Olympic Arena – 1980 Rink/Herb Brooks Arena

Lake Placid, New York

September 2-6, 2009

Name(as it should appear on the credential):

Phone: E-Mail:

*Signature or Initials: Date:

News Organization:

City & State:


Please Provide: PRINT – Circulation (not readership):

or WEB – Monthly Visitors (not hits):


Editor’s Name:

Editor’s Phone: Editor’s E-Mail:

*Editor’s Signature or Initials: Date:

Send Credentialing & Event Information via E-Mail to: JOURNALIST EDITOR BOTH

*MEDIA Credential Guidelines

I understand that by signing this form I have read and am obliged to adhere to the 2009-2010 U.S. Figure Skating Media Credential Guidelines. Failure to comply with these regulations will result in the immediate loss of my credential privileges for future U.S. Figure Skating events. Additionally, the media outlet listed may lose the ability to credential a journalist at future U.S. Figure Skating events.


Each media member’s signature on the media credential application indicates that the professional journalist has read, fully understands and is in agreement with the following professional journalism policies:

1. Athlete seating areas are off-limits to the public and accredited press. Interviews must be conducted exclusively in designated media areas unless special arrangements are made through the U.S. Figure Skating Communications Department.

2. We ask that all media respect the work environment of their colleagues in the media work room.

3. Internet usage in the media center is for work-related purposes only. Media members who do not follow the proper internetprocedures will have their internet access revoked for the remainder of the competition.

4. Still photographers are prohibited from shooting from the seated media section and general seating areas inside the Comcast Arena. All photographers are expected to shoot from their assigned locations. Photographers assigned to overhead positionsshould be equipped with a lens capable of shooting from a location located 200 feet above the ice. Roving photography is notpermitted.

5. Any secondary, non-editorial or commercial use of any picture, audio, film/tape/digital image or drawing of this event isprohibited without prior specific written authorization from U.S. Figure Skating.

6. Alcoholic beverages of any kind are prohibited in designated media working areas. These areas are identified as the mediawork room, press conference room, mixed zone, and media seating in the venue.

7. Web and broadcast media outlets must adhere to U.S. Figure Skating’s web and broadcast coverage agreement in addition tothe policies mentioned above. U.S. Figure Skating communications staff will distribute these policies once credentials are confirmed.

U.S. Figure Skating reserves the right to confiscate and hold video cameras and equipment, videotape cassettes of any type and size, aswell as still cameras and film of journalists who do not adhere to these policies. Cameras and equipment will be returned at the conclusion of theevent. Videotapes and film will not be returned. Journalists and photojournalists who do not adhere to these professional policiesface expulsion from the event and will be denied credentials for future U.S. Figure Skating events.

If you have any questions about any of the above policies, please contact U.S. Figure Skating’s Director of Media and Public Relations.

I understand that by signing this form I have read and am obliged to adhere to both the Professional Journalism Policies and the 2009-2010 U.S. Figure Skating Media Credential Guidelines. Failure to comply with these regulations will result in the immediate loss of my credential privileges for future U.S. Figure Skating events. Additionally, the media outlet listed may lose the ability to credential a journalist at future U.S. Figure Skating events

I understand a signature is required from every individual applying for acredential and unsigned applications will not be accepted.