DATE:Friday, May 16, 2008
PLACE:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 109-AB
TIME:2:30 PM (EST) –4 PM (EST)
ATTENDEES: (List of attendees attached)
I.Welcome and Introductions
NP SIG members and guests were welcomed to the 2008 ONS Congress NP SIG meeting. The theme “Now is the time to be heard! Be there…Be the NP SIG” was introduced. As the meeting progresses it is hoped that NP SIG members will consider how they can enhance their involvement with the NP SIG and/or National ONS.
The agenda was reviewed: NP SIG History; Strategic Plan; Recognition: ONS BOD; ONCC update; Legislative Update: Newsletter; Virtual Community: Opportunities; Projects and Discussion.
II.Approval of 2007 Minutes
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes form the 2007 ONS Congress NP SIG meeting. The members were polled and approved the minutes. There were no revisions or approval objections.
III. NP SIG History
The NP SIG history was reviewed. Initially, the NP SIG was formed by 13 dedicated NPs, now there are 1,356 NP SIG members. Previous NP SIG Coordinators were recognized: Rebecca Hawkins, Karen Greco, Kathleen Murphy- Ende, Laura Stempkowski, Mary Pat Lynch, Terri Armstrong, Diane Cope, and Wendy Vogel. The members applauded and thanked them for their leadership. The next SIG Coordinator Christa Braun-Inglis, RN, MS, FNP, ONC® of Honolulu, Hawaii was introduced. NP Braun-Inglis will serve as the NP SIG Coordinator from the end of Congress of 2009 until Congress of 2011.
IV.Mission Statement/Strategic Plan
The NP SIG mission statement, “The NP SIG is dedicated to promoting high standards and fostering the professional development of oncology nurse practitioners in their role as advanced practice nurses in oncology” was discussed.
The strategic plan: 1) to increase resources in order to ensure the continued growth and strength of the NP SIG, and, ultimately, ONS; and 2) to develop products, services, opportunities, & knowledge base that promotes excellence in advanced practice oncology nursing, were discussed. We intend to identify members as resources for project teams, leadership teams, various ONS projects or other collaborative opportunities.
V. Awards
ONS Awards were presented to two NP SIG members who chose to receive their awards at the NP SIG meetings. The ONS Excellence in Medical Oncology Award was awarded to Cynthia J. Simonson, RN,MSN, AOCN®; and , the Oncology Nursing Health Policy and Advocacy Award was awarded to Kimberly A. Rohan, MS, RN, AOCN ®.
They each received a plaque and $500 monetary award. Photographs were taken.
Other NP SIG members and ONS National Award winners who chose to receive their wards at other SIGs include: Marilyn L. Haas, PhD, RN, CNS, ANP-C who was awarded the Mary Nowotny Excellence in Cancer Nursing Education Award; and, Joanne L. Lester, MSN, RNC, CNP, AOCN® was awarded the ONS Surgical Oncology Award.
All award winners were congratulated on their accomplishments.
VI. ONCC Updates
Carlton G. Brown, PhD, APRN, AOCN®, ONCC President presented an overview of the AOCNP® certification, reviewed regulations, and answered questions. Information from the ARPN Consensus meeting will be posted to the ONCC website. More details are still needed as to where the DNP fits into the new certification model. ONCC will be offering additional certifications, such as radiation and breast cancer. Members are encouraged to keep their general or advanced oncology nursing certification and add on a specialty certification. However, for the first sub-specialty certification for breast cancer, nurses do not need to be oncology certified in order to sit for the exam. Considerations are underway for prerequisites for future sub-specializations to be offered through ONCC.
VII. ONS Board Updates
Peg Esper, MSN, RN, APRN-BC, AOCN®, Director of ONS Board provided updates include that we have representation on the Board for the APRN meeting. Multiple SIG membership provides opportunities for involvement at higher levels. ASCO is working with ONS to develop a clinical practice committee and developing training programs for NPs new to oncology.
There are opportunities for NP SIG members to have a leadership role within ONS through the Steering Committee, SIG leadership, and other volunteer opportunities.
