How would YOU like to see Half Penny Steps Open Space redesigned? How can the area be made better for Pedestrians?
The Harrow Road is benefiting from a three year RegenerationProgramme, which beganin 2006/07. There are a number of projects completed or underway, many of which are focused on improving the public realm and reviving the main district shopping centre on Harrow Road.
One of the projects currently being developedaims to improve the public space adjacent to Half Penny Steps footbridge and improve access to, along and across the Canal.This will better connect surrounding neighbourhoods with the Harrow Road district shopping centre and the green canal corridor, and will contribute to the wider regeneration objectives for the area, including economic revival, crime and disorder reduction and environmental improvements.Westminster City Council has secured funding for this project from Transport for London.Improvementsare due to take place from February 2008 onwards.
On behalf of Westminster City Council, Groundwork are carrying out a survey of the people who live or work in, or visit the area, to get their views on how best to improve the open space next to Half Penny Steps footbridge. Thissurvey also aims to find out how people currently feel when walking around the area, and to establish what changes people would like made in order to createa better area for walking. The results of thissurvey will determine what improvements will take place, so please do take the time to complete the enclosed survey and inform us of your views.
A freepost envelope has been provided (no stamp is necessary). To enable us to include your feedback please ensure your completed survey is postedbefore the 25th October.If you have any questions relating tothis project please contact James Littlewood or on 020 7239 1287.
Thank you for your time.
Please turn over
Improvements to Half Penny Steps Open Space
The “Half Penny Steps open space” is the public space adjacentto the Half Penny Steps Footbridge over the canal, next to Harrow Road. This publicspace is shown in the photographs below.
A new building development is currently underwayadjacent to this open space.This should be completed in spring 2009, and will include a restaurant/café that opens out onto the space. The building works will have an impact on the space, which will be partially closed during development. It is envisaged that improvements planned for the open space will therefore be carried out once the building works are nearing completion. This will allow the whole area to be transformed at the same time.
We are now asking people how they would like to see thispublic space improved.
The ideas below have come from discussions with local stakeholders.
- Please indicate your views ofthe following suggestedimprovementsforthis public space, by ticking the relevant boxes below.
Please do use thespace provided at the end of the table to write in your own ideas.
Suggestion / Good Idea / Don’t mind / Bad IdeaCreate an outdoor eating/drinking area for the café/restaurantbeing developed.
Install a mural on the wall along the footbridge ramp. This would be designed by local young people.
Create a visible mooring area for canal barges to stop next to the space, so that people could get on or off the barges.
Create flower beds that are planted and looked after by the local community.
Create a small waterside habitat for wildlife next to the canal,in the disused space between the bridge and Canal Café.
Install information display boards with a map and key information about the local area.
Keep the area green using plants/grass
Install seating.This would be designed so that people cannotsleep on them.
Improve the lighting.
Install signposts directing people to nearby places of interest and services,such as the tube station.
Your idea (please write)……………………………………………………………………………
Your idea (please write)……………………………………………………………………………
- Highly visible railings are currently present in the space next to the canal,Would you suggest(please tickthe relevant box below):
a) Keeping the railings as they are
b) Replacing the railings with a low wall so that the canal is more visible
c) Using new railings that are more attractive
d) Other (please write in)
- There is currently a large tree in the open space. Unfortunately,
thistree is on a raised mound.If thespace was redesignedas an
outdoor dining area it would be very difficult to do so without
removingthe tree. We are currently investigating whether it would
be possible toreplant the tree elsewhere. What are your views?
a)Leave the tree as it is
b)Replace this tree with a younger tree in another part of the space
c)Replace this tree with several smaller species of tree to create a
shaded area for outdoor seating
d)If you have an alternative solution please state it in the space provided below:
- Are there any other comments you would like to make about the Half Penny Steps open space? (please write in):
Improvements for Pedestrians in the Harrow Road Area
As part of this project we need to knowhow people feel when walking around the area, and what changes people would like made in order to create a better area for walking.
