Selworthy School Pupil Premium Spend 2016/17
“The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers.” (DfE)
Total number of learners in receipt of pupil premium funding throughout the 2016/17 academic year:
36 (not all learners received full amount or for the full year)
Total pupil premium funding provided for these learners:
Identified Need:Some families struggle to get their child to school on time due to having more than one school to drop their children off to. For those who do not qualify for county transport this can cause poor attendance and punctuality with some learners not arriving at school ready to learn.
Provide a bus service that is manned by school staff with a priority for learners who receive pupil premium. This academic year 5 learners out of 6 accessing the bus service are in receipt of pupil premium.
To subsidise the service a nominal contribution is requested.
The initial impact was measured in the table below with additional commentary. In addition to this data the staff teams reported learners arriving in a position more conducive to engaging in learning. *NB – This is the impact in the first year but not last year.
Name / Present % / Authorised Absence % / Unauthorised Absence % / Late %
Learner A / 80% à 100% / 14% à 0% / 14% à 0% / 5% à 0%
Learner B / 92% à 92% / 8% à 8% / 0% à 0% / 1% à 0%
Learner C / 88% à 80% / 9% à 20% / 0% à 0% / 0% à 0%
Learner D / 82% à 100% / 15% à 0% / 0% à 0% / 0% à 0%
Learner E / 97% à 100% / 2% à 0% / 0% à 0% / 0% à 0%
*Learner C ill during the trial
*3 out of 5 learners (60%) increased attendance to 100% / NOTES
*on past records we could have expected a substantial absence from Learner D and Learner A. However, it reduced to zero, showing that, as guessed, parents may be overwhelmed by getting children to school and phone in with an excuse for non attendance. / NOTES
*Learner A’s non attendance was partly due to her being non compliant. The bus arriving stymies her attempts to stay at home.
Quote early on: “ It would suit me fine if you didn’t come round for me tomorrow.”
Quote mid trial: “Please would you take me home too.”
Fact this term: Learner A was ready for the school bus two days before term started showing increased motivation and an improvement in mood. / NOTES
*Learner A and her mum argued the whole way to school and Learner A was bribed with unhealthy food choices. That has stopped which means that Learner A has a positive health benefit.
The overall attendance for the school this year is 90.1% with all learners on the bus attending at an average of 92.76%.
Identified Need:
Some families require support to manage the additional challenges that supporting a learner with additional needs presents.
We felt a graduated level of support was essential and in addition to Learning Support Centre staff, PFSA and school staff it would be beneficial to provide parent carers with an offer of support from other parents in our Family and School Together (FAST) Team.
FAST Team ran events such as New Parent Coffee Mornings and Transition Events in addition to being available for drop in sessions and making home visits.
Families have received support in completing forms and have received support in signposting to the most appropriate routes regarding direct payments and short breaks.
A variety of training and information sessions ranging from sleep and toileting to coping with challenging behaviour.
Collaborative working with SASP to bring parents in to a fun play activity with their learners with the Family Funs programme.
Many families have received support with feedback extremely positive. 18 families have received arranged ‘formal’ meetings, 10 families attended a health and fitness initiative and an average of 4 families per week have attended drop in sessions.
Identified Need:
Families require support financing with educational visits and residential visits.
For learners receiving pupil premium we offer a subsidy to families for educational visits and residential visits. This is an integral part of the Selworthy curriculum and essential for learners to have the opportunity to access.
Learners access to educational visits and residential visits has been facilitated giving them a wider range of experiences, many of which are not available to them outside of their school lives.
Identified Need:
Developing a greater understanding of the needs of learners
Employ an Educational Psychologist who prioritises learners’ who are in receipt of pupil premium.
Identify their needs regarding behaviour and learning and support teachers to meet these needs more effectively.
Support families to meet their needs outside of school where appropriate.
Learners receiving support have had adaptations made to behaviour plans and methods used to teach them. Planning for learners is adapted as well as their positive learning plans. Lesson observations showed improvement in engagement and outcomes. Anecdotal accounts of the impact have demonstrated significant improvements in the provision for learners as well as improvements in the behaviours that they present.
Identified Need:
Learners emotional needs being met through therapeutic input.
Allocate one day a week from our Music Therapist/Teacher to support learners emotional needs through therapeutic input. Directed to prioritise learners in receipt of pupil premium.
Employ an additional music therapist to complete group based activities to support older learners’ emotional needs.
All learners who have accessed music therapy have seen an improvement in behaviours and emotional stability. Confidence, self-esteem, engagement and motivation have all improved through access to this therapeutic intervention. This impact has been observed across ass areas of school life and has improved the engagement with core learning.
Identified Need:
Meet learners sensory needs and support them to access the curriculum
Employ a sensory specialist to deliver sensory interventions as well as up skilling staff in the area of meeting sensory needs. Prioritising those learners in receipt of pupil premium.
Ensure skills learnt in the sensory room were transferrable to learning in the classroom.
Provision for learners with sensory needs has been excellent with a range of positive feedback from staff. These learners have been predominantly in receipt of pupil premium.
Greater consistency has been witnessed between the skills demonstrated by learners in the sensory room and classroom.
Lesson observations have not demonstrated an improvement in teachers’ practice regarding the sensory provision in classes and further work is required.