Fundamentals of Programming in VB.NET Objectives
Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
1.Identify the names and uses of the components of the VB.NET environment.
2.Perform the following actions with controls: add a control to a form, move a control,
resize a control, and delete a control.
3.Change the settings of commonly-used properties of the following controls: text
boxes, labels, buttons, and list boxes.
4.Create programs, save programs, and open existing programs.
5.Create meaningful names for controls.
6.Use VB.NET's Dynamic Help.
7.Explain the uses of the Courier New and Wingdings fonts in VB.NET programs.
8.Enable and disable the Auto Hide feature.
9.Write statements that change properties of a control or form.
10.Write code for the events Click, TextChanged, Leave, and Enter.
11.Make use of the Class Name box and the Method Name box components of the
Code window when creating code.
12.Write code that uses the methods Focus( ) and End.
13.Explain the meaning of the components of the Declaration Statement for an event
14.Write code using numeric expressions.
15.Write code using the Add and Clear methods for a list box.
16.Interpret numbers expressed in scientific notation.
17.Use the With block to simplify code.
18.Use the Dim statement to declare variables of type Double or Integer.
19.Use the Dim statement to assign an initial value to a variable.
20.Create meaningful variable names that follow naming conventions.
21.Write code that increments the value of a variable using either an assignment
statement of the form var = var + n or the special operator var += n.
22.Explain and use the built-in functions Math.Sqrt, Int, and Math.Round.
23.Declare multiple variables with a single Dim statement.
24.Use the level of precedence of arithmetic operators to evaluate and write arithmetic
25.Give examples of the three types of programming errors: syntax errors, run-time
errors, and logical errors.
26.Use assignment statements and the Add method to work with strings.
27.Use text boxes for obtaining input and displaying output.
28.Use the data-conversion functions CDbl, CInt, and CStr.
29.Use the concatenation operation to combine strings.
30.Use the Chr function to place special characters into a string, and use the Asc
function to determine the ANSI value of a character.
31.Use the Length property and the ToUpper, ToLower, Trim, IndexOf and Substring
32.Explain the meaning and use of the empty string and how it differs from the default
value of a string.
33.Explain the ways in which Option Strict restricts the code that may appear in a
VB.NET program.
34.Explain the benefits of internal documentation.
35.Include good internal documentation within code.
36.Use the line-continuation character to restrict the length of lines of code so that they
are no longer than the width of the Code window.
37.Use the functions FormatNumber, FormatCurrency, and FormatPercent to display
numbers in familiar formats.
38.Use String.Format to display output in tabular form.
39.Use the StreamReader object to input data stored in a file.
40.Use an input dialog box to obtain input data.
41.Use a message dialog box to display output.