Job Description – School Chaplain


TLR Allowance:N/A

Date:September 2017

The role of the Chaplain is to

a)Provide a living reminder of the presence of Jesus Christ; there is no dimension of human life that is without God.

b)To walk with every member of the John Henry Newman community on our spiritual life journey - to help to provide a living, Christian experience.

c)To offer to pupils, students and staff inspiration and guidance in their spiritual development by sharing talents, skills and experiences and by helping each other to hear where the Spirit of Christ is calling.

The work of the Chaplain, with the Support of Subject Leader of RE and Director of Lower School is to:

-Be familiar with the School community - wanders along corridors, in Sixth Form common room, class rooms (by agreement), in staff rooms, in lab technicians’ rooms, in the school office and in the school canteen, takes lunch with the students or with staff - in other words, among all those who make up the school;

-Coordinate with the Chaplaincy team;

-be responsible overall for liturgies; whole school liturgies, year liturgies and class liturgies. She/he is facilitated in this by the RE department;

-participate in assemblies, either leading them or helping prepare them when asked;

-co-ordinate other opportunities to develop the prayer life of the school, working particularly with the subjects leading the specialism;

-help to organise year retreats and school missions etc;

-be available to talk one-to-one with members of the community or with small groups

-maintains a prayerful atmosphere in Chapel;

-change the prayer focus displays in school and creates weekly prayer sheet;

-developMinistries within the School;

-encourage work for charities, justice and peace groups and similar;

-liaise with the diocesan youth co-ordinator;

-liaise with parishes in co-operation with the Subject Leader for RE;

How is this done?

-by attending Spiritual Life meetings and Liturgy committee meetings where necessary, which meets once a month, and involves also Subject Leaders for RE, Music, Drama, Dance and Production Arts and other senior staff as well as the Chaplaincy Team (C Team);

-by attending RE department meetings;

-by visiting classrooms and tutor groups;

-by meeting with staff with pastoral responsibilities whenever there is a need;

-reporting to the Governors annually;

-by meeting with the School Council when necessary.


The Lay Chaplain is accountable to the Subject Leader of RE and Director of Lower School - regular weekly meetings should be held.

TheLay Chaplain conforms with school policy directives on matters on confidentiality and child protection.


Supervision is covered in the accountability procedures. The Lay Chaplain should also follow the normal practice with spiritual directors of having a professional ‘outside’ supervisor with whom she consults regularly and on occasion when there is some issue. Here confidentiality is absolutely guaranteed by professional practice.

Disclosure and Barring Service

  • This post is classed as having a high degree of contact with children or vulnerable adults and is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. An enhanced disclosure will be sought through the Disclosure and Barring Service as part of the pre-employment checks.

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