In-Home Business Permit Procedures
Congratulations on your in-home business! We wish you much success and prosperity. Please read the following procedures and fill in the attached application to request a permit.
Factor Considerations: The following factors shall be considered:
- Persons not of the immediate family working on the premises for other than domestic and yard work.
- Storage of goods and/or materials on the premises for non-personal usage.
- The parking of vehicles not belonging to the immediate family on the premises.
- No abnormal amounts of traffic.
- No advertising the location of a home for commercial usage other than selling of said home.
- Commercial vehicle storage on the premises other than the homeowner’s vehicle that is used normally for transportation to and from work.
- Regular visiting of clients to the premise.
- Emission of noise disturbing to the neighborhood.
- Emission of fumes or odors offensive to the neighborhood.
- Disposal of toxic waste into the sewer system.
- Rental or commercialization of boat docks.
- Activities creating an inconvenience or annoyance to the neighborhood and/or results in appreciable damage to neighbors.
- Renters must have a written permission of the property owner for the in-home business.
- Any activity and/or business that would alter the aesthetics of the neighborhood.
Enforcement Procedures and Penalties
The Permitting and Inspections Department is charged with the reviewing and correcting violations and they shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors respectively, in cases they are unable to resolve.
Any person violating this regulation shall be immediately subject to the loss of Property Owners’ Association (P.O.A.) privileges and shall be subject to litigation at the institution of the P.O.A. Board of Directors.
Disclaimer: No warranty is made or implied to any individual property owner that the actions of the A.C.C. in the approval process to obtain a HSV In-Home Permit is intended as a tacit approval of the quality, safety, desirability or suitability of such design or construction.
Administration Fines: Fines may be imposed by the Hot Springs Village P.O.A. for failure to obtain the proper permit (prior to any work being performed) of $150.00 for any single incident infraction with a $25.00 per day fine for ongoinginfractions.
In-Home Business Permit Application
First Name:Last Name:
Address (street, city, state, zip):
Cell Telephone:
Lot, Block, Subdivision:
Type of Business:
1 / Will there be persons not of the immediate family working on the premises for other than domestic and yard work? / Yes / No
2 / Will you have storage of goods and/or materials on the premises for non-personal usage? / Yes / No
3 / Will there be parking of vehicles not belonging to the immediate family on the premises? / Yes / No
4 / It is understood that abnormal amounts of traffic shall not be allowed? / Yes / No
5 / It is understood that no advertising on the home location may be conducted for commercial usage other than selling of said home? / Yes / No
6 / Will commercial vehicle storage occur on the premises other than the homeowner’s vehicle that is used normally for transportation to and from work? / Yes / No
7 / Will clients visit the premise regularly? / Yes / No
8 / Will there be emission of noise possibly disturbing to the neighborhood? / Yes / No
9 / Will there be emission of fumes or odors possibly offensive to the neighborhood? / Yes / No
10 / Will there be disposal of toxic waste into the sewer system? / Yes / No
11 / Will there be rental or commercialization of boat docks? / Yes / No
12 / Will activities creating an inconvenience or annoyance to the neighborhood and/or results in appreciable damage to neighbors occur? / Yes / No
13 / Are you a renter with written permission of the property owner for the in-home business? / Yes / No
14 / Will any activity and/or business alter the aesthetics of the neighborhood? / Yes / No
The undersigned understands that if a valid complaint from the neighborhood arises the A.C.C. will revisit this permit and may rescind the permit.
In-Home Business Owner / DateA.C.C. / Approved: / Denied:
Revised Date: 4/14/2014