Family Consumer Science

Grade 6

Welcome to FCS 6 cycle class!! For the next 5 weeks we will be busy planning, preparing, working together as a family, and of course, using our best manners, as we enjoy all our hard work. We will investigate the new food pyramid,, practice correct food preparation techniques and learn how to read and follow a recipe. Students will participate with food demonstrations prior to most food labs. Good nutrition will be emphasized with all recipes.

We will break into 5 families where the jobs of head chef, co-chef, ingredient runner, and clean-up will rotate with each food lab. Students will be responsible to follow all safety and sanitary procedures.

The following recipes will be prepared as part of the FCS Grade 6 cycle class. In addition to this list, there will be seasonal recipes added. If you have a favorite recipe, please feel free to share it with me. At the end of the cycle we will make a cookbook from all the recipes that we have made.

Cinnamon rolls

Fluffy French Toast with Seasonal Fruit/Nutritious Breakfast

Down Home Macaroni and Cheese

Crepes with Fresh Strawberries and Whipped Cream



Homemade Pizza

Grading in this FCS cycle is 2/3 based on food labs. This includes participation, attentiveness during demonstrations, and following proper procedures during foods labs. This also includes successful completion of their specific job, teamwork with family and proper set-up and clean up.

The remaining 1/3 of your grade is based on classroom participation, activities and successful completion of any worksheets.

There are NO tests, quizzes or homework in this cycle class. I do hope that the students will share their new talents at home and prepare some of the recipes that we make in class or try new recipes.

One major concern that is addressed throughout the cycle is food allergies. Each student must have a parent/guardian sign a permission slip before the student is allowed to participate in any food lab or demonstration. If there is ever any concerns or questions with food allergies, please do not hesitate to ask or contact me (student or parent) A copy of the allergy permission slip is also found on my web page.

I hope you will enjoy this class as much as I do. Remember to bring your smile and good work ethic with you each day!!!! I’m sure we will have lots of fun as you learn a new skill that you will use the rest of your life.