Head Teacher
Business Manager / Bursar
St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School, Middleton
Dear Colleague,
The Department for Education has recently advised the council of the amounts schools are due to receive for the 2015-16 Pupil Premium and Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM)grants the council is required to pass onto schools.
Pupil Premium 2015-16
The final pupil premium allocations for 2015-16 have been issued. The table below provides a breakdown of how much your school will receive. The data is from the DfE and they have calculated the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) on the following:
- the number of pupils recorded on the January 2015 school census who are Ever 6 FSM (not eligible for the LAC and post-LAC premium)
- post-LAC
- Ever 5 Service child FTE pupils aged 4 and over in year groups reception to year 11
Description / Number of pupils / Amount per Pupil / Total
Deprivation Pupil Premium (Primary) / 146 / £1,320 / £192,720
Deprivation Pupil Premium (Secondary) / 0 / £935
Service Child Pupil Premium / 0 / £300 / £0
Post-LAC Pupil Premium / 2 / £1,900 / £3800
Total / £196,520
Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) Grant
The DfE have issued the final allocations for the 2014-15 UIFSM grant, the provisional 2015-16 UIFSM grant and the grant conditions for 2015-16.
The provisional 2015-16 grant is based on the final allocation for the 2014-15 academic year. Schools will receive 7/12ths of the 2015-16 allocation along with the final payment for the 2014-15 allocation.A summary of the grant and payments for both years is in the following table(excludes small school funding).
Description / Details / Amount £Grant Received Summer 2014 / Indicative payment for period Sept 2014 – March 2015. / A / £19,517
Final Allocation for the Academic Year 2014-15 / Based on data from Oct 2014 and January 2015 census (shown in more detail in table below) / B / £41,734
Final Payment due for Academic Year 2014-15 / To be paid to schools in July 2015
(B-A) / C / £22,217
Provisional Payment for 7/12ths of the Academic Year 2015-16 / This is based on the DfE final allocation for the 2014-15 academic year. To be paid in July 2015. / D / £24,345
Total Payment to be made to Schools in July 2015 / The sum of C plus D / E / £46,562
The DfE guidance refers to the grant in academic years, however for budget monitoring purposes schools will need to know how much relates to a financial year. Therefore you are recommended to use amount shown at E in the above table unless you are aware your pupil numbers or the take-up of UIFSM is going to significantly change from what it was during 2014-15. If this is the case a more up to date allocation can be calculatedif the relevant data is available.
The pupil data used for calculating thefinal allocations for the 2014-15 academic year is shown below and an extract from the DfE guidance on the calculation is at Appendix A.
Data used to calculate the final allocation for 2014-15 academic year.School Census
Description / Oct 2014 / Jan 2015 / Average
School Headcount / - / 401 / -
Eligible Reception Children / 46 / 39 / 42.5
Eligible Yr1 and Yr2 children / 52 / 54 / 53
Total Eligible Pupil Numbers / - / - / 95.5
Grant per meal per day / - / - / £2.30
No. of days / - / - / 190
Final Allocation for the Academic Year 2014-15 / - / - / £41,734
Small School Allocation
(for schools with less than 150 pupils) / - / - / £0
I hope you find this information useful; if you have any questions on the above please let me know or alternatively please speak to your budget officer.
J Elcock
Joanne Elcock
Service Accountant (Schools)
Appendix A
Calculation of 2014-15 UIFSM Final Allocation - Extract from DfE guidance
The final allocation for academic year 2014 to 2015 will be calculated in June 2015, from the October 2014 and January 2015 School Censuses as follows.
Year Groups 1 and 2
• the total number of pupils on roll in Year Groups 1 and 2 who took a meal as recorded on the October 2014 School Census; plus
• the total number of pupils on roll in Year Groups 1 and 2 who took a meal as recorded on the January 2015 School Census:
• the total number of pupils on roll in Year Groups 1 and 2 recorded as known to be eligible for FSM who took a meal as recorded on the October 2014 School Census; plus
• the total number of pupils on roll in Year Groups 1 and 2 recorded as known to be eligible for FSM who took a meal as recorded on the January 2015 School Census;
The resulting total number of pupils will be divided by two to derive an average take up figure for each school for Year Groups 1 and 2 for academic year 2014 to 2015.
Reception Year
An average take up figure for Reception Year will be derived as follows:
• the total number of pupils on roll in Year Group R who took a meal as recorded on the October 2014 School Census; plus
• the total number of pupils on roll in Year Group R who took a meal as recorded on the January 2015 School Census:
• the total number of pupils on roll in Year Group R recorded as known to be eligible for FSM who took a meal as recorded on the October 2014 School Census; plus
• the total number of pupils on roll in Year Groups R recorded as known to be eligible for FSM who took a meal as recorded on the January 2015 School Census;
The resulting total number of pupils will be divided by two to derive the average take up figure for each school for Reception Year.
A take up figure for Reception Year in January 2015 only will also be derived as follows:
• the total number of pupils on roll in Year Group R who took a meal as recorded on the January 2015 School Census:
• the total number of pupils on roll in Year Groups R recorded as known to be eligible for FSM who took a meal as recorded on the January 2015 School Census;
The final allocation for academic year 2014 to 2015 will calculated as follows:
• average take up in Year Groups 1 and 2 multiplied by £437 (i.e. £2.30 x 190)
plus the greater of
• average take up in Reception Year multiplied by £437 (i.e. £2.30 x 190)
• take up in Reception Year in January 2015 only, multiplied by £437 (i.e. £2.30 x 190).