/ Course Syllabus and Classroom Procedures
New Bridge Middle School
6th Grade Keyboarding and Basic Word Processing
Mrs. Whiteman

Course Description:

Keyboarding and Basic Word Processing is composed of instructional modules designed to provide hands-on instruction in basic keyboarding skills, computer concepts, and software applications. Communication skills and basic mathematical concepts are reinforced in this course. The software applications include:

·  Keyboarding Alphabetic Keys

·  Keyboarding Numbers, Symbols, and Numeric Keypad

·  Keyboarding Build Speed and Accuracy (Calculating Gross Words A Minute GWAM)

·  Word Processing-Basics and Business Correspondence (Business Letter, Paragraph Formats, Tables, etc)

Expectations for class:

·  Students are expected to come to class prepared daily. Students must bring all needed supplies.

·  Students will also be given a Final Exam at the end of the semester. The Final Exam will be 20% of the student’s final grade.

·  All assignments are to be turned in on time.

General Rules:

·  Be on time and prepared for class.

·  Respect yourself, others, and their property.

·  Make wise use of class time…work to your potential!

Preparations for Class:

·  Students must have a Keyboarding section in their binder, a composition notebook, and a writing utensil.

·  Warm Up activities and class directions will be presented daily on the board.

Earned consequences:

·  Warning

·  Punch Card Collected

·  Punch Given on Punch Card

·  Chill out if behavior is disrupting the class

·  *More serious offenses will result in IMMEDIATE referral to administration.

Late Work:

·  Most of student work will be completed in class. A reduced grade will be given for each day work is late.

Missed Work:

·  After an absence, students will be allowed three days to make arrangements to complete missed assignments for full credit.

Progress Reports and Parent Portal:

·  Progress reports will be given every three weeks. In addition to traditional progress reports, parents have the opportunity to view their student’s grades at any time through the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

Grade Reporting:

·  All teachers utilize PowerSchool to record daily attendance and to record students' grades for assignments in a timely manner.

·  Daily homework, classwork and short quizzes (less than 20 questions for example) should be posted in the Power School gradebook within 5 school days.

·  Tests and longer quizzes should be posted in the PowerSchool gradebook within 7 school days.

·  Projects and tests or assignments including essay/ research responses should be posted in the PowerSchool gradebook within 10 school days.

·  Entry of grades and daily attendance may be delayed if a substitute teacher is necessary.

Parent/Teacher Conferences:

·  Please call to schedule a conference at 910-346-5144.

Grading Scale:

The grading scale for the end of a grading period is as follows:

·  A = 90-100%; B = 80-89%; C = 70-79%; D = 60-69%; F = Below 59%

·  40% is the lowest overall mark given for the grading period.

Weighted Grades (approximately):

·  40%- Summative Assessments (Tests) and Projects

·  30%- Class Work: (those tasks primarily completed in the classroom)

·  20%- Quizzes

·  10%- Homework (those tasks primarily completed outside of class time)

Contact Information:

Mrs. Whiteman

Child’s Name: ______

Parent’s Name and Phone number: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______Please sign and return!