion Group. We will make as many small discussion groups as there is interest on various days and times.

There are 3 choices of books/groups (We just couldn't pick one!!) we want to explore. Each group will be organized by the facilitator named in the book description below. Contact the facilitator directly by Wednesday, May 23, if you are interested in reading and discussing that particular book

Contact Susan Shepherd at or Rev. Danielle DiBona at if you have any general questions.

Centering: Navigating Race, Authenticity, and Power in Ministry, edited by Mitra Rahnema centers the stories, analyses, and insights of a number of Unitarian Universalist religious professionals of color as they explore how racial identity is made both visible and invisible in Unitarian Universalist communities. This is the UUA Common Read for this year. Contact: Susan Shepherd, . We have copies of the book available at church.

Womanist Ethics and the Cultural Production of Evilby the Rev. Dr.Emilie M. Townes weaves through social history, memory/counter-memory, identity, empire, past and present stereotypes of African American women, solidarity, and ends with "Everydayness: Beginning Notes on Dismantling the Cultural Production of Evil." Interested? Questions? Contact Charlene . Extra copies of the book are available.

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson, Professor of African American Studies at Emory University. From the Civil War to our combustible present, acclaimed historian Carol Anderson reframes our continuing conversation about race, chronicling the powerful forces opposed to black progress in America. Contact Will Williamson at

All are welcome to participate in these groups!

Getting Involved

Support Our Sanctuary Guest and Her Two Children

As a member of the Cambridge Interfaith Sanctuary Coalition, First Parish is providing volunteers in support of providing sanctuary for a woman and her 2 children. Volunteer opportunities are available seven days/week. Volunteering is easy and rewarding and we’ll pair you with an experienced volunteer so you won’t be on your own. Please email Rebecca Balder at o learn more.

Events This Week

Please note that Yoga, Music and Art Classes are not First Parish programs. They are run by outside instructors and a fee is associated with the classes.

SundayMay 20

10:30 amSunday Worship

12:00 pmChild Care in the Baldwin Room

12:00 pmSpirit Play in the Chapel

12:15 pmSJC Open House in the Barn Room

12:30 pm Mandarin Class in the Fuller Room

1:00 pm Parenting Workshop in the Gallery

6:30 pmCircle Dance Meditation in the Barn Room

MondayMay 21

9:30 amGroovy Baby Music in the Chapel

6:30 pmAA in the Parlor

6:30 pm Art Class in the Chapel

6:30 pm Women’s Writing in the Fuller Room

7:00 pmCISC in the Baldwin Room

Tuesday May 22

9:00 am Yoga in the Barn Room

5:30 pm Tuesday Meals in the Parlor

7:00 pmYAG in the Nursery


9:00 am Yoga in the Barn Room

4:00 pmGroovy Baby Music in the Chapel

6:30 pmSanctuary Boston - Board

6:30 pmTwo Brattle in the Baldwin Room

7:00 pmBBSF in the Chapel

7:30 pmInterplay in the Barn Room

8:00 pmAA in the Parlor

ThursdayMay 24

9:00 amHarvard Extension Commencement in the Meetinghouse

9:00 am Yoga in the Barn Room

12:00 pmYoga in the Barn Room

6:00 pmYoga in the Barn Room

FridayMay 25

10:00 amGroovy Baby Music in the Chapel

SaturdayMay 26

8:30 amGSA in the Chapel

10:00 amYoga in the Barn Room