Supplier Quality Manual

For use with current editions of

ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001

Approved: Ami Vanhooser & Jim Pfeiffer

Supplier Quality Revision: F

Revision Date: July 25, 2016

Flex-N-Gate Corporation

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Amendment Record

Date of Revision / Rev. # / Section # / Details of Change
7/25/2016 / F / Cover, References, Addendums / Removed obsolete logos on cover page, added new supplier notification forms, updated transportation policy info. Removed reference to QSB and added BIQS.
6/18/13 / E / Post Index, 2. References, / Added Acknowledgement Letter & Sign-off and added; ISO14001 Req. References; #5 Supplier Quality Assessments; New 1st 3 par. to Submission Criteria, Cert of Origin/ NAFTA Reqmt; Annual Part Verification/Validation reqmt details frequency and bullet list & fee for noncompliance; C. Escalation Process and associated documents; #9 Outside Source for Sorting par.3; #7 CAR minimum; references and links to new addendums and letter ‘C’ to Supplier Development Added addendums F-L for form examples.
3/9/12 / D / #5 Transportation –NEW, #6 Requirements A#2 - C of A; Supplier Performance #2 / Added a new section Transportation (now #5) and renumbered the sections; PPAP #2 Certificate of Analysis requirements for detail to be included on the certificate for Plastics and Metals per the PO/Contract; added org. change updates to Supplier Performance.
8/26/11 / C / QMS: #5, #6, #8, #9B, Material Requirements: #7 / Changes in product/process submission requirements; added bailment; CS-added example criteria; added reference to Par 5A; 1st paragraph (Package and Label) added last sentence and 3rd par. Changed shall to should.; added EXAMPLE to Addendums A & D
3/16/11 / B / 1. Quality System / Clarified requirement for certification and references to environmental reqmts.
2/18/11 / A / All / Official Release


Corporate Supplier Quality Manual CSQM Letter 5

CSQM Acknowledgement 6

Quality Management System 7

1.  Quality System Registration 7

2.  Required References 7

3.  Request for Quotation 8

4.  Pre-Award Survey 8

5.  Supplier Quality Assessments 8

6.  Transportation 8

7.  PPAP Requirements 9

A.  Submission Criteria 9

1.  Annual Part Verification/Validation 10

2.  Material Certifications 11

A.  Resin 11

B.  Metals 11

B.  Qualification of Personnel 11

C.  IMDS 12

D.  Suppliers of Special Processes 12

8.  Tooling 12

9.  Containment / Non Conforming Material 13

A.  Corrective Action Requests 13

B.  Preventive Action Requests 15

C.  Escalation Process 15

D.  Continual Improvement 15

1.  General 15

2.  Expectation-Improvement Factor 15

10.  Controlled Shipping 15

11.  Supplier Charge Back 16

A.  General 16

B.  Unauthorized Changes 17

C.  Charge Back Debit 17

Material Requirements 17

1.  Material Management Operation Guideline (MMOG) 17

2.  Material Releasing and Authorization 17

3.  Just-In-Time (J.I.T.) Delivery 18

4.  Missed Shipments 18

5.  Safety Stock & Change Responsiveness 19

6.  Supplier Bank Build Requirements 19

7.  Packaging/ Labeling 19

A.  Labeling 19

B.  Packaging 19

8.  Supplier Communication 20

9.  Contingency Plans 20

Supplier Performance and Development 20

1.  Review Frequency 20

2.  Parts Per Million 21

3.  Supplier Development 22

Warranty 22

1.  Review Frequency 22


A FNG Check Fixture Standard - Design & Build Approval Checklist 23

B Cost Recovery 24

C Material Authorization and Justification 25

D Label Requirements Standard 26

E Supplier Evaluation Record Example 27

F. Escalation Process 28

G. Supplier Quality Concern Notification (SQCN) Example 29

H CS1 Letter 30

I. CS2 Letter 31

J. Exit Letter 32

K. Corrective Action Form Example 33

L. Supplier Change Notice Request Example 34

June 18, 2013

Enclosed is the current release of Flex-N-Gate Corporation Supplier Quality Manual.

All Suppliers to Flex-N-Gate Corporation facilities are required to be third party registered to current edition of ISO/TS 16949 or at a minimum of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 in accordance with customer specific requirements. Please refer to the manual for specific instructions regarding registration compliance and timing.

