Literacy Year 6 New Framework Plan: Sum – Weeks 1-2 Narrative: Unit 3 Authors and texts
Philip Pullman books stimulate both writing & reflection. Chn design & use a reading journal, then write dialogue between characters and plan a film outline for Clockwork to present to potential funders! They use complex sentences & speech punctuation.Week / Strands 1-4
Speaking/Listening/Drama / Strands 5-6 Word Level / Strands 7-10
Text Level / Strands 11-12
1 / 3. Adopt a range of roles in discussion, incl. acting as a spokesperson, and contribute in different ways such as promoting, opposing, exploring and questioning.
3. Acknowledge other people’s views, justifying or modifying their own views in the light of what others say.
3. Work together logically and methodically to solve problems, make deductions, share, test and evaluate ideas.
4. Develop drama techniques to explore in role a variety of situations/texts or respond to stimuli. / 7. Locate resources for a specific task, appraising the value and relevance of information and acknowledging sources.
7. Identify how print, images and sounds combine to create meanings.
8. Read a range of recent fiction texts independently as the basis for developing critical reflection and personal response.
9. Identify criteria for evaluating a situation, object or event, presenting findings fairly and adding pesuasive emphasis to key points.
9. Experiment with visual and sound effects of language. / 11. Use punctuation to convey and clarify meaning and to integrate speech into longer sentences.
11. Use standard English confidently and consistently in formal writing with awareness of written language structures.
2 / 1. Tailor the structure, vocabulary and delivery of a talk or presentation so that it is helpfully sequenced and supported by gesture or other visual aid as appropriate.
4. Work collaboratively to devise and present scripted and unscripted pieces that maintain the attention of an audience, and reflect on and evaluate their own presentations and those of others. / 7. Read between the lines and find evidence for their interpretation.
7. Identify how print, images and sounds combine to create meanings.
8. Read a range of recent fiction texts independently as the basis for developing critical reflection and personal response.
8. Write reflectively about a text, distinguishing between the attitudes and assumptions of characters and those of the author, and taking account of the needs of others who might read it.
9. Independently write and present text with a reader and purpose in mind.
9. Identify criteria for evaluating a situation, object or event, presenting findings fairly and adding pesuasive emphasis to key points.
9. Experiment with visual and sound effects of language.
10. Organise ideas into a coherent sequence of paragraphs. / 11. Extend their use and control of complex sentences by deploying subordinate clauses effectively.
12. Set personal targets to improve presentation, using a range of presentational devices, on paper and on screen.
Themes / Adverbs, authors, characters, complex sentences, dialogue, evidence from text, imaginative writing, narrative, oral discussion, paragraphs, playscript, presentation, punctuation, research, reviewing, speaking & listening, story openings, text-film comparison, use ICT, viewpoint.
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