22.1: Expanding Horizons

Word / Book Definition / My Definition / Example
Imperialism / One nation exercises economic and political control over weaker regions / When a powerful nation/group tries to control a nation/group area. / The US used imperialism to wipe out the Native American culture and take their land in the West.
Expansionism / Expanding a nation’s boundaries / Adding land, territory, or businesses to a country / Expansionism was seen when the US purchased Alaska from Russia.
Isolationism / Noninvolvement in world affairs / Not being involved with other countries; a country trying to work alone / Countries that interact with each other through trading do not follow the policy of isolationism.

US Involvement in:

Japan / Russia / Latin America
- After the US took warships to Japan there were able to open trade with Japanese ports
IMPERIALISM / - Sold colony of Alaska to the US for $7.2 million
EXPANSIONISM / - US signed treaties with Latin American countries allowing American businesses to enter Latin America

22.2 Imperialism in the Pacific

- Why did America want the Hawaiian Islands?

-For trade (an important stopping place on the way to China); American trading ships stopped at the islands for supplies and fresh water

Hawaiian Annexation Timeline

Christian missionaries begin to arrive in Hawaii
1. Establish schools
2. create a written alphabet
3. translate the bible
**Take away culture / US recognizes independence of Hawaii / Tariffs removed on Hawaiian sugar entering the US / US establishes a naval base at Pearl Harbor / Queen Liluokalani comes to the throne and took away power from American sugar planters / Planters overthrew
Liluokalani and set up their own temporary government / Congress approves annexation of Hawaii / Hawaii becomes a US territory
1820 / 1842 / 1875 / 1887 / 1891 / 1893 / 1898 / 1900

22.3: The Spanish-American War

Cuban Rebellion:

- Who had control of Cuba?

- Spain

- How did the Cubans react to this?

- They started a rebellion against Spain

- What was the outcome of the rebellion?

- Spanish troops herded Cuban people into camps to separate them from the rebels; thousands died of starvation and diseases (Spain “won”)

United States concern with Cuba:

1. worried about the destruction of trade and their loss of investments in Cuba

2. concerned about a rebellion so close to the US

3. Americans were horrified by way Spain treated Cuban citizens

--Event that led America to declare war:

- explosion on the Maine

--US declared war against:

- Spain

22.3: The Spanish-American War

War in the Philippines / Fighting in Cuba
  • US launches surprise attack on Spain
  • Filipino rebels help US
  • City of Manila is captured
  • Island of Luzon is captured
Question: Why did the Filipino rebels help the US?
  • They hoped the US would support their independence
  • US blockades coast,
  • Cuban soldiers join the US side
Question: Why did the US blockade the coast?
  • To trap Spanish in Santiago; no supplies can enter or leave

The Rough Riders / Acquisitions
  • Theodore Roosevelt led rough riders to join the Battle of San Juan
  • US controls Cuba
  • US moves into Puerto Rico and controls it
  • Armistice with Spain ends the war
Question: Which two groups made up the “Rough Riders”?
  • Cowhands and college students
  • Treaty of Paris: dissolves Spanish colonies
  • Cuba = American protectorate
  • Puerto Rico and Guam = US territory
  • Foraker Act: US sets up a government in Puerto Rico
  • Platt Amendment: US has control of Guantanamo Bay
Question: What are the two views Americans had regarding what to do with the Philippines?
  • Some argued American rule over the Philippines went against the principles on which the US was founded; would cost a large army to control it
  • Some did not want the competition from Filipino laborers

22.4: Latin American Policies

Panama Canal

•The US wanted to build the Panama Canal because:

•Americans wanted to find a way to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

•Americans wanted to eliminate the long and dangerous sea voyage around South America.

•Dangers that the workers encountered:

•A dangerous job; many workers experienced yellow fever or malaria

Mexican Civil War

•US wanted to become involved in Mexico for:


•The Huerta government came into power and favored the wealthy class and had many foreign interests

•US did not want to lose oil business to Huerta

•US supported the Mexican rebels that fought against Huerta’s government and fought with them to overthrow Huerta

•Huerta is forced to resign

•Francisco “Pancho” Villa

•Tried to launch a revolution against the new Mexican government (that the US helped to put into power)

•Crossed into New Mexico in the US and killed 18 Americans

•US tried to capture Pancho Villa but were unable to; they ALMOST went to war with Mexico