District Conservation Technician Program - 2017
District Re-Enrollment Application Form
Deadline for Re-Enrollment Application: August 19th, 2016
E-mail to the CSCB Grant Administrator @
Tel: 303-869-9040
This form is for conservation districts which are currentlyenrolled in the DCT program. Districts wishing to apply to the program which are not currently in the program must complete a New Application Form (located on the CSCB webpage under the District Conservation Technician Program). If the district discontinued participation in the program as late as October of the previous grant year, this form may be used to reapply to the program. If participation discontinued earlier in the previous grant year, then the New Application Form must be used to apply to the Program.
Please submit the following for a complete application:
- Respond to the questions below in the yellow areas provided.
- A budget for January – December 2017 on the Budget Template located on the DCT web page of the CSCB website.
- FFATA form, also located on the DCT webpage [only if your District has not submitted one before]
Assessment of Need Questions:
The CSCB does not currently anticipate a shortfall in funding for the program in calendar 2017. However, in the unexpected circumstance of a funding shortfall, technical workload needs and past program requirements compliance will be used to assess funding distribution.
NAME OF LEAD DISTRICT )Name of Partnering District(s);
1. Describe the current workload of your District and the field office for technical conservation planning and practice implementation. Include only technical workload as activities – not education or administration. If positions are shared (e.g. DC serving a separate field office ) state hours worked as apportioned to this field office.
Current Technical Activity / No. of Active Contracts / No. Active Acres / No. Planned Contracts / No. Planned Acres
EQIP Program
WHIP Program
CRP Program
CSP Program
CTA practices to NRCS Standards
Current Staff Positions / Hours per Year / Explanatory notes as needed on contribution to technical assistance workload
DCT position
Non-DCT District Tech
NRCS Conservation Tech.
NRCS Engineer
NRCS Range Conservationist.
District Manager
Ultima Staff
Total Staff Hours
2. Describe any changes to the above workload and/or staffing levelsanticipated for the next calendar year.
3. Describe the number and status of technicians you are intending to employ for next year. E.g. one full-time: one full-time seasonal April - October: one part-time @20hrs/week. Explain if this is different from the current year and why the change is necessary.
4. Describe how your technician contributed to the technical workload of your field office over the current year – describe their job duties and percentage of time spent on each. Indicate any changes you anticipate for the next calendar year.
Work Product / % Time 2016 / % Time 2017 / Outline of Specific Job Duties
and describe any changes projected for the upcoming year.
Farm Bill Practice Implementation
Farm Bill Practice Planning
CTA Practice Implementation to NRCS Standards
NRCS 9-Step Planning non-Farm Bill
On-the-Ground Technical Assistance to District Programs
Prepare/deliver technical information products (Landowner workshops, writing newsletter articles, etc.)
District Physical Address:
District DUNS #:
President certifies that District is in “Good Standing” with the State [meeting all statutory requirements according to Colorado Revised Statute Title 35, Article 70 (Conservation Districts) and Title 32, Article 1 (Special Districts)] at the time of application.
President also certifies that the District Board has officially approved the submission of this application in a regular Board meeting and that the decision is officially documented in said meeting minutes.