proudly presents
Sunday 19th June 2016
9am Start
Pinjarra Equestrian Grounds
Novelties/ Handy Pony/ Fancy Dress
Trophies and Prizes Galore
Come and join us for a really fun day, dress in your favourite brightest colours and bring lots of smiles. Prizes for the most colourful outfit!
Canteen will be available with plenty of delicious food and cold drinks
Conditions of Entry
AGE GROUPS – Please ensure you nominate your age group on your entry form
- Under 5’s
- 6 – 8 years
- 9-11years
- 12-14 years
- 15-17 years
- Competitors can compete in all Novelties, Handy Pony and Fancy Dress. Scores will be recorded for each competitor. Each Age Group will be awarded up to 6th Placing and will include an Overall Winner for the Age Group
- All Competitors must wear approved safety helmets at all times when mounted. The retaining harness must be secured and fastened at all times. Competitors without approved headgear shall be ineligible to compete until rectified. Approved helmet standards are: AS/NZS 3838, EN 1384, ASTN F1163.
- All Competitors must wear long sleeves and enclosed riding boots.
- All Handlers and Spectators within horse designated areas are required to wear closed in shoes due to safety and insurance purposes
- No Plaiting Required
- Entries submitted must use the official entry form. Please ensure that entry forms are correct as incomplete or incorrect entries will not be accepted
- Proof of APSB Membership must be included in your entry form
- All entries must include signed Disclaimer for each competitor and must accompany your entry
- Acceptance of Entries – the committee reserves the right to
a)Reject or cancel an entry at any time
b)Cancel any event or class
c)Alter the time at which any event or class is to take place
d)Alter conditions of entry
e)Remove any Exhibit from the venue
f)Split or combine any class or event
- Correct entry fees must be forwarded with each entry. Please ensure entries are correct and the correct fees have been paid as incomplete or incorrect entries may be returned. Cheque or Direct Deposit only. Please do not send cash in the mail
- Stallions and Colts are not eligible to compete
- Leading Rein: Pony/Horse to be led on foot from a loose rein attached to the back of a cavesson noseband. NO spurs or whips are permitted by the rider. Leaders must be 18 years of age or over and wear leather enclosed footwear
- WHIPS: Length must not exceed 75cms
- Cruelty: a person who has the care or charge of an animal has the duty to take all reasonable measures to ensure the welfare of that animal. The APSB WA Branch will not tolerate any abuse of ponies/ horses at this event. In the event of any unnecessary or undue cruelty to a pony/ horse, the Ground Jury reserves the right to reprimand and or disqualify the competitor. In the event of disqualification the competitor may forfeit any prizes, ribbons and trophies
- Competitors may protest against an award won by a competitor. A protest must be made in writing, giving reasons for the protest and signed and submitted to the Committee no more than 30 minutes after the completion of the judging of the event or competition. Such protest must be accompanied by a deposit of $50.00 which may be forfeited to APSB WA Branch if, in the opinion of the committee, the protest is unfounded, frivolous or vexatious.
Competitors can compete in the novelties at any time and time/ score is recorded for each individual.
- Barrel Race
- Western Bending
- Keyhole
- Bonfield Bounce
- Egg and Spoon Race
- Sack Race
- Treasure Hunt
Each novelty will have available to all Competitors a laminated display sheet of instructions and course layout of each novelty at each station.
Novelty Rules will run in accordance with Pony Club Association of Western Australia Inc Rules
Handy Pony:
Handy Pony course will be available on the day. Competitors are to present themselves to the score keeper before commencing course.
Fancy Dress:
Fancy Dress will be performed at the completion of all events.
Australian Pony Stud Book Society WA Branch
SUNDAY, 19th June 2016
Entries Close Wednesday 15th June 2016
One Form Per Competitor Please
Second Rider on same pony/horse$20.00
*****To claim APSB Member Rate please ensure you attach a copy of your APSB Membership Card*****
Second Rider on same pony/horse$25.00
Please complete all details
Competitors Name:Parent/ Guardian Name:
Postal Address:
Contact Number:
Email Address:
Age Category
Horse Name:
Cheques/ Money Orders payable to Australian Pony Stud Book Society WA Branch and must be received with entry form.
Please remember to include copies of your APSB membership card and direct deposit receipt. All competitors must sign and return APSB Show Participant’s Disclaimer Statements and include with entries.
NAME: Australian Pony Stud Book Society (WA Branch)
EVENT:APSB Society (WA Branch) Kids Fun Day 2016 (hereafter referred to as Event(s)
I/We ______do hereby certify that the abovementioned particulars are correct and I/We agree to conform and be bound by the By-Laws & Regulations as printed in the Schedule for the APSB Society (WA Branch) Stud Show and make these entries subject to By-Laws and the Uniform By-Laws made under the Federal body of the APSB Society. (If under 18 yrs of age must be signed by the Parent/Guardian.)
