Room 425 City-County Building
210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Madison, WI 53703-3345
FAX 608/266-4425 TDD 608/266-4941
Director of Administration / CHARLES HICKLIN


DATE: November 15, 2010

TO: All Prospective Proposers

SUBJECT: Request for Proposal # 110108 Rehab Therapy Services

The following addendum becomes a part of the above referenced RFP. All other terms and conditions remain in effect, unchanged.

A pre-proposal conference was held at the, BPHCC, 1100 E. Verona Ave., Verona, WI 53593, November 10, 2010.

The following individuals were present at the pre-proposal conference:

Name / Affiliation
Keith Wilson / MJ Care
Jeanine Giacalone / MJ Care
Kate Brewer / Greenfield Rehabilitation Agency
Tammy Fuller / Dane County Badger Prairie Health Care Center
Steve Handrich / Dane County Badger Prairie Health Care Center
Pedretti, Rayanne / Dane County Badger Prairie Health Care Center

The following is a listing of answers to questions received.

1.  Can you send me the utilization for Part A's and B? I noticed there has recently been a new facility built, can you tell me how many beds it will have, and how many the old facility had?

1/1/10 - 9/30/10 Utilization

Medicare Part A: Total - 223 units

PT - 138 units

OT -76 units

ST -9 units

Medicare Part B: 671 units

PT - 447 units

OT - 181 units

ST - 43 units

Currently facility is licensed for 130 beds, but 2010 average daily census through September was 102. New facility has 120 private rooms. Anticipated census to be 117 by 4th quarter of 2011.

2.  5.5 Agency will be responsible for obtaining prior authorizations and billing Medicaid directly for all services covered by that payor source.

3.  Would there be a option to have the facility bill Medicaid directly?

That would be an option, but ultimately the provider's staff MUST do the appropriate Medicaid prior authorizations. If a provider chooses to have the facility bill for Medicaid services, provider would have to invoice the facility and they would be reimbursed per the Medicaid fee screens. Payment to the provider will be reduced for any claims for services that are denied due to lack of medical necessity or prior authorization.

4.  Are there any assisted living, CBRF or independent living apartments affiliated with Badger Prairie Health Care Center?


5.  What is your average Medicare A Census?

1.74 ADC

6.  What is your Med A RUG distribution per month for the last six months?

280 days @ C; 57 days @ R; and 138 days @ Sfor the period 1/1 - 9/30/10

7.  Will you allow outpatient therapy to be provided to the community from Badger Prairie Health Care Center?


8.  Is there a central rehab gym area for the facility, or will there be one on each of the four wings?

Central Rehab Gym

9.  How many dually certified beds will be in the new facility?


10.  What computer software program do you expect therapy services to be documented in?

KNS (Keane Net Solutions)

11.  Will rehab agency staff be trained in the use of facility therapy documentation software?


12.  Will facility provide computer equipment necessary forrehabagency staff to do necessary documentation?


13.  What are the current staffing hours broken down monthly and by position?

Past practice will not factor into future service provision. Facility is changing the model being used to provide rehab therapy service, to become more cost effective. This will be the first year using a new model.

14.  How many different clinics and locations will be required to staff?

One (1)

15.  Who is responsible for transporting patients to therapy?

It depends on individual resident needs, and staff availability. We expect contracted staff and facility staff to work cooperatively.

16.  If the vendor is responsible for transportation services to therapy, what is the total # of transportation services provided over the last 12 months?

Data not available

17.  What is the cost, if any, the selected vendor will pay for office space?


18.  Please list all equipment provided by the facility. Ceiling lift, hi-low electric mat table, recumbent hand bike, parallel bars, and miscellaneous therapy supplies

19.  Please list all equipment the current vendor has in the clinic.

All equipment is owned by facility.

20.  What is the cost, if any, for renting the current equipment in the clinic?


21.  Who is responsible for utility costs?


22.  Can we have a breakdown of last 12 months cost of utilities if we are responsible for payment?


23.  Who is responsible for daily cleaning of the facility?

Therapy staff is required to ensure area is kept clean/uncluttered. Facility housekeeping will be responsible for actual cleaning.

24.  Is there a cost associated w/ the daily cleaning and if so, can we have the last 12 months cost?


25.  Please confirm the expected start date for this contract.


26.  How many PT’s/OT’s/ST’s/AT’s are presently staffed at the facility?

The facility current contracts with independent PT (1), PTA (1) and ST (1), and employs a full-time OT and COTA.

27.  Please identify if they are part time, full time, contingent, or agency contract.

Addressed in 26.

28.  Please provide hours worked by the respective Therapy Staff referenced in question 14 above for a 12 month period.

Past practice will not factor into future service provision. Facility is changing the model being used to provide rehab therapy service, to become more cost effective. This will be the first year using a new model.

