Mod/Sev/Pro Checklist COMM 1

Student Name Age Date

Communication (Ages 5-21) / Performance Level /
Goal Area / Skills / Training / Supervision
M= Model
P= Physical
V= Verbal / Maintenance / Independent / Notes and Modifications /

Domain: Communication

Prespeech Receptive Language / Notices faces of others
Stops crying when someone enters the room
Responds with a smile or coo to friendly speech
Anticipates feeding at sight of food/solid food
Turns eyes and head toward sound
Responds to show understanding of several words
Understands and responds to name
Understands the word no-no
Responds to simple commands
Points to familiar objects when requested
Prespeech Gestures / Smiles
Smiles when talked to
Laughs aloud
Raises arms when parent/teacher says “come here” while reaching toward the child
Shakes head for no
Waves “bye-bye”
Shows affection
Nods head for yes
Gestures to make wishes known
Points to something the child wants another to see
Prespeech Gestures (cont.) / Combines gestures and utterances to make wishes known
Prespeech Vocal-izations / Makes small, throaty sounds
Makes sounds of discomfort
Makes pleasure sounds
Vocalizes two different vowel sounds
Makes coos and gurgles
Has a strong cry
Vocalizes or “talks” back when talked to
Babbles, using several consonants
Says the words “mama” and “dada” with no specific meaning
Exhibits unintelligible (immature) jabbering or jargon
Exhibits mature jabbering
General Speech and Language Develop-ment
General Speech and Language Develop- ment (cont.)
General Speech and Language Develop
ment (cont.) / Says at least three words other than “mama” and “dada”
Has an expressive vocabulary of at least ten words
Calls at least one person by name
Responds to yes or no questions regarding wants and needs
Has an expressive vocabulary of at least twenty-five words
Uses the word no to indicate refusal
Uses subject – predicate phrases
Asks for food when hungry
Refers to self by name
Uses personal pronouns “I” and “me”
Vocalizes toileting need
Uses three-word phrases
Fifty percent of speech is intelligible
Uses the words “my” and “mine” to indicate possession
Uses three-word sentences
Asks simple questions
Responds to simple yes or no questions related to visual information
Uses possessive nouns
Uses pronouns to refer to others
Asks “where” questions
Adds “ing”
Ask ‘why’ questions
Uses simple sentences with pronouns
Answers “who” questions
Uses negative phrases
Uses past tense
Uses plurals, adding s
Answers “why” questions
Asks “when” questions
Asks “how” questions
Uses prepositions other than in and on
Answers “where” questions
Uses plurals other than by adding s
Relates experiences with some understanding of sequence and ending/closure
Uses some conjunctions
Defines simple words
Asks definitions of words
Can describe differences in objects
Can describe similarities in objects
Participates in conversation without monopolizing it
Uses words related to sequence
Uses the words tomorrow and yesterday
Answers the telephone, takes simple messages, and delivers the message
Verbally shares experiences or items with a group of classmates such as during “show and tell”
Answers “when” questions
Length of Sentences / 2 words
3 words
4 words
5 words
6 words
Personal Data Response / First name
Full name
Name of city/town
Street Address
Birthday and month
Parents’ names
Telephone number
Complete Address
Complete birthday (day, month, year)
Verbal Directions
Verbal Directions (cont.) / Give me the ______.
Come to me
Sit down
Stand up
Come here
Show me your ______.
Give it to me
Put the ______in the ______
Put it on the ______.
Put it under the ______.
Bring it to me
Put the _____ in your pocket
____ toward the ______
Bring me the ______
____ by the ____
____ next to the ______
____ around the ______
____ beside the ______
Picture Vocabulary / Points to pictures when requested:
Cat___ dog ___ key ___
Girl___ man ___ airplane ___
Apple___ pencil ___sock___
Car___ nail___ duck___
Fish ___ tractor ___ snake__
Owl ___
Names pictures pointed to:
Cat___ dog ___ key ___
Girl___ man ___ airplane ___
Apple___ pencil ___sock___
Car___ nail___ duck___
Fish ___ tractor ___ snake__
Owl ___
Repeats Numbers / 2 digits
3 digits
4 digits
5 digits
Sentence memory / Repeats sentence of ____ syllables
2 syllables
3 syllables
4 syllables
5 syllables
6 syllables
7 syllables
8 syllables
9 syllables
10 syllables
11 syllables
12 syllables