VIII. Legislative Updates
Legislative issues were presented by Wendy H. Vogel, MSN, FNP AOCNP®, the NP SIG’s immediate past Coordinator. Under the mantra of “no complacency!” Wendy highlighted some APN practice issues included: Retail medical clinics, AMA Resolution 706 (2007), AMA Scope of Practice Initiative, Healthcare Truth and Transparency Act, and the need to expose and counter nurse doctoral programs (NDP) misrepresentation.
Other topics covered included: 1) ASTRO advisement- ASTRO’s Clinical Practice Committee recently advised that weekly treatment management codes (codes 77419, 77420, 77425, and 77430) could not be billed unless carried out by a physician; 2) Limiting APN billing practices in many radiation oncology clinics across the US; 3) FDA regulation of tobacco S. 625/H.R. 1108; 4) Treatment Education Bill HR 5585; 5) CMS rule on ESAs HR Resolution 54 and S. Resolution 22; and 6) Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) S. 358/ HR 493.
NP Vogel also shared an update on the DNP. AACN: by 2015, the DNP as entry level degree into advanced nursing practice.1,874 DNP students currently (reported by AACN) up from 862 in 2006. 40,285 qualified applicants to bachelors and graduate nursing programs in 2007 were turned away in part because of an insufficient number of faculty. More than 200 nursing schools have or plan to establish DNP programs.
Regarding the Council for Advancement of Comprehensive Care, the National Board of Medical Examiners has agreed to develop a voluntary DNP certification exam based on the same test physicians take to qualify for medical license. The DNP exam will be narrower in scope than the three-step exam that doctors take, including tests on organ systems and a range of medical disciplines.
Wall Street Journal recently published an article called “Making Room for Dr. Nurse.” Dr. Mary Mundinger: “two-year programs, including a one-year residency, create a "hybrid practitioner" with more skills, knowledge and training than a nurse practitioner with a master's degree. Response from AANP “DNP is a normal evolution of our discipline” and “masters-level NP programs have already expanded to incorporate all of the necessary clinical content to the point that they are more equivalent to a doctorate than a masters degree” “the AANP has extensive and comprehensive research data regarding NPs and their practice”
In summary, NP Vogel urges all oncology APNs to join ONStat. Web resources are and the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network:
As NP Vogel was the first APN Council leader, she shared that the goal of the SIG Council is to incorporate the SIGs more with ONS through enhanced communication with the ONS Board. NP Vogel reports that the SIG Council has already accomplished networking, recognition of the SIGs, mentoring, and collaboration.
IX. Newsletter
The NP SIG newsletter is coordinated through the efforts of Editor Annette W. Kuck, RN, MS, CNP, AOCN®; and co-editor Megan Wholey, RN, MS, CNP, AOCN®. NP Wholey provided an overview of the newsletter’s operation. Highlights include:
- Published three times a year
- Posted online on March 3, July 2 & November 3
- Copy due to NP SIG Co-Editors on January 11,May 14 and September 12
- Content- usually contains: Coordinator’s Message; Editor’s Message; Clinical Update/Current Topic; NP SIG News; ONS News; AANP News
- Requirements: no more than 6 articles plus messages from coordinator & editor; and, an issue must not exceed 4,000 words
NP SIG members are encouraged to provide submissions for the newsletter and to consider volunteering for the editorial team.
The NP SIG’s Editors thanked the ONS Support for their help with the newsletter productions. The ONS staff includes: Carol DeMarco, Membership/Leadership administrative assistant; Sharon Padezanin, Copy editor; and Jenny Shinsky, Membership/Leadership specialist.
X. Virtual Community
Jennifer Wulff, MN, ARNP, AOCNP®, our Virtual Community Coordinator was not able to join us for the meeting. ONS staff member jenny Shinsky and NP SIG member NP Wulff prepared an information sheet on the Virtual Community and a survey sheet designed to elicit information for posting of NP SIG profiles to the virtual community. The handouts were distributed to members. The completed profiles will be sent to NP Wulff.
XI. Leadership Opportunities
Opportunities for NP SIG members to share their expertise with their colleagues were presented. These opportunities include:
- The 2008 ONS APN Conference- November 13-15; Seattle, WA- Abstract submission deadline July 8
- ONS 10th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research- February 12-14, 2009; Orlando, FL - Abstracts submission deadline June 10
The ONS Steering Council is accepting application until May 22, for a three year commitment. It is estimated that Steering Council members volunteer about 13 days/ year.