29.  What is the daily patient load for the clinic/clinics currently?

See questions answered regarding utilization above. Patient load is dependent on clinical need and fluctuates. Vendor would be expected to flex hours based on caseload demands.

30.  Is this a Nursing Home Facility, ie long term facility, or is there also short term patients in house?

We are licensed as a SNF

31.  Is the offeror required to offer employment to existing staff?

We want to encourage continuity of care. We encourage selected vendor to consider employment of our independent contractors, but it is not required.

32.  Can the selected offeror approach the current employees for employment?


33.  Can we see current employee files, and current employee salary information?

Subject to formal open records request.

34.  Can the offeror obtain benefit summaries for the current staff at the facilities/clinics?

See 33

35.  In what manner is the selected vendor to bill the facility, ie monthly, weekly, etc.?

Preferably monthly.

36.  Identify the total # of individual patient visits performed for the last 12 months by the current vendor.

See utilization data for the period 1/1 – 9/30/10 listed above.

37.  Identify the total # of units or CPT Code performed for the past 12 months by the current vendor.

See utilization data for the period 1/1 – 9/30/10 listed above.

38.  Provide the average total units (CPT Code) per visit for the past 12 months by the current vendor.

Data not easily produced. See units of service provided 1/1 – 9/30/10 above.

39.  Provide the top 5 diagnostic codes for the past 12 months by the current vendor.

Data not easily produced. Most of our residents have numerous diagnostic codes….many of which are not relevant to therapy services.

40.  Can the facility provide the last 12 months monthly financial and encounter report?


41.  How long is the contract term?

One-year with the option for four (4) additional one year-renewals

42.  How long has the current vendor been providing services at the respective facility?

Facility is changing the model being used to provide rehab therapy services. This will be the first year.

43.  What other checks, tests, training, is the offeror responsible for conducting, other than criminal checks?

Vendor is responsible for all background checks and professional training of their therapy staff. Contracted staff will be required to attend facility inservices, as necessary/required.

44.  What other tests, training or checks are required?

See 43.

45.  Are any employees currently on Workers Comp or Medical LOA?

The PT, PTA and ST are independent contractors. The OT and COTA positions have been slated for elimination in the 2011 County Budget.

46.  What are the current employee turnover rates?


47.  Explain if there is mandatory training or orientation that potential employees need to complete prior to providing services on site.

All employees of the rehab therapy contractor providing service in the facility will be required to go through a general facility orientation. Schedule to be coordinated with facilities Inservice Coordinator.

48.  What is the current turn around time for scheduling and completing of this training or orientation, if necessary?

Contractor should attempt to schedule any necessary orientations two weeks in advance.

49.  What are the top 2 employee relation issues the current vendor is dealing with?

Not relevant to the contracting process.

50.  Please clarify Attachment F (Cost/Financial Proposal), since we are not familiar w/ this billing method. Usually the Cost is reflective of the hours worked by staffed positions, since that is what this RFP is requesting.

You should state the rate you charge for various services, and described the services. Some vendors charge differing rates, depending on the types of services provided and the payor source being billed.

51.  Does the selected vendor bill Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance directly or someone else, and can you please clarify who we bill if other.

Stated in the RFP…and expanded on above.

52.  Please clarify “RUGS” from Section 5.8.

RUGS= Resource Utilization Groups. This terminology is common to long-term care. Vendor must have experience in the long-term care environment.

53.  Please clarify “MDS” from Section 5.9

MDS=Minimum Data Set. This terminology is common to long-term care. Vendor must have experience in the long-term care environment.

54.  Please clarify how many Medicare Denials this facility has experienced in the last 12 months from section 5.14.


55.  What type of clinical and specialized therapeutic services/programs has the current vendor offered to the facility, Section 5.17?

Facility is changing the model being used to provide rehab therapy services. This will be the first year.

56.  What type of strategies has the current vendor employed to assist this facility in expanding the rehab caseload and revenue stream, Section 5.18?

Facility is changing the model being used to provide rehab therapy services. This will be the first year.

57.  Can we have a breakdown of Ambulatory vs Wheelchair bound vs Bed bound patients at the facility?

Data not readily available.

58.  Has this Contract ever been put out to bid before, and if so can we have a copy of the last approved RFP for review, based on the freedom of information act? Or you can direct us to the appropriate website where this information is posted.

No. Facility is changing the model being used to provide rehab therapy services. This will be the first year.

Please acknowledge receipt of addendum(s) on the bottom of the Signature Affidavit when you submit your proposal.

If you have any questions regarding this addendum, please contact me at 608/267-3523.

Francisco Silva, CPPB

Purchasing Agent


RFP No 110108