vocabulary (20 points)

ACircle the correct answers.(10 x 1 = 10 points)

1.I called your house but … was at home.


2.Betty … when she saw the snake.


3.The runners were… when they saw the black clouds.


4.We saw the … and knew there was a fire.


5.I was tired after I climbed the … .


6.My brother wants to be a … .

a.gymb.rescue workerc.sound

7.Janet was very … after she ran the marathon.


8.We heard about the terrible … on the radio.


9.The skier … for four days.

a.continuedb.was missingc.saved a life

10.Please … my bike before dark.

a.bring backb.run awayc.stay close

BComplete the TV news report with the words below.(10 x 1 = 10 points)

spread on fire make sure firefighters worst put out

east ground immediately happened

Good evening. It’s 7 o’clock and here is the news.

1...... are trying to 2...... a fire on the mountain. A pilot called this morning to say that the forest was 3...... Rescue workers went out 4...... When they got there, the wind was blowing from the
5...... Volunteers are also there to 6...... the animals
are safe. They are worried that the fire will 7...... down the mountain to their farms. Firefighters on the 8...... and in the air will work until dark. We all remember what 9...... in 2006 – the year we saw the
10...... fire in our country.

Grammar (30 points)

AComplete the sentences with the Past Simple form of(10 x 1 = 10 points)

the verbs in bold.

1.We always eat in the kitchen. Last night we ...... in the dining room.

2.I usually wake up early, but yesterday I ...... late.

3.Rob always brings food to school. Yesterdayhe ...... cake too.

4.Mike goes to the gym every day. Last night he also ...... to the pool.

5.Every year our neighbors buy a new car. Last year they also ...... a newmotorbike.

6.On Thursdays we shop at the market. Last week we also ...... at
the supermarket.

7.Pete often comes to school late. This morning he ...... very early.

8.Our school usually wins at basketball. Yesterday they ...... a
hockey match too.

9.Dana makes pizza every Sunday. Last Sunday she ...... pizza and pasta.

10.The dogsleeps in the kitchen. Last night he ...... on my bed.

BComplete the text with the Past Simple form of the(10 x 1 = 10 points)

words below.

tell not see happen run crash say come leave call not take

It was raining this afternoon when an accident 1...... near my house. The driver 2...... the dog in the road and the car 3...... into a tree. A man in the street 4...... 911. The ambulance
5...... after a few minutes. They 6...... the driver to the hospital because he wasn’t hurt. After the ambulance 7...... there was
a woman near the car. She 8...... that her dog was missing. I
9...... her not to worry. “Your dog 10...... away, so he wasn’t hurt,” I said.

CWrite questions in the Past Simple to complete the dialogue.(5 x 2 = 10)

Mom:you / sleep / where / last night / ?


Betty:I slept at my friend Sally after the party.

Mom:the party / what time / finish / ?


Betty:It finished at midnight and then we cleaned up.

Mom:Sally / her birthday / last night / why / celebrate /?


Betty:Because our vacation started today, Mom. We didn’t go to school.

Mom:Oh! I forgot.

be / who / at the party / ?


Betty:Carol, Jack, Sue and Liz and some other kids from our class.

Mom:have / a good time / you / ?


Betty:Yes. It was a great party!

reading (40 points)

ARead the articles.

The NewsMarch 24, 2011
Japan’s Pets Are in Trouble
Thousands of people lost their lives and thousands more lost their homes in the terrible tsunami of March 11. It is the worst tragedy in Japan for hundreds of years. Rescue teams from around the world are in Japan to look for people and to help them find their families.
There are also teams of people looking for animals. For many of the people in the area, a dog or a cat is the only thing left from their old lives.Special animal rescue groups are also in Japan to help with the hungry, hurt and lost pets. Japanese Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support1 (JEARS) is a group of people that is working very hard at the moment. They are trying to find homes for the animals.
Many of the animal rescue workers are volunteers. They feed the animals while vets help the pets that are hurt.
The NewsMarch 28, 2011
Shane Swims Through Tsunami
Mr. Kamata heard the tsunami warning2 on March 11. He went to tell his neighbors. Then he tried to go back for his dog, Shane, but he couldn’t. The water was too high. He was very sad because he thought that Shane wasn’t alive.
Kamata went to the school, which was on higher ground.Six hours later somebody told him that there was a dog outside the school.
“It was Shane. He swam and found me,” said Kamata. Shane was hurt and sick. The vet gave the pet antibiotics. Shane and Mr. Kamata returned to their house in Sendai, Japan.

1 support دعم/תמיכה

2 warning تحذير/הודעת אזהרה

BAnswer the questions.

1.What is "the worst tragedy in Japan for hundreds of years"?(4 points)


2.What do rescue teams do? Name ONE thing.(4 points)


3.In what country does Mr. Kamata live?(2 points)


4.Complete the text.(4 x 4 = 16 points)

The tsunami took place on a......

b...... of people died and lost their homes. There were also

many lost animals. Special animal c...... came to Japan to

help with the lost pets.

Mr. Kamata was one of the people who lost his dog, Shane. The dog

d...... Mr. Kamata at the school. Luckily, they are safe at

home now.

5.Tick ()the report(s) where we learn …(6 x 2 = 12 points)

Report 1 / Report 2
a.there was a tsunami
b.the date it happened
c.about an animal or animals
d.how many people lost their homes
e.the story of one man
f.what vets do

6.The articles are from … .(2 points)

a.a history book

b.a newspaper

c.an online forum

WRITING (10 points)

Write about something that happened last summer.

AAnswer the questions.

1.What happened?......

2.When did it happen?......

3.Where did it happen?......

4.Who was with you?......

5.How did you feel?......

BWrite five sentences about what happened. Remember to use and, but and because.