The ONS Leadership Development Institute is accepting applications until June 3. The Institute will be held in Atlanta, GA this year from October 23-26.
XII. Mentoring and Leadership
NP SIG members are encouraged to join ONS’ formal mentoring program. In the past the NP SIG had its own mentoring program. In many ways it provided the foundation for the organization-wide mentoring program that we now use. Online enrollment is available at any time though . The following codes should be used: Mentee group code: 532398 and Mentor group code: 361812. Note that NP SIG members may choose to be both a mentor and mentee depending on skills and knowledge. For example, you may be able to be a mentor for a new oncology NP, and you desire mentoring to hone skills for an upcoming national presentation.
XIII. Project Update
Past projects of the NP SIG including: the “So you want to be an oncology NP?!” booklet; the oncology NP brochure; and the APN conference were just a few of the projects were the NP SIG made an impact.
NP SIG members were briefed on the development of several NP SIG projects including: “Ask Catherine”; research study; update job description; and collaborate with AANP. N SIG members were encouraged to volunteer to help on these projects and others. New project ideas were encouraged.
XIV. Discussions
We discussed issues related to learning needs, and members shared their strategies for gaining knowledge they need to stay current. 0.7 CEUs will be awarded for this meeting. In verbal and written format, topics for future sessions, especially of interest to NPs were generated along with suggestions for speakers. Many felt that ONS conferences did not provide enough advanced practice content to meet their educational needs. It was shared with the group that it is an expectation that the SIGs present several topics for consideration for upcoming conferences. SIG members were invited to join in this process of selecting topics and developing them into an abstract. There are opportunities for novices to be mentored in this valuable experience.
Brief discussion took place regarding the concept of an APN Council within ONS to focus on the unique issues of the oncology APNs.
We discussed how the ONS Congress schedule provided challenges for the NPs as the SIG meeting was scheduled at the same time as one of, if not the, most popular session for NPs. NP SIG members were encouraged to volunteer for conference planning teams to ensure that scheduling conflicts do not occur.
A brief overview of the Town Hall meeting was shared and members were encouraged to attend on Saturday from 1230 to 1400 in room 114 of the Convention center.
Additional discussions occurred during NP Vogel’s legislative portion of the program as well as the ONCC update. Questions were answered by the presenters directly during their presentation. The presenters remained in the room after the meeting officially ended to discuss additional topics individually with NP SIG members.
XV. Raffle
NP SIG members, who completed a brief survey regarding their willingness to volunteer for activities and workgroup within the NP SIG, were included in a raffle. Multiple NP prizes donated by the NP SIG Coordinator were awarded to the attendees.
XVI. Special Thanks
In conclusion, the work that is done for the NP SIG would not be possible without the tireless and ever encouraging efforts of our colleagues at the ONS headquarters. The following ONS staff were acknowledged for their dedication to furthering the success of the NP SIG: Angie Stengel, MS, CAE, Director of Membership/Leadership; Diane Scheuring, MBA, CMP, Manager of Member Services; and, Carol DeMarco, Membership/Leadership Administrative Assistant.
The meeting was adjourned.
Attendees List for NP SIG Meeting
SIG MembersE-mailSpecialty
Kristen MT
Kim em/oncology
Elise adiation oncology
Mike adiation oncology
Susan urgical oncology NP
Diane em/oncology ARNP
Sue em/oncology
Peg ed oncology
Dinah MT
Marilyn adiation
Hilda *radiation oncology
Carol Josephs-Cowan YN oncology
Marilyn em/oncology
Colleen *oncology/primary care
Wylodean Lottmed/oncology
Jeanne CNP-BC hem/oncology BMT
Jeanie *breast oncology
Marina reast oncology
Lynn NP breast oncology
Meredith em/oncology
Anne em/oncology
Quan P hem/oncology
Sandra em/oncology
Janet Van
Mary ommunity education/outreach
Wendy *
Debbie em/oncology
Megan ncology
Not SIG Members
Carl NCC Representative
Beverly ed/oncology adult primary care
Colleen ad/oncology
Deborah ematology
Not ONS Members
Jill OCN/surgical telemetry oncology
Sharon Woodhuffmed oncology
* Interested in being in a work group