Short Story 2: “The Monkey’s Paw”

By: W.W. Jacobs

Part 1: Vocabulary Chart

Directions: Look up the following provided terms 3 unfamiliar terms of your choosing from the story

Word / Part of Speech
(Noun, Adjective, Adverb, Verb) / Definition / Sentence
  1. amiably
/ Adverb / having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities; affable
  1. presumptuous
/ Adj. / unwarrantedly or impertinently bold; forward
  1. jarred
/ Verb / to have a harshly unpleasant or perturbing effect on one's nerves, feelings, thoughts, etc.
  1. enthralled
/ Verb / to captivate or charm / The performer's grace and skill enthralled her audience.
  1. maligned
/ Verb / to speak harmful untruths about; speak evil of; slander; defame
  1. dubiously
/ Adverb / of doubtful quality or propriety; questionable
  1. prosaic
/ Adj. / commonplace or dull; matter-of-fact or unimaginative
  1. frivolous
/ Adj. / characterized by lack of seriousness or sense
  1. broach
/ Verb / to mention or suggest for the first time:
  1. scarcely
/ Adverb / barely; hardly; not quite / The light is so dim we can scarcely see.
  1. fusillade
/ Noun / a general discharge or outpouring of anything
  1. reverberated
/ Verb / to reecho or resound / Her singing reverberated through the house.

Part 2: Study Guide Questions

Directions: Answer the following questions

  1. Does the father’s strategy at the chess game tell you anything about his personality? If so, what?


  1. Why did the Fakir put a spell on the monkey’s paw?


  1. How does Mr. White get the monkey’s paw?


  1. What does the Sergeant-Major tell them to do with the paw?


  1. What power is the monkey’s paw supposed to have?


  1. Explain what the first wish was and what happened after it was made.


  1. What happened to Herbert?Did the paw have anything to do with it?


  1. Mr. White exclaimed that the paw and its powers were “foolish and wicked.”

Why would he say this?Was he trying to cover his own fears?


  1. Explain what the second wish was and what happened after it was made.


  1. Explain what the third wish was and what happened after it was made.


  1. What happened at the end of the story?

Why does Mr. White beg his wife not to let "it" into the house?What does he mean?


  1. Who is Mr. White afraid of?Who or what was outside of the house?


Part 3: Short Story Elements

Directions: Fill out the chart; use quotes from the text

Point of view
Internal Conflicts
External Conflicts