
Meeting Title / P&C Meeting
Date/Time / Thursday March 16th 2017 at 20:15pm
Location / School Library
Attendees / Susan Wyatt, Ian Davies, Evan Predavec, Sally Severino, Michael Neaves, Sukhdeo Singh, Susie Ashton-Davies, Rebecca Gregg, Stephanie Hart, Felicity Wilson, Annette van Dommelen, Cam-May Chung-wright, Danielle Manion, Gina Hughes, Hayden Mackellar, Jane Taylor, Alex Bloch-Jorgensen, Virginia Bloch-Jorgensen, Gail Minns
Apologies / Gerhard Beukes, Richard Fechner, Ruth Marshall
Minutes / Sally Severino


Item / Discussion / Moved (M) Seconded (S) / Resolution/Notes/Actions
Prev. Minutes / Resolution to adopt previous meeting minutes.
/ (M) Evan P
(S) Ian D
Presidents Report
Evan Predavec / Evan thanked Ron Rapee from MQU for his excellent talk on teen mental health.
Evan acknowledged and thanked the local member, Felicity Wilson for attending the MHS P&C meeting.
Evan will be running for local council (North Sydney) in 2017.
There is a significant shortfall for the building project. Current funds at $200K are not enough for desired build.
Principals Report Susan Wyatt / Year 11 exams are finished and reports coming out for year 8,9 and 10 in the following weeks.
Grandparent’s day was a success with year 7 performing drama/music pieces.
2nd SRC presentation (Jack Versace ex MHS student spoke to students about leadership)
‘Elevate’ group talked to yr. 12 about study skills June 9th. Positive feedback from students. Evan suggested Elevate group are invited back to talk to parents.
Yr. 10 info evening for subject choice in yr. 11 and 12 was held this week 14/6/17. This coming week every individual yr.10 student can get advice from teachers about subject suitability.
‘Chill Out Concert’ is being held Wed 21st and Thursday 22nd of June. Record number of acts auditioned -75.
Both MHS dance ensembles are performing at Glen St Theatre. / Susan – agreed to follow up re Elevate group talking to parents.
Finance Report
Ian Davies / Ian presented Finance report for May 2017. See attached.
Motion: to accept present finance report. / (M) Michael N
(S) Hayden M / Unanimous
Sport Committee Hayden McKellar / Is in the planning phase for 2018 - Preparing tours for basketball. Also worth noting that 3 futsal teams qualified for state.
Susan Wyatt / Music Committee are catering and taking proceeds for both ‘Chill-out Concerts’.
Senior Jazz have been invited to participate in a jazz festival in Cuba (January 13th to 21st, 2018)
Susan Wyatt / Anonymos Event
Anonymous art works selling for $250.
6 - 9pm, 23rd June (over 18 years)
2 – 4pm 24th June (all ages)
Science & Technology
Evan P / Astrophysicist Dr. Lopez – ‘Dark Matter’ talk was very well received.
Increase in female students attending lunchtime coding. / Waiting on confirmation that Dr. Larry Marshall (head of CSIRO) is available for Science at Lunch Time talks.
Drama / No report
Year 10 Formal Committee / Year 10 Formal Nov 2017 at Dalton House. Currently there is a shortfall of $2000. Have had a great response from students with 177 attending but need 200. / Formal Committee will reach out to parents and students explaining the shortfall. Potential increase of $10 ahead.
Susan Wyatt / Principal Wyatt explained the elective subject choices are limited due to lack of available classrooms. Both 2017 year 8 and year 10 are large year groups.
Health and wellbeing / Excellent talk on Teenager, Mental Health and Resilience by Ron Rapee from MQU 15/6/17
Next Meeting / August 17th, 2017
(There will be NO P&C meeting in July due to scheduling conflict).
Close HH:MM / 20:45pm /