Killarney Heights High School


An opportunity exists to relieve as Head Teacher PDHPE for terms 3 and 4 of 2016 at Killarney Heights High School. The position is anticipated to start in Term 3 week 3.

Killarney Heights High School is a comprehensive co-educational school with a population of 930 students, 49% EALD, located 20 minutes from the Sydney CBD in a bushland setting near the northern beaches of Sydney. The school has a strong tradition of high academic achievement, catering for individual student needs and providing a broad co-curricular program. The school is focused on quality teaching and learning, positive education and skills for the future, aiming to develop well informed, critical and creative thinkers with high resilience. The school community is committed to a strong learning culture with respect for others and aspiration to excellence in all endeavours.

Selection Criteria

·  Qualifications and experience teaching Stage 6 PDHPE with evidence of excellent results.

·  Qualifications and effective recent teaching experience in Stage 4 and 5 PE and PASS

·  Demonstrated ability to supervise and support early career teachers achieving their best in line with the school’s strategic directions

·  Leading curriculum and assessment practices in the faculty in accordance with school and BOSTES requirements

·  Building the capacity and managing the performance of sports and carnival organizers.

·  Demonstrating ability to be an active and collegial member of the executive team in the implementation of the whole school plan, policies and procedures.

An application addressing the criteria and including two referees should be sent by email to Hayley Emmerton, Principal, at by 4.00pm Friday 29th July 2016.

Successful applicants will be required to attend an interview.

Applications must not exceed three pagesINCLUDING the attached application form.


Relieving Head Teacher PDHPE

Killarney Heights High School

Name of applicant:
Current position:
School/Location name:
Telephone numbers: / Work:
Applicant’s signature: Date:
I endorse this expression of interest and agree to release the staff member if they are successful in the application process.
Principal / Supervisor’s Name: Signature: Date:
Names and details of two referees (one of which must be your current line manager)
First referee: / Second referee:
Name: / Name:
Position: / Position:
numbers / Work: / Telephone
numbers / Work:
Home: / Home:
Mobile: / Mobile:
Qualifications and teaching experience:
Please include a 2 page statement addressing the criteria as part of your application.
Enquiries and applications to: / Hayley Emmerton
Phone : 9451 7005
Email : Hayley.emmerton
Due Date: 4.00pm Friday 29th July 2016