The revised manual also addresses specific requirements for Flex-N-Gate and as such, compliance to all is required. Please sign and return this acknowledgement to Flex-N-Gate at

This release shall supersede all other releases, please destroy any copies you may have. Please contact the undersigned should you require additional clarification.


Ami H. VanHooser

Ami H. VanHooser

Supplier Quality Specialist - Flex-N-Gate/Ventra

Michigan Technology Center



I have reviewed, fully understand and agree to comply with the guidelines as outlined in Flex-N-Gate’s Corporate Supplier Quality Manual dated June 18, 2013 – Revision # E.


General /Plant Manager Date

Quality Assurance Manager / Date
Company Name (Please print)


1.  Quality System Registration

This manual contains defines the procedures and requirements that involve our suppliers and sub-suppliers. All Suppliers are required to be 3rd party registered to current edition of ISO/TS 16949 or at a minimum ISO 9001 with the ability to demonstrate compliance to ISO/TS 16949 (refer to the ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949 current versions available through AIAG) and certification to the current edition of ISO 14001. All suppliers must meet the Quality System Requirements; including any applicable customer-specific requirements as documented in this manual (see Required References below and Suppliers of Special Processes).

This manual applies to all suppliers (direct, non-production/capital) and sub-suppliers that do business with Flex-N-Gate (referred to as FNG), globally. This manual does not alter or re-duce any other contractual requirements covered by purchasing documents or requirements of engineering drawings or specifications. This manual describes the minimum requirements expected and is applicable to all (production, non-production) material, capital, and service suppliers whether the products and/or services are provided directly or indirectly through sub-suppliers.

Potential Suppliers who currently are not registered to a Quality standard; such as, small job shops, may be scheduled for a 2nd party audit to assess compliance to the required standards (see Supplier Quality Assessments*). Suppliers who do not meet this criteria are expected to begin the registration process to ISO/TS 16949 current version immediately (refer to 1st paragraph above). The Supplier must provide Flex-N-Gate Purchasing/Materials with an action plan, for review and approval. The approved action plan must reflect detailed timing of the registration process. Please contact the specified Flex-N-Gate facility if this is applicable.

Where certification to Federal Regulations; such as, the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards published under Public Law, are applicable; the supplier is required to certify compliance of the product with such standards prior to initial production shipments and as required thereafter. The written certification, with supporting test data, shall be directed to the Quality Assurance Department Quality Manager, at the appropriate FNG facility, and is in addition to original compliance documentation.

Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that all materials and processes used in sale and manufacturing of products to FNG are in compliance with all Federal, State & Local requirements regarding environmental, toxic and hazardous waste, mechanical, electrical and electro-magnetic devices. This applies in the country of manufacture and sale.

Suppliers are required to upload all pertinent information relating to the material used in their product per IMDS and Reach Regulations into the MDS website ( 30 days prior to PPAP (reference PPAP section).

2.  Required References

Suppliers are responsible for obtaining and maintaining copies of the latest revised/current versions of all associated and referenced publications, (copies of these publications can be obtained from the Automotive Industry Action Group) such as;

□  Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

□  Statistical Process Control (SPC),

□  Measurement System Analysis (MSA),

□  Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA),

□  Product Part Approval Process (PPAP),

□  ISO/ TS 16949 and/or ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 (current version)

□  Customer-specific Requirements (available through the IATF website)

□  Sanctioned Interpretations (available through the IATF website)

□  FNG Facility-specific standards/specifications

□  CQI-Special Process Assessments; i.e., Plating, Coating, Welding, Heat-Treat, etc. (see Suppliers of Special Assessments)

At times, FNG facilities may reference industrial or international references that are required. These could be specifications, procedures, test methods, etc. that may have to be purchased by the supplier from third party document sources.

Additionally, all of our suppliers are required to obtain and adhere to customer specific requirements and assessment criteria via onsite or self-monitoring as defined in the scope of work. These can include: BIQS, QMS, PPA and any identified special process audits provided by the customer.

3.  Request for Quotation

Prior to award of any business, the supplier will be expected to complete the FNG RFQ with complete detailed cost breakdown. Should a discrepancy between the supplier’s layout and our layout occur, then our layout is to be followed.

4.  Pre-Award Survey

A Pre-Award Survey shall be completed with new Suppliers under consideration for award of business. All potential Suppliers must complete the initial Pre-Award survey and return to the respective FNG facility. Subsequent surveys may be conducted at FNG’s discretion. We have established an email address for pre-award surveys to be sent. The email is .

FNG will assess the risk level of each supplier for each part being supplied.

