Breakout Session Proposal Form Questions

PBS welcomes your Annual Meeting Breakout Session submission. Based on feedback from attendees at prior Annual Meetings, this year’s line-up will include a curated list of sessions produced by PBS and station staff, with some of the most popular sessions (as voted on by the system) repeated. Please refer to the PBS Annual Meeting website ( for additional information and a description of the submission and selection process.

* These questions require an answer

Contact Information

The contact information below should be completed for the primary producer of this session: that person responsible for putting the session together, organizing the content, wrangling the speakers, and communicating with PBS about the logistics for the session.

1. First Name *

2. Last Name *

3. Title *

4. Organization's Name *

5. Business Email Address *

6. Daytime Phone Number *


Advocating diversity enhances access to the full range of ideas, information, subject matter, and viewpoints required to make informed judgments about the issues of our time. The following diversity questions are OPTIONAL. If you choose to complete these questions, please answer them from the perspective of the primary producer of this session: that person responsible for putting the session together, organizing the content, wrangling the speakers, and communicating with PBS about the logistics for the session.

7. Ethnicity - Mark only one.

American Indian or Alaska Native


Black or African American

Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

Other race, ethnicity, or origin


8. Gender - Mark only one.



Other / Prefer to self-identify

Session Details

This section describes your breakout session. Within the character limits set forth, please describe the session in a way that would encourage your public media colleagues to attend. What's in it for them?

9. Session Title *

Clever titles are fun, but descriptive titles help attendees make more informed decisions. (100 character limit.)

10. Session Description *

Descriptions should include two or three sentences about the topic, including how attending your session will help attendees with their work. Be concise and specific. (750 character limit.)

11. Key Takeaways *

Describe three key takeaways from the session, including what attendees will learn and take back to their station colleagues. Be specific. (300 character limit.)

12. How will you make your session interactive and engaging? *

13. Voting Category *

PLEASE CHOOSE ONLY ONE. How you answer this question will determine which category your session proposal is placed in for voting purposes. Should your session be selected, you will have an opportunity later to select multiple attendee tracks. Mark only one.

Business Intelligence

Community Engagement and Partnerships

Content Marketing, Public Relations and Communications

Development and Fundraising

Digital, Social Media and Web

Government Relations

Journalism and Storytelling

KIDS, Parents and Education

Leadership, Management and Station Strategy

Local Productions

Programming and Traffic

Technology and Operations



Speaker/Facilitator Information

We understand that at this early date, it may not be possible to confirm speakers/facilitators. Please tell us who you want to bring to this session. Based on attendee feedback from the 2017 Annual Meeting, the number of presenters (including a moderator or facilitator) is strictly limited to 5 people.

14. Speaker #1 -- Name, Title, Organization *

15. Speaker #2 -- Name, Title, Organization

16. Speaker #3 -- Name, Title, Organization

17. Speaker #4 -- Name, Title, Organization

18. Speaker #5 -- Name, Title, Organization

19. Notes and other comments

These are your notes to the planning team only. None of the information included here will appear on the voting ballot.

Thank you!