Integrated Arts Lesson
Grade / Content Areas Being IntegratedK / Dance/Math
Arts Discipline / Other Content Area
Addressed in the Integrated Lesson/Activity / Build the range and capacity to move in a variety of ways. / K.C.C. 1 Count to 100 by ones and by tens.
Student Objectives in Each Discipline / Students will be able to move in a variety of ways within their range and capacity to the tune of Number Macarena. / Students will be able to say and count the number names in standard order while doing the Macarena moves.
Integrated Student Objective / What is the objective of the integrated activity? Look at connections being made between the two content areas.
Students will be able to count and dance simultaneously to the Macarena beat.
Essential Question / What is the question you want the students to be able to answer at the end of this lesson?
Can you follow the Macarena moves while counting? What number comes next to….?
- Dr. Jean’s Number Macarena CD/Video
- White screen (to show the Macarena Number Dance)
- Computer
Lesson/Activity Description
1. Using the number chart, review counting 1 to 100 by ones. Make sure that numbers come in standard order. Repeat counting by 10’s this time.
2. Tell the students that they will count to the beat of Macarena. They will follow Dr. Jean, the lady on the screen. I model and show first the different moves from 1-10 to the students. Students follow after teacher. Show and play Dr. Jean’s Macarena.
3. Students stand up and keep their personal space, they move and count to the beat of the Number Macarena. I will move around to check and see if the children are able to follow and count in order. Students who need extra support will work in smaller group and will have reteach session with the TA or the teacher.