The area in which pedestrian improvements could be made is from WestbournePark tube up to the Prince of Wales Junction, and west from the Great Western Road along the canal to Half Penny Steps footbridge.
- Using the map below please mark out the main routes you use when walking or cycling in the area.
- Please tell us why you walk in this area and how often.
(Please put a tick in the relevant box.)
Activity / Every Day / At least once a week / Once a month / Once a year / NeverWalk/cycle to get to work or school
Walk/cycleto get to the shops
Walk/cycle to get to the tube or bus stop
Walk to visit pubs, restaurants, or leisure activity
Walk/cycle for pleasure, e.g. fresh air, along the canal
Getting exercise (e.g. jogging, cycling, walking)
Walk the dog
Other: ______
- Have you experiencedany problems when walking around this area?If yes, please tick the relevant boxes below and state where the problem occurred.
Problem experienced / Please tick / Where does this occur?
Feeling unsafe with respect to crime
Feeling unsafe with respect to road safety
Lack of cleanliness (e.g. litter, dirty)
Poor or no lighting
Getting lost
Inconvenient route
Unattractive environment
Overgrown shrubs/trees
Damaged walkways
Dog mess
Other (write in)
Other (write in)
- Are there any areas that you avoid or do not like walking around?
Please statewhere these are and why you do notlike them:
- Please indicateyour views ofthe following suggestedimprovementsfor pedestrians, by ticking the relevant boxes below.
Please do use thespace provided at the end of the table to write in your own ideas.
Suggestion / Good Idea / Don’t mind / Bad IdeaMake it easier for people to find their way around
Improve signage to help people find their way around more easily
Install panels with maps of the local area to help direct people to footpaths, cycle routes and public transport services.
Your idea ………………………………………
Make it easier for people to walk or cycle
Widen the footway outside WestbournePark station, particularly around the bus stop.
Improve pedestrian crossing of roads.
Provide more cycle parking near WestbournePark tube station.
Provide a cycle route along Fermoy Roadso that cyclists can avoid the Prince of Wales Junction.
Improve safety and access for pedestrians crossing Elkstone Road as they walk to or from the canal to WestbournePark tube station.
Improve access to the canal on the south side of Half Penny Steps for people with visual impairments and wheelchairs users.
Widen the canal path between Great Western Road and Ladbroke Grove to allow more space for walkers and cyclists sharing the path.
Your idea ………………………………………
Help make the area feel safer
Improve lighting throughout MeanwhileGardens – keep lights on from dusk all year round.
Put up barriers to slow down cyclists using the canal path.
Your idea ………………………………………
Help make the area more attractive and welcoming
Create a mural onthe bridge outside WestbournePark tube to create a more welcoming environment.
Provide plantsalong the southern side ofthe canal to soften the concrete environment and create habitat for wildlife.
Your idea ………………………………………
- Are there any other comments you would like to make about improving the area for walking?
What Will Happen Next?
Proposals for improving the Half Penny Steps open space and for pedestrian improvements will be based on the results of this survey and the budget available. Groundwork will then consult people who live and work in, and visit the area, on what they think of the proposed plans and any changes they would like to see made to them. Once the plans are finalised a contractor will be appointed to carry out the works, some of which we hope will take place in time for spring.
Monitoring Information (Optional).
If you would like to be kept informed about the progress of the project, please fill in your contact details:
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Contact Telephone/Email:….…………………………………………………………
Please tell us about yourself. This information is for our monitoring purposes only and is strictly confidential.
To which one of these groups do you consider you belong? (Please choose one from below):
ArabNorth African
Middle Eastern
Other Arab (please specify)
______/ Asian or Asian British
Other Asian (please specify)
______/ Black or Black British
Other Black (please specify)
Any other ethnic group
Please write in
Prefer not to say
/ Mixed
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Other Mixed (please specify)
______ / White
Other White (please specify)
Not known
Thank you for your time.