All adult exhibitors 18 years of AGE and OVER
I acknowledge and agree as a condition of participating at the 2016 Kids Fun Day that neither the APSB Society (WA Branch), its officials, employees and agents, participants, volunteers, medical personnel, any persons, promoters, providers of equipment, sponsors, advertisers, nor owners or lessees of premises used to conduct the event(s) shall be under any liability whatsoever for either the death of or for any injury, loss or damage which may be sustained or any claim, demand or costs arising therefrom and incurred by myself or any rider, driver, passenger, horse, attendant or any other participant for whom I am responsible, as a result of participation in or being present at the event(s).
I acknowledge that equestrian activities are dangerous and that accidents causing death, injury, disability and property damage, can, and do occur.
By signing hereunder I confirm I have read and understood the contents of this Disclaimer together with the Rules and Regulations by which I agree to abide.
NAME (Print): ______SIGNATURE: ______
DATED THIS: ______DAY OF ______2016.
I ______being the Parent/Guardian of ______confirm that I have read the whole of this document and have taken all necessary actions to ensure I am aware of the activity in which the above names will participate at the 2016 Kids Fun Day and consent to him/her participating.
In doing so, I acknowledge that equestrian activities are dangerous and that accidents causing death, injury, disability and property damage do occur.
I acknowledge and agree as a condition of participating at the 2016 Kids Fun Day that neither the APSB Society (WA Branch), its officials, employees and agents, participants, volunteers, medical personnel, any persons, promoters, providers of equipment, sponsors, advertisers, nor owners or lessees of premises used to conduct the event(s) shall be under any liability whatsoever for either the death of or for any injury, loss or damage which may be sustained or any claim, demand or costs arising therefrom and incurred by myself or any rider, driver, passenger, horse, attendant or any other participant for whom I am responsible, as a result of participation in or being present at the event(s).
By signing hereunder I confirm I have read and understood the contents of this Disclaimer together with the Rules and Regulations by which I agree to abide.
NAME (Print): ______SIGNATURE: ______
DATED THIS: ______DAY OF ______2016.
The purpose of this agreement is to limit the liability of the Provider to exclude liability for any personal injury or death to the Participant and other people in the care and control of the Participant howsoever caused who signed this form as acknowledgement of the terms and conditions of this agreement. By signing this form you are waiving your rights to sue the Provider for losses relating to personal injury or death. Under the provisions of the Trade Practices Act and Various State Laws conditions are implied into contracts that mean that the Provider of Recreational Services, noted below, is required to ensure that the Recreational Services it sells to you are rendered with due care and still, are fit for the purpose for which the are commonly thought as it is reasonable to expect in the circumstances or might reasonably be expected to achieve the result you have made known to the Provider.
Name and address of Provider
Australian Pony Stud Book Society
P.O. Box 267 Glenbrook NSW 2773
The participant acknowledges that the activity being undertaken is an activity being undertaken for the purpose of recreation, enjoyment or leisure which involves a significant degree of physical risk. The Provider acknowledges that they are providing Recreational Services detailed below which means providing facilities for participation in a recreational activity, or training a person to participate in a recreational activity, or supervising, adjudicating, guiding or otherwise assisting a person’s participation in a recreational activity.
The Participant hereby acknowledges that in attending the recreational activity that there are inherent risks involved to him or her or other people in their control. The agreement is directed and limited to inherent risks that are present. The participants also acknowledges that the purpose of the recreational activity is for the benefit of the Participant and for the benefit of those people attending with the Participant and that at all times the Participant is responsible for his or her own actions and the actions of those people in his or her care and control.
Description of Recreational Service
Registering Body, promotion and conductor of shows, events and education days
Steps taken by Provider to avoid the danger of personal injury or death
Equipment inspections, qualified staff, staff/participation ratio compliant with industry Standard, adherence to industry code of practice, code of conduct or accreditation scheme, emergency procedures in place, contingency plans in place for emergencies, qualified first aid personnel available, communication procedures in place, etc.
The participant acknowledges that during all times while he or she is attending the recreational activity he or she does so at his or her own risk and that the Participant and other people in the care and control of the Participant will not hold the Provider or any of its employees or agents liable for any personal injury or breach of contract whether caused by the negligence of the Provider, its employees or agents howsoever caused or otherwise. The Participant acknowledges that in the event that he or she or any other people in their care and control find either or any of them is in difficulty that they are to stop the activity or request that the activity be stopped if appropriate, seek help and/or assistance and advice.
Declaration and signature
By signing this agreement I understand that the Recreational Services about to be sold to me as set out in this form may cause me and my dependants personal injury or death. By signing this agreement I understand that I and my dependants waive our rights to sue the Provider for losses relating to my and/or my dependants personal injury or death that result from any negligence caused by the Provider.
Signature of ParticipantAddress
Printed Name