5.  Supplier Quality Assessments*

FNG will require the suppliers to assist in conducting self-assessments (Supplier Quality Assessment) and/or audits to ensure the quality of the product or process being provided FNG.

This assessment is not considered as a 2nd party assessment as required by TS 16949 and customer-requirements.

6.  Transportation

This Transportation Policy, issued by FNG Corporation and its related companies, including but not limited to FNG Plastics, Guardian West, Masterguard, Veltri Metals, Ventra, Ventra SPD and Ventra Plastics (hereinafter collectively called FNG), is applicable as follows:

·  To all Suppliers selling goods of any type to FNG Corporation and its related company facilities located in North America; and,

·  To all Shipments, regardless of mode and points of origin and destination, where freight costs will be borne either directly or indirectly by FNG Corporation and its related company facilities located in North America.

This policy is published supplemental to the Terms and Conditions document, and is not intended to supersede any provisions thereof.

As a handbook for Suppliers, this policy is designed to support formal issuance of Buyer instructions or Buyer requirements relative to transportation and shipping as noted in the Terms and Conditions. In the event of conflict between the North American Transportation Policy and the Terms and Conditions, the Terms and Conditions will apply.

This policy may be periodically updated and will be posted on the FNG website at without additional notice to Suppliers. Suppliers may print copies of the policy from the website at will, which will reflect a revision level and effective date of the revision. Individual shipments will be governed by the version of the policy in effect as of the date of shipment. Suppliers are responsible to ensure that shipments are made in accordance with the current version of the policy as of the date of shipment.

Where noted within the North American Transportation Policy, individual plants may issue deviations from instructions found herein. Those deviations must be made in writing and indicate an effective date in order to have the effect of superseding the Policy. Provisions of the Policy not subject to deviation by FNG plants or facilities will be so noted.

7.  PPAP Requirements

A.  Submission Criteria

FNG requires a full PPAP submission unless otherwise detailed in the Purchase Order. Level 3 is the default level for all PPAPs; however, the receiving FNG plant may require at its discretion a level 4 or 5 based upon priority, risks, or new supplier. Any deviation to the Level III default will be provided to the supplier in writing.

PPAPs must conform to the latest final customer specific requirements (I.e., PPA for Chrysler). If the supplier is unaware of the final customer or the customer specific requirements, it is the responsibility of the supplier to contact the receiving FNG plant for clarification.

AIAG provides a host of manuals including PPAP, FMEA, Control Plans, MSA, etc. that may be used as reference for PPAP submissions. Customer Specific Requirements take precedent over AIAG requirements. It will be the responsibility of the Supplier to ensure that the PPAP reflects the latest revision level of the controlled drawing used by FNG.

It is the responsibility of the Supplier to adhere to and incorporate into their systems any appearance items or special characteristics as directed by either OEM print driven items for FNG requirements and overall customer satisfaction. Pass-through characteristics must be documented on the PFD, PFMEA and Control Plan and validated at the supplier with adequate controls and under the oversight of the FNG Plant QE. The Supplier is responsible for providing resources and managing it’s sub-suppliers to ensure that appearance parts are provided to FNG for approval by FNG customers in a timely manner. This applies to AAR submissions for initial PPAP approval, and any further AAR submissions required by FNG and its customers.

FNG requires early notification and consent prior to any process or material changes. For supplier-initiated changes, it is the supplier’s responsibility to notify FNG and submit for part approval prior to the first production shipment. This applies to all situations identified in Table 3.1 and Table 3.2 of the AIAG PPAP Manual, 4th Edition. In some cases, FNG may waive this requirement; when this happens, the supplier must review all items in the PPAP file and update them as necessary to reflect the current process.

Suppliers are expected to submit PPAP packages, in their entirety, to the appropriate plant Quality Manager or designate before the agreed-upon date. FNG will review the submission and give one of three statuses:

1.  Full approval indicates that the part or material meets all specifications and requirements. The supplier is authorized to ship product. Unless otherwise agreed on, supplier can only invoice for tooling when they achieve full PPAP approval.

2.  Interim approval permits shipment of production for production requirements on a limited time or piece quantity basis. The supplier must submit, at the time of PPAP, an action plan to address the issues preventing the PPAP from obtaining full approval.

3.  Rejected means, that the submission, does not meet the specifications and requirements. FNG will state the reasons the submission was rejected on the PPAP warrant and return the warrant to the supplier. A corrected PPAP must be submit and approved before the supplier can ship product.